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>mogged them all
But anon, Jar of Flies was their peak
Now we like STP more
Scott could actually do work on junk
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brutally mogged
Been established that Core is peak/
Great album but Mudhoney, Green River, and Melvins were the best grunge.

>Born in Morton, Washington, Osborne is of English, Italian and Jewish descent. He moved to Montesano, Washington at the age of 12.

This. Layne Staley was peak white trash. He's /ourguy/.
Eh while I hate them, I accept the fact that most musicians I love are kikes.
What a life
b/w Scott and Layne, perfect balance.
Politics and art are more nuanced than just "he is a jew so I hate him automatically". This is by no means bending a knee to ZOG btw.
Jews are automatically disqualified for threads such as this; when grunge is the subject, seeing as how they likely coined the term.
Facelift is better
OK Dylan
You know you could just criticize Israel without being racist against Jews right
Layne was a lefty who hated Christianity lol. Jerry too.
Riveting thread
Core is peak; in time you shall accept it so
Junkhead best song
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It's just Paranoid updated for The 90s
Best grunge because it's the closest to metal.
I wouldn’t say they were lefties. Layne called a chick “cunt” and made some sexist comments about how women are hard as fuck to deal with because of them being on their periods lol
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I love all the grunge bands EXCEPT nirvana
Froosh sucks, frooshfag.
He wasn't anywhere near white trash. He grew up middle class in the suburbs. You don't know shit about AiC. Jerry was the one who grew up fairly poor and considers himself a redneeck. You're a fucking poser.
He was moderately left-wing, more likely in the center. He had standard Gen X political views.
That doesn't make someone not a leftist. You zoomers know nothing about politics outside of left-right retardation.
He wasn't a hardcore leftist but he was far from white trash, in fact he was just a stereotypical Gen X guy. He grew up middle class in the suburbs but I wouldn't expect a bunch of posers to know shit about this band or their music.
No he doesn't. Frusciante is amazing.
You can’t even hide yourself your shitposting is so pathetic. You’ll learn. Thanksgiving…you’ll learn.
>>122806184 (me)
Adding on to this, Layne grew up in places like Bellevue and Kirkland, and if you've ever been in those places you'd know that those are solidly middle class suburbs.
Jerry grew up in Tacoma, which has a much higher poverty and crime rate than Bellevue and Kirkland (or at least it did back then).
Nu-AiC fans are a bunch of posers who know nothing.
I'm not shitposting. I'm being serious. That's why I included both AiC and Frusciante in my replies, because I'm letting you know it's me.
I'm not shitposting faggot, this board clearly doesn't know shit about AiC. This board also denies Frusciante's objective greatness.
>thinks calling a few women "cunts" makes them right wingers
Modern politics have rotted your brains.
That's how people talked back then, leftist or not.
Not happening faggot. Fuck off.
Jerry Cantrell died on St Patrick’s.
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No he didn't. Fuck off faggot.
Not happening.
Oh he def will on st. patrick’s.
He’ll be so over his loss of John on Thanksgiving, he will drink himself to death thinking of John and Layne.
No he won't. You're an asshole for wishing death on guitar legends.
Rather me wish death on you?
Ok….you can trade places w/ John on Thanksgiving.
Doesn't matter. The damage is done. You will have a miserable existence for wishing death on innocent human beings, whether they die or not.
Well miss you on turkey day. Hopefully it’s after dinner and not before. I don’t wanna ruin my apple pie.
wasn't even STP's best album
See you the day after Thanksgiving. Alive and well.
If anything you've given me more reason to post AiC and Frusciante, as a certification that I am alive and well.
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I'm afraid not, anon.
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>Mellon Collie and the Infinite Filler
The hex has been spoken. I can no longer help you. The only way to save yourself is through the Blood of Christ. Pray for forgiveness of your sins for the falsehoods you spread through this site, the internet, and the world that John is the greatest guitar player, for he is not.
This. Shit album, shit band.
Alice in Chains, who are objectively the greatest band of all time, shits all over that album and band.
John is a guitar god. I have spoken the truth. You have wished death on innocent people because you disagree with an objective truth.
All I can do is remind you of your time left at this point.
It's all in your head.
You're a weirdo who believes in shit likes "hexes". You spam "Thanksgiving" every time you read a post of mine.
You have an unhealthy obsession with my objective truths.
Just wait. December 1st.
Tick tick. Thanksgiving approaches. Will you die for John?
Neither of us will die.
That will be true if you repent for spreading false witness.
But I'm not spreading "false witness".
John is objectively amazing and a guitar god. He is always brought up in talks and lists of greatest guitarists. In fact, he is quite underrated given his actual skill level.
Alice in Chains is objectively the greatest band of all time.
Layne Staley is objectively the greatest singer of all time.
3 more sins you need to be forgiven for.
The lord works in mysterious ways and sometimes he speaks through /mu/
Not sins, rather objective truths.
John will only rise in the ranks on greatest guitarists lists. He is still underrated, but it will only be a matter of time before he starts getting the credit he deserves.
Name a better band than Alice in Chains (you can't!)
Name a better singer than Layne Staley (you can't!!)
The only thing objective is Gods will on Thanksgiving
>Punched nazi skinheads
>Wore an NWA ballcap
>Was heavily into the 90s alternative scene
>Yet him calling some whores "cunts" makes him a white trash right winger
Incorrect, as (You) made this whole Thanksgiving shit up.
Time will tell. Time will tell.
Yep. I'll outlive you.
That’s possible, but then John isn’t making it past Thanksgiving.
Incorrect. We both will.
And if not, then we both won't. If John dies, I am out of here. Layne's death 22 years ago already put one of my feet in the grave, John is the other foot still on the surface.
>heavenly trips
God is telling you what you need to do to keep your other foot on the surface, anon.
As you said, time will tell, but I am certain it won't end like you think it will. Don't get your hopes up.
And even then, John's legacy will outlive the man himself. 50+ years from now, RHCP will be viewed as one of the last big rock bands, and beginner guitarists will still learn Under the Bridge, Scar Tissue, etc., all in the name of John.
We don't even have to go that far into the future. RHCP would absolutely explode in popularity if John were to die right now, as millions more will realize just how talented he was.
But, even while alive, he has millions of fans worldwide who appreciate his objective greatness. He doesn't need to die to become a legend, he already is one.
All of this is just treading water. You know what you need to do before Thanksgiving.
>RHCP will be viewed as one of the last big rock bands
They’ll never be as good as AiC according to you, so what does it matter? You should stop being a faggot and do something with your miserable life.
I don't need to do anything before Thanksgiving.
>They’ll never be as good as AiC according to you
Correct, as the other guys drag RHCP below what they could be if John had complete creative control over the band.
>so what does it matter?
John matters. He matters the most out of RHCP. Because of RHCP's stature, John will be remembered for the rest of music history as one of the last mainstream rock guitar heroes.
>ignores the rest of my post
I didn't ignore it, I read it, but I didn't have a response for it so I left it out of my reply.
My life isn't miserable.
is there a comprehensive list of bands that got influenced and/or flat out tried to replicate them? Pantera with This Love, no surprise, they toured together and Phil loved the guys, Metallica wanted them on tour and failed miserably with Load and Reload, Black Sabbath did Virtual Death.
Any others?
You still haven’t coped with Layne 22 years ago as per your own volition, moron. Som,I’ve ain’t fucking peachy either.
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>Som,I’ve ain’t fucking peachy either.
Yeah. Som,I’ve
What are you gonna do about it? Skip your Papa John’s shift after your library duties to come get me?
>Yeah. Som,I’ve
>Skip your Papa John’s shift after your library duties to come get me?
I don't work at Papa Johns and never did. Another thing (You) made up in your head.
Just leave him alone. He’ll learn the hard way on Thanksgiving.
Nothing will happen to us on Thanksgiving.

Its just so good.
I’m not part of your blasphemy.
This is with you and John. And you know the only way to save both of you now.
I know. "Us" meaning John and I. Nothing will happen to me or John on Thanksgiving.
I’m also gonna leave you for now until your next thread where you break then1st of the 10 commandments yet again…..”you shall have no other gods before me”
Jerry Cantrells Degradation Trip is on par with this album
Mad Season >>>>>>>>
No Layne, no Chains
The dirt mogged Staley and Starr. Mogged ‘em 6 feet under, lmao

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