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The 2020s are really fucking shit. I want to create a new hip scene to save this decade Thinking of setting up a vinyl and heroin night. Shooting heroin is what true artists (TM) did. Who would want to come to my house to shoot up and listen to rare jazz/rock vinyl? Everything from Thelonious Monk to Nirvana and you get 1 bag of heroin free. Bring your own needles.
epitome of cringe
You're a faggot zoomer who will never be cool. Bet you're a fucking vegan.
you sound like some kind of homosexual who goes on twitter a lot
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I am homosexual, yes. I don't use Twitter. Social media is for brain dead zoomers
>i am a homosexual
yeah, you act like every single homosexual on earth. and it's cringe.
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was never into kate moss but wow, what a look
it's over you cunt, enjoy your kike approved slop
I'm actually so fucking down
>The 2020s are really fucking shit
so were the 2010's and 2000's
Only if we could go to a cool show before hand. Just lounging around doping up aint too much fun unless you did something adrenaline filled earlier like mosh at a punk show so that the heron rush really chills you out like Ice cubes rubbing against your spine.
There's a balance to these things, socialize first in public then go home and get fucked up
At least the best we can. Sometimes the drugs make the public more bearable.
If Jesus could fill your heart and soul, you wouldn't ever want heroin. But I want to start a band or perform live music even solo more than any drug. Enough to have supporters, but I don't know how to please people who will never care about me.
Is heroin like indica weed? Be honest is it like that scene in pulp fiction where Vincent is feeling cool as a muthafucka riding his car from the dealers house? Cause weed makes me feel like he did as far as I'd know. But with a tolerance to bud it seems like maybe heron would be a nice diversion. I heard basketball players would shoot up and feel warm and energetic back in the day
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>ywn do blow backstage with the bros at Viper Room in the mid 90s
its over why live?

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