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this album is so wild literally sounds like metallica + 50 cent, straight up fire
>what's y'all thoughts on this bop?
some parts kino some parts dud, that's the charm
Red baseball caps, taupe dickies khakis, fluffy bubble blue jacket, Carhart. Impression made; all us kids coped that look.
I like it but i always go right into the skip button when N 2gether starts playing(same as chocolate starfish with getcha groove on)
Three Dollar Bill is overall the superior bizkit album imho, it has no weak songs
It's surprising that Limp Bizkit would be among the few nu-metal bands that aged well.
Chocolate Starfish is 10x better, but we wouldn’t have that album without this album, so it is what it is.
why does nobody talk about their 1997 album?

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