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Does /mu/ like Mastodon?
/metal/ hates it
they always insult me when I post it
Because it's nuMetal. Anything after the 80s is shit according to them.
you're the only silly one here for acting all high and mighty

This time, this time
Things'll work out just fine
We won't let you slip away
All the albums up to blood mountain are 10/10 peak metal.
It's an anti-Semitic album.
why did nobody tell me mastodon was ns buttmetal
>pop music but angry
Mastodon/Feist – Feistodon

Somewhere out there, someone in a Sonic Youth t-shirt smoking a cigarette wedged between his pinky and ring finger came in his pants. By teaming up with singer-songwriter Feist, Mastodon have released their most hipster pandering product yet. Covering each others songs reveals the true ethos behind these abominations – weepy garage rock. You can throw down-tuned instruments and “loud” drumming at this thing all you want, but this is just Weezer covering an Alanis Morrissette song from both sides. Similar to other flavor of the month sham peddlers Boris, Mastodon is all ironic posturing first, band second.
Crack the Skye is a fucking masterpiece, would pay good money to see that played in full
Yeah, its pretty nice.
there's nothing numetal about mastodon
they had a shirt for blood mountain with a yeti fighting a sabretooth tiger, kinda cheesy but loved it
>there's nothing metal about mastodon
That must mean it's good
But they also call anything made before the 90s diapershit
Explain why.
letting the drummer start singing was the beginning of the end. CtS was a good one-off record (for the most part) but everything after that has been (mostly) watered down radio rock slop.

some damn fine riffs before then though
it's buttrock for reddit beardos
Okay but explain how
I liked the first 3 albums
Hate the direction the band went after Brann started singing
sounds of buttrock and craft beer drinking reddit hipster beard twirling emanating from the speakers when their music is played
Ok but how
ask them how, they are the ones who decided to make it that way
Lmao you're a subjective faggot that can't actually explain why the sound of a band is bad without shitting out buzzwords. You're not too different from a redditor, you know?
Their first 4 albums are pretty awesome, can't really speak on their other albums because it was around the same time I was getting a little bored of metal.
My personal ranking:
Remission>Blood Mountain>Leviathan>Crack the Skye>Early EPs>Once More Round the Sun>[power gap]>The Hunter>Emperor of Sand>Hushed and Grim
I don't listen to anything below the power gap regularly
cope. mastadong is buttrock a la qotsa, foo fighters, etc., and not metal. maybe their downtuning threw you off or something?
They are the ones who suck hard, that's why they are not compatible with it
Even though Billy is a huge libtard, they are one of my favorite bands. Going to see them live in august.
Possibly the most autistic site on the internet
They are metal albeit
They are very committed to playing that album live, when it first came out and during anniversaries. Saw a full play of Crack the Skye twice and it still holds up as one of the best shows I've been to.
Remission > Leviathan > Crack the Skye > Blood Mountain > the rest
Are they good live nowadays? Every time I've seen them (granted it was in festivals where they had 45 min slots before the headliners) their sound hasn't been very good, and their singing left something to be desired.
I'd love to smoke chronic dank with them and watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force. The movie of course, LINOLEUM KNIIIIIFE!!
I liked Fiestodon, a nice moment. But maybe that's just cause I saw Feist open
for Bon Iver in 2012 and that'll forever be one of the greatest shows I'll ever see

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