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I'm trying to remember an album based on the artwork. It was an illustration similar to picrel, but depicted during daytime. The album is post rock I think. Help me please? I love you.
looks gay af, better off forgotten
That is a heterosexual couple depicted as far as I am aware
It's not really post-rock (I mean it might be?) but this looks a lot like the album cover of Eingya by Helios. It's a pretty good ambient album with some post-rock elements.
That's it. Many thanks anon
No problem
In the spirit of this thread, Ia lso need help finding an album of which the title was lost to me. The album art was a bunch of people with a red string all atound them, the background color is blue and the album was in russian or something, I remember it was about friendship and summer and such and it was posted in one of the sharethreads here ages ago.

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