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What are you listening to RIGHT NOW?
That's a really nice ai
the drum n bass section of this is blowing my mind rn. wish the sound quality here was better
>geto boys
hi dad
is this supposed to be AOC
Who/what is an AOC?
been revisiting 200's rap/hiphop
Based breakbeat enjoyer
I wish I could listen to music while I make music.
lol. AI really isn't going anywhere is it
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Guns N' Roses - Sweet Child O' Mine
alexandria ocasio cortez
face is mid but great body
i wonder how it would be like in a decade. Dall-e made a lot of breakthroughs last year
Its going the way of SFM probably just hits a wall. They probably don't want public source to be 100% lifelike so people can't bring down the government with fake news and shit.
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breetty gud albim
Oh no this coomer is back. I'd be glad that you are back but post some wholesome pic not coombait thanks in advance
A based woman.

I am listening to the sound of crickets and other night bugs outside my window.
>this coomer is back
this is a /mu/ tradition that spans years and years retard
Yes I remember although I'm kinda of a newfag... I also remember the one anon who used to post what is the last album you listened to :)

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