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Ride the Camel edition
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1st 4 never shittin/gg/ cum
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when will that guitar comeback into fashion?
it was already lame when this photo was taken.
The internet killed guitar.
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deluxe reverb and....?
BC Rich Warlock into a Boss MT-2
i want to buy you a pizza will you let me do that
Electric violin
Dis nigga asking to shit cum
2 turntables and a microphone
yeah i'm a starving artist located in Canada.
A power outage
Love me some Camel. There's some great guitar/sax interplay on their Rain Dances album.
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1st for REVV.
Id say shoegaze killed it.
>nothing plugged into the input
What even is shoe-gaze? Some hipster trend?
It’s like you’re shitty greensleeves but better
As if
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I'm still laughing my ass off over here holy shit
Oof….. that nigga hit a nerve
there are no rules against samefagging
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but imagine if there was
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>the majority of the posts in this general are schizos replying to themselves
Who could've foreseen this revelation coming?
Take it back rn
This shit's so unbelievably stupid. WHY? What possible reason could there be not to have IDs on every board like /biz/ and /pol/ have? Add flags and the ability to hide posts by ID and flag and this site would be perfect.

Imagine never having to see some of these faggot's retarded reddit bullshit ever again?
so that is not Dave Grohl during a Foo Fighters show in 1995
>id tags
>anonymous boards
Brainiacs think this
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>automatically hide all posts by brazilian flags
paradise now
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anyone who doesn't know how to setup their guitar should buy john carruthers book on how to setup and maintain your guitar
>/biz/ and /pol/ aren't anonymous
Check out the big brain on Brad
i'm not taking jobs away from the non creatives that circle me not in this economy they all have FAS kids to feed fruit rollups too
this guy is a luthier, you are giving a money to a luthier either way
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What is /gg/?
boomer take
boomer take #2
ok boomer
ok boomer
You think you have 6 strings and use a pick you’re any different? You’re still a string player.
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Every guitarist should have these mics in their mic locker.
Very big brain! List a few names of the people who posted on /pol/ today since it's not anonymous
>There is a special way you have to think about delayed gratification. You have to hype it up
It was a hard to understand ramble but I think I get it. I have similar ideas, hard to articulate. Nice bit of /x/ seeping through. Also checked. rj4t
Me, and about 6 other of my IPs
watch this
Last time someone said this they posted a ‘roo, and there was nothing to watch
You can do a lot with just an sm-57 and a stereo pair of large diaphragm condenser microphones. Could even mic a drum kit if you placed one of the condensers on the kick, the other directly above the snare, and hight wise above the cymbals by a couple feet, and the sm-57 pointing at the snare. Mix the overhead mic to the volume where a loud guitar fits just under. Eq the cymbals in the overhead to make them less harsh. Cut the high frequency until you can still here it over a guitar, but it doesn't offend the ear. Boost the mid frequencies around 500hz to make up for the toms increased distance from the microphone. Add in the sm-57 and try to match the volume of the snare in the overhead mic. With the kick drum mic, boost low end and boost the frequency of the click caused by the mallet hitting the kick drum.
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gibson bad
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I don’t get it
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Reminder that Les Paul invented the semi-hollow and Ted McCarty stole his design for the ES335.
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Who is this for? I’ve never even heard of this dude. I bet it costs as much as a poorfag Gibson

Based Ted. Dumbass shouldn't have been running around telling his ideas to everyone
for me? its the fender mustang
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>guitar player designs a guitar
pic related
>designer designs a guitar
Scamming on reverb is so easy it's crazy. You just send a empty box and immediately get the funds when it starts moving. Transfer the money to another bank account so they can't take it out and they never even come after you for it. I've scammed at least like 5k in the past two years. Feels good man
please. you ain't got the balls pencil dick
nice LARP lol
You are looking in the wrong places.
There’s literally a god sent guitar called a McCarty made by PRS
I want a guitar with double humbuckers but I don't like gibson/epiphone
what are some other options?
any hh guitar that is not gibson or epiphone
Why do you need an HH, when all you need is 1 H in the neck position?
>it's just a modified explorer
much design
such player
I came here to laugh at you
Got two turntables an a deluxe reverb

did i get the tone right bros
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Please be gentle ._.
>says he’s got 2 turntables and a microphone
>no turntables to be found
What did he mean by this?
Oh cool old thread got deleted even though it was made 10 posts past bump.
Jannies fucking literally retarded whats new.
>giving any 2 fucks about Anthony that happens on this entire website
Sounds like a you problem
Anthony = anything
Google translate didn’t work for my Portuguese
>I agree, VST Amp Sims Has no sense of space Or depth, and stacking it with more digital garbage (reverbs and phasers) Doesn't it help in anyway. I could mic up my 40 dollar shitty second Amp with a ten dollar microphone And immediately get a better sound with no effort.

Why we never get sound clips and proof of these claims? I've read for years claims here by anons that their Roland MICRO CUBE sounds better than any of these "VST Amp sims" but only eerie silence when it comes to produce any sort of proofs. Why many audio and recording professionals prefer amp sims over shitty amps in terms of sound quality?
You ruined it by correcting. Anthony is way funnier
It's unironically a skill issue, these statements are usually dreamed up by retards who haven't even figured out that the order of effects matters, then wonder why they sound like shit when they put the reverb in front of the amp
they're back at the studio mangggg
No idea what tone you are trying to match, but it's kino.
I hate every song you played, but how you played them sounds good. Very clean fingering, almost no distracting string noises.
Very nice chords
Using DAW opens infinite amounts of possibilities if you know what you are doing.

I mean you could use power amp simulations, IRs on top of any IR/Cab you are using, but you can do all sorts of believeable sag effects and "depth" stuff like opening other instance of the Amp sim VST, making it a bit muddier and adding early reflections and parallel processing it in top of the AMP sim

People open the RAW preset of some amp sim VST and ofc it sounds shit out of the box without any processing
Will flatwound bass strings hurt my fingies less than the roundwounds I have on right now?
And THEN you figure out that there are even more possibilities if you forgo sims and just use your knowledge of signal processing. It's a bit more work, but you can go DEEP into tone autism if you restrict yourself to stacking builtin EQ and overdrive effects
Love the Alexi Laiho guitars. Looks so damn good and clean with only one humbucker. But I much prefer fixed bridges that stay in tune. Should I still get one of those LTDs? Or better invest in a Ibanez Prestige or so. I want a metal guitar that is fast and easy to play
>eastern europoors just woke up
The custom shop Jacksons Laiho used in 90s were the real deal. This was ex-guitar of Jiri Jalkanen of Stone. I think Latvala had the same custom shop, but with "silver" lining.
Here is also one RR that was given to Laiho by Latvala with green pinstripes and 24 frets. I think Laiho still played this after, but covered the Jackson logo with ductape live shows, when he already was sponsored/made deal by ESP

Latvala/Jalkanen Stone Jackson RR Custom shop guitars

The original Laiho "Wildchild" Rhoads:
>This guitar was Roope Latvala's first Jackson! Roope ordered this guitar in 1987 and it was completed the same day as Jiri's custom Rhoads. Roope played this guitar in Stone until he switched to 24 fret RRs.
Its time we talk about Kevin and Anthony.
Are Kevin and Anthony in the room with us right now?
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About to sell my 7-string schecter hellraiser c-7 and replace it with the ESP LTD M-HT pic related. Wish it would be a gloss paint but other than that perfect guitar i guess.
God damn I thought those were the shit when I was 16... 16 years ago.................
I think I'll listen to all the pre Are You Dead Yet albums now
RIP Aleksi
Are you dead yet is a great album.

Speaking of which I’m looking for an HH Floyd guitar with Seymour Duncan or other hot rodded paf style pickups for around 1000 I’d say up to 1500. I like Strat and tele bodies. What do I buy? I’m the guy that was thinking about the EVH Wolfgang but after hearing about their wild QC I’m having second thoughts
Are you me? I think they got me into metal music back then and it's the only band from around those days I still get back to every now and then. Blasting Follow the Reaper now.

I also enjoyed In Flames but somehow I can't get back to them anymore.
I didn't say it wasn't, it just differs from the older albums stylistically and marks the point where Aleksi switched to ESP guitars.
Because modern in flames are some soi cringe
The good guys left, apparently they made some new band "the halo effect", something for you I think
>up to 1500
Doesn't exist unless you're including used guitars and/or licensed FRs.
In which case, buy literally any super strat and swap the pickups if you don't like the original ones.
Cool thanks I give it a try. Seems like all the old members except for Anders lol, really makes u think

Do you know some talented young lads/bands doing great metal these days? Or is it dead yet
Then what do I buy? I can up my budget a little bit.
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idk I blocked the bridges on all my FR guitars over a decade ago
Man back in the day I wore my pirated copy of are you dead yet out. I used to deliver pizzas in a 1995 Chevrolet S10 that I put a 10 inch subwoofer in.
Are You Dead Yet was my go to album to blast on the way to and from driving school lessons, along with SOAD's Toxicity
We have to go back, bros...........
Yeah that’s another thing I don’t want a metal guitar or headstock. I’m thinking more charvel style or even less obvious. Suhr would be perfect if they weren’t 4 fucking thousand dollars.
Ill need to think about it. Which type of metal do you want?
I like stuff like Beast in Black but not everyone might like them, out of the really newer onesb
>uhhhh guys I have no money and shit taste here is a list of my requirements also it can't look badwrong or have the wrong name or a triangular headstock
Neck yourself
Not him, but one of the COB enjoyers
I like Vektor very much

BASED, a friend showed me this recently. Not my go-to genre but it's a banger anyway
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Chris Holmes from W.A.S.P. (who was a huge influence on Alexi) plays fixed bridge Jacksons all the time
I’m not a metal guitarist I don’t want a metal guitar. I want a superstrat that isn’t specifically for metal. How hard is that to understand
Also never said anything about names. I’d look at ESP, Jackson, even ibanez if it had non Ibanez pickups. Just looking for ideas
Anon, a headstock doesn't make a guitar "specifically for metal". Do you think Teles are only for country? Les Pauls only for blues?
The DXMGs in the picture have passive DiMarzio pickups in them and they're wired for versatility.
Pickups can be swapped easily
Yeah dimarzio pickups are fantastic, I just don’t want a triangle headstock. It’s gaudy 80s glam shit. Now if there’s a Jackson with dimarzios that has a Strat or tele headstock I’m down.
I’m not buying an Ibanez just to spend 500 swapping the pickups
Nigga it's a piece of wood
If it bothers you this much just take a hacksaw to it

Google "Squier Contemporary Stratocaster HH Floyd Rose", those are less than like $500. Drop another 200 on DiMarzios and 300 on soldering lessons. Done.
Pickups cost less than 100 dollars each, retard
It’s an ugly ass piece of wood that belongs in 1986 not 2024. Triangle headstocks are cringe.
Ok zoomer
I’m 37 lol.
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>300 on soldering lessons
>to solder a pickup
Ah, you're one of those mentally 13-year-olds I was talking about in the previous thread
I figured he might as well make full use of his budget and learn a valuable skill
Dude you’re the guy who loves triangle headstocks and you’re calling me 13.
You heat the solder and stick a wire to it.
Guys who put gerbils in their ass love triangle headstock Jackson’s
>loves triangle headstocks
I don't mind them, which is a different thing altogether.
You're the one getting worked up over a geometrical shape. Did you have trouble telling which peg goes in which hole as a kid?
All pegs go in my hole
I play Jacksons btw
Forgot the video lol

It’s an outdated style. I never cared for them in the 90s when they were still en vogue. I like banana headstocks. I’m just not buying a triangle headstock haha I know haha.
>watches beginner guide videos
>has shit taste
No further questions
High end Ibanez have dimarzios most of the times
Apparently cumshitter owns a jackson in Missouri
I don’t watch him. I remembered the thread from yesterday when I looked up “Jackson is my favorite guitar.” I was looking for a washed up alcoholic boomer playing motley crew covers and got him instead.
What guitar do you play at the moment
Custom shop gibson sg
Show pictures
Yeah but Ibanez’s are some of the ugliest most generic guitars on the market. People without sovl play them. Like vai, watch, and gilbert. I actually can’t think of anyone I like that plays Ibanez.
>I actually can't think
Yes we noticed
That wasn’t me. I play a 59 reissue les Paul
>complains about boomer taste
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If you insist...
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me listening to this absolutely enthralling conversation between a schizo and a larper
Where is the timestamp
>paul Stanley
>dexter holland
>tim Henson
Ibanez is douchebag central
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Ok nice take, friend
Anyway, here's Lee Ritenour with his signature Ibanez
It sounds fantastic. I’m not a huge Les Paul body guy. It’s a little heavy for my fucked up shoulder. But man it sounds good.
>shits cum
I like their michael jacskon cover
Why is it all cum encrusted and rusty? Looks like shit.
Is this this shit /gg/ complains about? New guitar that looks "rusted" and shit and costs n thousand dollars more because of that?
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im thinkin instead of a lp custom i turn the jstrat into a les paul of sorts
warmoth gibson conversion scale neck, 3 way switch, 3 volumes instead of VTT and push pulls for coil taps
It's vinta/gg/e you ni/gg//gg/er
>can't afford one

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