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was joanna newsom the real deal or just another pretty face?
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>posts the pixelated gif when a high quality webm exists
utter poorfag mentality, kys
Made two of the best albums of her decade but forgot to do a concept album about the Civil War with Taylor Swift which would have made her music relevant with zoomers.

Honestly, while I could see her being a bit lyrically, poetically tapped out... its a bloody shame she quit. She was literally heading towards a rareified air status as the Female Bob Dylan and would have certainly and probably already should have a Nobel Poetry Prize for Sawdust and Diamonds but at least for her future theoretical works. So I guess history forgot her. She was a songwriter who was looking for a Elton John anyway. Terrible awful voice.

Like, if she wrote for some incredible vocalist, they could have had her on harps and lyrics and the vocalist could have made them into the next Taupin and Elton John for American Folk.
absolute kino performance on Fallon here. i think it convinced Questlove to sample her for their next album
i'm pretty sure that performance destroyed any possible mainstream crossover she could have had
all every normie woman who saw that saw was her weird facial expressions and was like "oh no, honey..."
i don't think Newsom is the type to really have mainstream appeal. even without the goofy faces people whine about how her voice sounds
killed her career for starting a family with the dick in a box guy
didn't really kill her career. she released Dives after all that
nah he has a point, she became a family woman and abandoned music almost completely. her choice ofc..but andy fucked her career trajectory.
She has an album releasing within the next 12 months.
people have been saying that for like three years
But this time it's confirmed by Joanna herself.
she did an interview with some website recently, google it
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neither the real deal or a pretty face, but this is a great clip
She hasn't quit, there's a new album on the horizon and you can look up her new songs on youtube. Here's a good one: https://youtu.be/llZZ4rl_ID4?si=iiGzg4XeqVxbPlls
No she hasn't
No she didn't
she's an excellent songwriter and honestly i never thought she was that physically attractive
i'm legitimately mad that she never showed us her naked gigantic ass before she had kids and ruined it

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