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>one week later
>still no statement disavowing his bandmate
t. gay guy who likes young boys
what's it got to do with him? Julian buttfucked the boy, Jeff didn't.
I wouldn't be surprised if jeff raped someone too, shady fucker
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How do you think Julian got started...
ok nevermind i looked it up

this seems like something best ignored by any sane person until it burns out
he shot trump
wtf is he supposed to do? The singing saw guy in his band was a pedo faggot. How is that his fault? You all just want to harass people and make them apologize for no reason. Fuck you. He doesn’t owe any of you chuds shit.
>I don't care.
>- Jeff Mangum
hasn't he lived in Tibet or something for like 20 years? he probably doesn't even know.
i don't feel so good semen bros...
He's not "in hiding" or anything. Until last year everything you bought off his website would ship straight out from his garage. That should still be the case for the drawings but I believe Merge is handling vinyl now because it's been such a pain.
If anyone is spending a suspicious amount time outside of the US in this situation it is probably Julian, camping out in Japan or the Netherlands dodging the fuzz and debt collectors and the like.
Nearly everyone in the band seems to be stuck in arrested development that deep in the back of my head, I knew that something like this would happen

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