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newfag here, what do people mean when they say something is "reddit"? is it a political thing?
it means you need to go back and take your reddit cat images with you
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this is reddit. it’s when your opinions are like this
neutral milk hotel is reddit
radiohead is reddit
kendrick lamar is reddit
I hope this clears things up for you
radiohead and neutral milk hotel are only famous because of 4chan, though
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>radiohead and neutral milk hotel are only famous because of 4chan, though
except it's literally true, look at the sticky lmao

neutral milk hotel was a /mu/ meme before it was world famous
they found their true home in reddit
both radiohead and neutral milk hotel were huge in the 90s long before chan. you are a fucking retarded underage poster who needs to stop posting. thank you for reminding me not to ever visit this site anymore
>newfag here
lurk for 2,000 years
I'm 30 years old but whatever. also neuatral milk hotel was not huge at all, they were always a niche band.

radiohead yes, but the reason they're still talked about today is because people used to spam threads about them back in 2010-2011. around that point nobody cared about them anymore.

why you so mad
nothing you say has any basis in reality
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Try this album. It’s his only album worth listening to. Nice beats and he tones down the whole black card shit a lot
based damn poster. genuinely his only good album.
why, you must be mistaken, dear ooga booga enthusiast, for I listen to music, and not nig hop grunts.
I hope this fag gets lynched
>neutral milk hotel were huge in the 90s
what did he mean by this?
90’s hip hop is the peak of all music and art and was undefeated by literally anything else in the time period, zoomer. Are captchas harder to type on Nintendo switches?
holy mother of reddit
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>Holy mother of Reddit, boys, we got em. Damn it, I miss typed the captcha AGAIN! Nintendo fix this!
“_______is reddit” is a low IQ reply. Pay no attention to it.
>darkest kendrick lamar listener
Yeah. Real niggas listen to real shit like massive attack or whatever
I used to like this album alot back when it came out because he was shitting on other blacks alot here instead of "wypipo". Don't like it anymore because I'm not 18 anymore and the Black Israelite stuff in this album is fucking embarrassing to listen to.
it means reddit has better porn but some anons pretend tibetan ass farming discussin board is le ebbin.



classic reddit response
When I call a band reddit I'm either referring to safe, highly acclaimed acts whose fanbase thinks they are being alternative or out of the ordinary for listening to (Radiohead, Kendrick, Daft Punk, Queen) or pseudo-gimmick bands who utilise quirk and irreverence as part of their image (King Gizzard, Tally Hall, Bill Wurtz)

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