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The only reason Kendrick Lamar is acclaimed is because it appeals to the psuedo socially conscious onions laté sipping white bitches and ape brain wiggers. The only reason why Radiohead is acclaimed is because it appeals to dim-witted, unloved, overly sensitive white boys who still live with mommy. The only reason why Pink Floyd is acclaimed is because it appeals to the whitest fuckin boomer ass motherfuckers. The only reason Madvillian is acclaimed is because it appeals to nerdy white dudes who wanna be hip with the hood. The only reason King Crimson is acclaimed is because it appeals to the whitest d&d dragon flying fags ever. The only reason My Bloody Valentine is acclaimed is because it appeals to white boys with so called deep feelings and wanna appear just a little edgy. The only reason The Beatles is so underrated and unappreciated is because it appeals to people of color unlike these stupid white people like you.
>boyband worship
try /wpop/
Shut the fuuuuuuck up
La-di-da-shut the fuck upppp

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