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File: GSZedh4W8AEzFJj.jpg (172 KB, 820x1024)
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I don't like how popular Charli is becoming
you think you're special for noticing her before having a comeback? this isn't even the first time she's been mainstream
something about her face in this pic is off putting but i just know that if i were drunk i would be ready to smash the ever living hell out of that juicy hoe
Out of all of the things you could be concerned about in your life, you are worried about some third world who was born in the UK becoming popular? I'd say rethink your priorities in life, but it's too late now.
>third world
Third worlder.
no one knows who she is. she has been failing for a decade. only trannies like you and /mu/ ever see her mentioned
File: xcx.jpg (263 KB, 761x837)
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shes actually quite ugly but this bit is a nice shape
Dont care abt her or her music but id fuck the shit out of her

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