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Dissonance is inherently a masculine enjoyment.


Chrome Dome:

Orator of Disharmonic Miracles
this is now a liturgy thread https://youtu.be/ENp5Ly8C5MM?si=JlMgYAbvNPIDnud9
Incorrect, we hate that here.
jump ship before this thread get deleted for being early

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DsO is one of the best to ever do it and I’m tired of pretending otherwise
Wasn't early, yours will be deleted for spamming duplicate threads. Trans doom going schizo.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
what are the worst DsO tracks?
Probably something off of their first demo / infernal battles, but even their manifestation comps are good
>Dissonance is inherently a masculine enjoyment.
Why exactly?
Nothing rn
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boring, lame, and early thread
No women listen to or make dissonant bm.
How long are you going to cry trans doom?
Thanks for gracing us with your presence with such a great contribution to the thread
what about after smcr?
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No I didn't, why don't you just go meet up with him and suck his cock IRL instead of being his free shill? Not music. >>>/soc/
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Called it.
I personally don’t like Diabolus Absconditus all too much along with anything off of The Long Defeat, but everything else they have done post smcr is great
>Diabolus Absconditus
But the section from 10:40 onwards is some of their best written music ever. MGA, Furnaces, Drought, and TLD are worse than DA imo.
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I deleted it yes, let me tell you why. There is a lot to unpack here, so buckle up, grab a snack and get ready to join me, in my explanation.

I was waiting patiently to create my thread once the post limit was reached, I had the captcha, complete, the image chosen and the thread was gonna be a blast. I then clicked refresh, and to my disbelief, you had created a thread before the post limit, 310, is the respectable and accepted time to create the next thread, you created it at 309... a slap in the face to me, following protocol and playing by the rules. I then proceeded to post my tread anyway, as I believed the mods would recognise the error and then delete your thread accordingly. I waited and waited but my thread got not replies. I lost faith in the mods sticking to protocol, as they are routinely inconsistent with rules. I lost hope, you beat me, I deleted the thread. I hope this thread improves. Cheers all
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what did trouble mean by this?
Damn, I must be in the minority, I personally love drought, but I don’t see it get much love on here
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>trans doom writes a full paragraph of whiny crababy nonsense over not getting his thread
No wonder this idiot has tried to commit suicide multiple times
suicide isn't a laughing matter dude. I lost good friends to it.
Atmoshit is arthoe bait
Goddamn you are retarded kek
It is a laughing matter and there is no need to be upset over it to begin with, if the smoke made them choke, then they can leave. Ultimately the only anti-suicide rhetoric that exists stems from another person's selfish demand that someone stay alive for THEIR enjoyment. I do not demand someone stays somewhere they don't wish to be, or do you lock people in chucky cheese because them leaving would upset YOU? Maybe you can join up with the serial rapists who lock people in their basements for their own enjoyment as well.
you are either depressed/suicidal or a psychopath. Either way, I hope you are under 15 because its a very immature view to have.
people are drawn to suicide out of dejection and hopelessness. Their lives can get better with help. Rest in peace to my best bud danny who passed away from suicide in 2020, miss him everyday and I wish I could have saved him
I like Trad Doom, one of the better tripfags.
>all that ad hominem
Like I said, there is no anti-suicide stance that does not stem from the selfishness of someone else losing a toy they liked. Anti-suicide is the childish rage of someone who thinks only of themselves and never of the other person, then projected in a false virtuous light under a moral facade.

>Their lives can get better with help.
So too their lives could get worse with your intervention, ultimately you "help" them so they can serve your own feelings and morality because you want to feel good instead of bad.
Trans Doom lol that's a good one. What's some legit transgender doom? Maybe TD would enjoy it as he is trans as well as a tard.
girls are repulsed by metal because it's full of repulsive imagery (pretending to be satan worshippers, or evil scary retards), and the sound of it is loud, obnoxious, and fucking abrasive. that's by design.
the reason being is that metal is a genre for and by virgin losers who weren't lucky enough to be auto-popular in school, and they didn't have guidance (parents or older siblings) to help them figure out what kind of work or effort they would have to put in to become attractive enough to make friends and have girls become interested in them.
so after their first year or two of junior high they just basically give up on the prospect of that ever happening, and 'rebel' against normal society (aka happy well-adjusted people who will ever get laid), by becoming freaks. they will wear all the fucked up t-shirts with skulls or demons or fire or whatever on them, all of the merch that they paid for, helping advertise their favorite scream/psycho-core bands where the singer growls like he's evoking satan, and basically advertising to the rest of the sane world to stay far, far the fuck away from them, because they are super 'hardcore' (aka virgin losers). anyone with any brains can look at metal for what it is- it's the collective anthem of the virgin loser. that's the reason it's so angry. don't believe me?
ask yourself these 3 questions-

1) what's the single one thing that results in the vast majority of fights between young males?
a) pussy. pussy is the answer. hormones. it's the only force powerful enough to drive a young guy into anger that he's willing to possibly get hurt for the chance of successfully hurting some other guy, thereby making nearby pussies wet.

2) what is the one thing that results in the most angst, anger at life in general, for young guys?answer) again, pussy, or rather, a lack of it.
3) why is metal always so angsty? what are these fucking faggot wannabee tough guys so angry about?
a) i think i've made my case clear.
Salowe Vision is the only decent thing on Drought, and even then its clearly meant to be expanded on into a bigger track, but its cut short only for the incoherent transition to the pop punk riff of Fiery Serpents. Dreadful EP.
Incelic post. >>>/r9k/
Where do I download this
Get a load of this faggot writing wall of texts to justify attending concerts of whoever is current year Justin Bieber. Better go shopping for handbags and highheels, too since that is rly popular with the girls...
idk soulseek
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Wintersun has one symphonic black metal song and it's peak.
>metal makes soibois seethe uncontrollably
Based if you ask me fr fr
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>the joke band steel panther is more technically competent than your favorite extremeshit
Funny, isn't it?
No? Why would that be noteworthy information in any way?
It's funny because we listen to literal trashcan banging.
Nah, it's funny that someone needs to mention technical competence to justify liking steel panther of all things...
You destroyed him
>J-Dawg caught on as a meme
>no one gives a shit about Uncle Ken
Metal for this feel? Preferably a rare metal demo uploaded by Uncle Ken?
Steel panther is based because they sing about pussy
And I even like steel panther but >>122809996 this is pretty much the only explanation you need. Or since brevity is the soul of wit: just give a thumbs up and say "tiddies"
There do be nice titties in their music videos fr fr
>>the joke band steel panther is more technically competent than your favorite extremeshit
The Cure and Jean Michel Jarre.
Drop the reddit tourism and listen to Ehnahre.

No one has listened to doom to know if there is a tranny band or not. Most of us forget it even exists as a genre.
We don't like those around these here parts pardner
>No one has listened to doom
correct. It is the last bastion of true underground metal. Black metal is for terminally online mentally ill teenagers, death metal has been co-opted by hardcorefags. Doom metal stays TRUE to the real spirit of underground dyi metal. Stay away from it and stick to the safety of your youtube recommended black metal
>last bastion
Nah, it fell years ago to weedlmao soiface fags and like every genre that gets infected by this the current output is limp wristed and weak with the exception of a few gems every genre has hidden under the pile of shit.
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For some reason doom has a lot of crossover with punk. Therefore, tranny doom is assuredly already a thing.
>crossover with punk
such as?
Definitely in the weedlmao range but pretty okay as far I can tell, thx for the rec.
Such as punk kids starting doom bands, punks and doom bands doing shows together, etc.
ok so no examples? This is not true at all.
St Shitus was on SST and covered Black Flag
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I still pray everyday that Ulver grow the balls to start making real music again
ok yeah saint vitus and the obsessed but that scene was far different from the modern 'trans' punk scene you are talking about, which has nothing to do with doom metal.
the stoner doom is very easily to pick apart from real doom that it is not even an issue. I don't even mind it, because it contains a lot of the retards
>ok so no examples? This is not true at all.
Early example would be Saint Vitus being on a punk label.
Can't say I noticed any of this while knowing both circles. Maybe it's your regional thing?
Insta punks =/= punks. That's like saying the Napalm records pseudo pagan beerhall crowd is metal. There aren't many left but punks are still too busy getting drunk on the dirtiest street corner to be on Twitter.
>Early example would be Saint Vitus being on a punk label.
thats as far as any real connection of punk and doom goes
>anon seething at the fact that doom is a gay punk genre
Sad when people can't handle reality.
>rymcore post-rock söyslop
You can say the same for all genres, the problem is when the containment becomes so big that it gets tedious to find the good shit. Still, it isn't worth to drop out of your shit because it gets hot with the tards for a while, do that often enough and you'd have nothing left.
>metallum experimental metal gem
yes please
Do (you) listen to power metal
[spoiler]And would you recommend anything?[/spoiler]
Yeah, the post prefix is like a warning label for soicore.
Brought dishonour on my family
I must kill myself
[spoiler] No
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Not there bingbong. I ended up ripping it from SoundCloud.
sludge or power metal?
black or death?
doom or thrash?

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