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post miyeon
just threw up in my mouth
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my swannie wife!!!!!!!!!!!
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i want to eat out sohyun's butt and p*ssy
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is sluggo cancelled yet?
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Eunbi has been around for nearly 10 years...
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cutie jieun gf
Why are koreans like this
she's 14
stop trolling
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>High Heel incident
and she'll never show her boobs again...
her long hair is so sexy. do you think she has a nice hairy fanny?
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massive poona uggo
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She is so pure and pretty
she loves her fans so she will
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that's korean age, she's like 19 in the rest of the world. look at how cute and gooky she is, she's adorable!
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holding celebrities accountable and expecting them to behave properly is the one good thing about Korean celebrity culture and completely opposite to amerimutt atomized celebrity culture
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me as the cat omo
appreciate the button eggs
apparently some of the posses know eunchae so it's fitting
Haerin bubble gum on repeat
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she looks like a bug ewww
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me as the dog omo
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dani on the shaft
minji on the left scrote
hanni on the right scrote
haerin licking my bh clean
in front of the eggs japanese people spawn from
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i wish i could get those close to her, i want to put my head on her lap and sleep
me as seeun
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no, that's eunchae's buttoneggs taking their next form.
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massive uggo kim lip
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i love this woman and her big cute ears
The date criminal known as "Miyeon"
>busted already
genuinely sad
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somi somi somi somi white white booba milk milk booba
you joke about it but has anyone ever seen a pregnant kpop idol?
if this is new she needs a new phone bad
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they typically get abortions discreetly, or leave the group and go ultra-evangelical.
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i wish she didnt go blonde and i wish she didnt lose weight and i wish she didnt get a nose job
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impossible unless you're a hot girl
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squids calamari sushi pile for dinner
sohyun has dated multiple men
sohyun has never dated a woman
it's all on her blog
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my wife
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This is the lowest iq general in all 4chan and that's counting /trash/ and discord

I love Itzy
how are her monster thighs always so thicc and juicy?
>sohyun has dated multiple men
>sohyun has never dated a woman
repulsive. why the fuck did she become a kpop.
noooo squiddy nooooooo
our yoon fell for the vtubers meme
we've already discussed this and demondice is hot
If I was that guy I would lick that popsicle right there
I want to sloop yoon's pussy
rat looking sadly now bogged failure of an idol. sad she fell off so hard
Makes me wonder how many abortions Miyeon has for whoring out.
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>the miatranny is here
mogs all NJ members
that would be so hot
yeah, hot for all the Males that used her
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kpg unironically trying to be smart everytime but i assure you everyone here has way too low iq
look at this yeji
why did you capitalize males? is it to acknowledge your inferiority to them?
idk if my ropes did the job when i fucked her backstage wrapped in the auxiliary stage curtains at inki 2 years ago when i was working as a light technician, but i certainly didn't hang around to find out.
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so if you're the idol or the company do you just avoid taking a crowd picture?
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is it true that kpg thought that 90 is a very high iq score
look at this yeji
10/10 face
10/10 personality
I hate Yeji
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oof that's jaden group tier attendance
are you fucking calling me a woman?
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weeks and weeks and weeks
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taken too soon
they'll move everyone to the front by upgrading their seats, you won't see the empty seats in the crowd pic because the seats in the back won't be lit
no one has an iq that large get real
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do i need to be sinb to get an eunha gf ?
the good thing is that if you bought a seat that's further back, you got plenty of choices to move up.
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yea they did that iq test on various generals in 4chan a few days ago and kpg places 2nd from the bottom right after trash kpg
look at this yeji anyway
wish that bus would hit him
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what is it like to visit Korea
shame about her bod
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these hours are fucking putrid
Any hooders?

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freeing the slaves (kpops) with abe
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rough if you're a fat white woman
took an afternoon nap and my dream was that karina released a cover video like yeojin's, but even sexier, gyrating in pretty scanty almost-bikini outfits, with an accompanying photoset - the works
that picture is fucking putrid
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what is unis for?
just pooters brother
shitting in this hideous hoe's mouth
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i'd fuck her
i'm in
hi im nayeon
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>one girl that makes videos and is korean
>it's a fucking squiduggo lookalike
where are you from
These white women who move to korea because of their bts fetish are weird af
>one girl that makes videos and is korean
cute kid i'd like to f***
how do i pause a webm without that stupid fucking play symbol overlaid on the image? why must coders fuck us, the common man, so readily and heartily?
the squid sisters have to be the biggest losers in kpop
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should have posted her feet like eunchae
shitmonkeys are fucking disgusting
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idols: act stupid for the camera, get paid for it. is actually intelligent and has iq above 105
kpg: act smart for the interview. everyone knows youre too retarded for the job
look at this yeji
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Stray kids is absolute SH-
he's trying to start a new meme
if you couldn't tell he's having a little projecty melty
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wony is also a rich girl who got forced into kpop by her parents and had surgeries
is this miatranny
a bold new form of yejiposting is welcome as long as yeji is posted
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big booba yeji?
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little kaede yamada...
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*blocks ur path*
anywhere but a toilet right rajesh?
has there been a male idol worse than siwon?
fuck off tincel
lifeless npc
coming up to kaede in japan and asking how much!!!!
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blatant kaedepino samefag holy shit
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nice try
nah he's an absolute fucking worm
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kaedepino just broke the samefag-o-meter
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underwater sexo
wonhee > wony
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triples tradwife
get a bf wonysis
he's actually fucking really evil
>dog kills person
>laughs it off
>evangelical christian
>insane support of israel and trump
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>random generic jaden uggo nobody can tell apart

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kaedepino is too autistic and thirdie to understand nobody cares about his the triples uggos outside the 200 gay jaden autists in the jaden circlejerk
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>your waifu
>a million dollar bucks or your waifu's p
ooooooHHH baby guuurl
oooooohhhhh i'm so sad girl....

verse 1
a yo bitch nigga haruki murakami
im so sad girl like when u did bukkake
i don't no myself

duuuuuurrrr depression


verse 2
billboard nigga im sad as shit
just won billboard nigga dey told me i wuhn't be shit
anxiety im sad
billboard got me glad

ay yuh yuh woo!
woo! yuh, rule



it's nothing
show daddy your big ass baby!
shit body
white men are genetically programmed to find this attractive and irresistible
please please please share this with some twitter ARMYs and report back with their responses lmao
>Everyone is typing like Americans
Okay it's time for bed.
perfect body
what the fuck are you talking about? she has a shit body.
you're out of your mind my old pedigree chum
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why are you a homosexual
you're the homosexual for wanting her little boy body.
ahh! prettiest angel.
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Guys, I love kpop.
post your waifu, i bet jennie has a more feminine body than her
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you sound like an american
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you're not me?
don't reply for me.
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somi water bombs
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I can confirm, I am white and I find nini irresistible
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I love women.
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Can't believe I pre ordered Mori's album just for Yoon
i'm fucking losing it over here
my pp just threw up in my pants
you get a free yoon lap sitting with the album?
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i'd prefer a mori lap sitting!
don't call them that
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cute sooms
she is fucking retarded
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would you drop your waifu if she shaved her head?
she is fucking delightful
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the one punch man...
she is chuu
depends on what she looks like. cocona is really pretty and looks good, she suits any style to be honest with you mate.
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she wasnt much of a waifu in the first place if you would was she?
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It's so deep
pure girls collab<3
serious question: would you abuse kyujin?
sm shills if the title track was ever actually good.....
Yejibros, we love Y2K kpop. The part in Quantum Break where the girl goes back in time to 1999 and spends the millennium watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer really resonated with us.
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Mame is going to Germany

why would i want to do that
i hate how much i love huh
i want to hate her so bad but she's the most gorgeous woman to me
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Lee Haein (former idol, current producer of Kiss of Life) shares 5 groups that captivated her

>Young Posse
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No but I'll rip and pot it here
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kep1er and kiss of life?!?!? yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hurting innocent beautiful women is my ultimate turn on and kyuslave checks all the boxes
I could have been wild
I could have been free
But Nature played this trick on me
amazing taste, i might stan her!
>favorite member is Cocona
incredibly based
you need a shotgun to the head
do you get a yoon photo card
why do you want to cause evil in this world anon
Roo'ra sucks arse to be honest.
I'd go if I wasn't afraid of teenage girls
he is so huhdeous
kyujin, haerin and eunchae smooth bald shaved puffy p's
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Yes brother, hot women must suffer for alienating us from sex.
there's a group called jerk off instructions? on point i guess
>most of kpg dislikes those groups
what does this mean?
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Her tears are so yummy.
we're not women
no one hates kiss of life or h1-key
the others absolutely deserve the hate they get however
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Suffer for my entertainment!
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>roastie like roastie groups

woah stop the presses
kim chaewon ninja turtle
apologize to dunky and pals
Stupid kid.
imagine the handies tho
Maybe mame is aware that their group name can be misread like that
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would you abuse a fruity kpg anon?
yea i would abusea womysissy poster
no i wouldn't abuse manlet
who should i birthday blast to?
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>triples and nugus
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minju angel my divine angel
park minju bogged angel
leave the staycbros alone
Wait it's your bday too? Happy birthday
whats the closest kpop ever came to softcore porn?
wouldn't mind holding hands with sakura miyawaki for extended periods of time, I tell you what
omo so lewd and horny
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henluggo lookin ass
probably something hyuna did at some point
Naked Girls – “Finger” MV
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agreeing never to throw kkuras past in her face during arguments if she does that thing i like
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this incident made black safety shorts mandatory
this is AI generated
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photoshop frame by frame
what incident
thats cute
NEED NEED NEEEEEED to see chaewons butthole
what do you get
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i still dont understand what slug supposedly did wrong here, much less why gooks are flipping out over it
how much
yes it was made with a SGI Visual Workstation
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thanks bro
the most
they are pure actually
it can't be understated how much I hate most of you
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