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Post your made music on vocaroo
>Alt. Rock
some shit I started the other day, not sure where to take it so tell me why it sucks. (Repost as old thread died)

yeah this is sounding better anon, listening to it again today I think the acoustic guitars sound a bit weird, sorta "papery" and slightly muffled (maybe too bright too), not sure about the panning of the mix either - could you try panning the acoustic guitars wide? it feels like one of them is panned far to the left but the other is only slightly right, either that or there's some weird phasing going on. Just my thoughts, I am not an experienced mixing engineer so take it with a grain of salt.
alt rock? are you fucking high? it's boring advert music that doesn't really go anywhere. Production sounds pretty good, though.
aight so there's no real problems with the tone or the mix, and it's musically bland?
Makes sense, I just had the opening riff then couldn't think of anything more to do. I tried some related chord progressions but wasn't feeling it, so settled on repeating the F and Ab while the bass was moving. Think I'll just listen to some music until I come up with something more inspired for this one.
What do u guys think about the Moog Muse?

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just woke up might do more of these today if i don't bedrot instead uwu

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Someone in a previous thread said it sounded too "tinny", so I brought back some of the mids I cut and reduced my low-mid cut on the master slightly. I think it sounds more fuller now. The loudness is still not matching my references exactly, but I can't really tell much of a difference at this point. I'm not mastering engineer so if no one can hear any problems with it then I'm happy. I want to get this one done so I can move on to the next track. I have come up with a lot of ideas that I want to work on, but I've come up with a rule that I'm not allowed to start a new track until I'm 99% satisfied with the current one.

posting my IDM track again, what do you think?
you had my attention until it wavered with the bass coming in, and completely disappointment with the rest of the drums and synth

Honestly keep the background stuff for a future song but the rest just isn't good.
Mix wise the main thing is everything just not meshing and feeling separate. It's mostly a reverb and sound selection issue.
The most prominent parts feel like they got the least attention to detail.
Started a new orchestral project last night.
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Best EQs (Plug ins but hardware fine too) for dance music as a whole? Techno, house, maybe jungle perhaps. Preferably with not too many knobs either, I want to control via midi controller so something with like 8 knobs would be unfeasible.

All signs pointing towards either Neve 1073 based stuff or API 550B stuff.
the one that comes with your daw

My cover of Black Rider by Bob Dylan. My friend remastered it and I think my voice sounds a bit harsh and metallic through phone speakers but fine through headphones. What gives?

This is really cool. Goes along well with the image you posted too, although there’s more than just a hint of James Bond action scene to it, until 1:23 at least. Listened to and enjoyed the whole tune.
I find the Ableton EQs to be pretty plain + I don't like 'surgical' EQs in general, looking for something more vintage focused.
i mean dance music kind of necessitates surgical EQ'ing but

I fucked with TDR slick EQ for a while- the different saturations and curves were pretty obvious
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thoughts on this short modular techno set? https://vocaroo.com/1fvNzcjYoAMf i'm trying to keep everything interesting and dynamic
video is private. probably gonna be expensive as fuck like everything they do. but who am i to judge, i buy overpriced modules to do fart sounds
very nice. what software do you use?
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>Put all my halfbaked, unfinished beats into one continous mix
>never worry about finishing a track again, if the idea is only enough for a drop, chorus or something, export it, put it in the "shitmix". Move on to the next idea.
feels good.
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Didn't practice(d?) in the last 2 weeks and the lads called me to a studio jam.
>thoughts on this short modular techno set? https://vocaroo.com/1fvNzcjYoAMf
Where's the low end?
As far as the rest, this is outside by field of knowledge as I've never much cared for techno, more of a house guy, but it's hectic in a good way, but you need to bring back the low end because everytime you crossfade, I expect some slamming kicks, but they never come.
they should kick you out
Tryna learn how to make shit loud with stock plug-ins, still too pumpy imo

Nice transjenda synths
honestly doesn't sound that djenty to me, needs to be more rhythmic overall, but i think the production sounds really great! How do you handle your snare? I always have trouble with that.
Guitars are too loud, pull them back 3-5 db and it should be better because right now they sound like they're on top of the mix, not in it.

But really cool riffage, reign in the low end on the kicks, probably alot of low end information there that you dont need that hit the limiter too hard, like sub 50 hz. Metal kicks (should) are short and punchy, not long and heavy.

Still, very cool.
>what software do you use
Musescore 4 + Musesounds
You can also sidechain the bass guitar to the kick with very short ducking, if done correctly it shouldnt be audible and it will help mitgate the limiter clamping.
thirdly, you can also mix the cymbals seperately and add them in when you've mixed everything else to be as slamming as you like. The pumping is most audible in the cymbals and they also sounds a bit crushed. If you mix them seperately and add the cymbals after you've mixed everything else, the cymbals will sound less pumpy because they're not going through the same mix buss as everything else.
Appreciate it
I sampled from a song that starts with 4 snare hits and then added reverb with an impulse response of an outdoor sniper shot lol. Kinda kooky but sounds cool imo
Problem is it only really works for big half time snares, try to do any blasts or rolls and it's not quite right
I've been trying to use more natural snare samples with more velocity options and bringing that in as an aux snare for heavy sections in other songs but I don't quite have the right sauce yet
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I wanna add an old school Hard Trance edge to my dubstep productions. Can /prod/ tell me if I'm on the right track?
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the way i want to scratch open my skin and fish around for whatever is teething at my insides


may or may not be completely ripped off of a single 10 second segment from a currently airing anime
made this in 1 hour with 0 experience
I'm going to put as much effort into my critique as you did into this song.
ok what’s your critique then
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Basedjaks and cobsons
Watch the board
No more free chicken tenders
And its no onions

Im am banned from the board
I really don’t undersand the sneedtuation
And its no onions

Video esseys on lowcows
Shitposts on the target
You post a jak on the board
And it gets called coal
Check my posts from yesterday
And it gets so much gemmier
Put a bullet in my brain
And it increases the percentage

So wheres the coal
When basedteens post their cobsons
To be insulted by these chuddies
Its so degrading
And its no onions

will redo the vocals later with proper screams when i can, didnt want to wake up my parents. im mid 20s unemployed and never moved out
Legitimately the most offensive post I’ve ever seen in this general

Still mad about the tribute album too fuck
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Just some random guitar tone testing jam experimentation on top of some YouTube track without mixing...

Got somewhat strange (and kinda cool) early Black Sabbath -style "old school" type sound reminding me of some early Iommi tones by driving some random tonehunt Neural Amp Plexi capture into AmpliTube's "American Vintage B".

I've got some pretty interesting results combining Neural Amp Modeler profile captures (free, open source) with AmpliTube that some considered quite "outdated" program in terms of guitar sims.
what tribute album
don't listen to that other anon, he is being way too harsh! This is so good, I've had it on repeat for the last 9 hours. How did you acheive that sound? You should definitely start pushing this on all platforms, make a cd with just this on and start handing them out in the street. My only criticism would be that it needs so much work mix wise, you're playing off time and out of key, it's only 17seconds long, you recorded it in your childhood room in your parents house with intruments from the Tomy 'My first' range and you recoded it onto your supermarket pay as you go phone.
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how are they sounding and how can i get them to sound better cheers
you needed 1 hour for that post?
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How the fuck do I narrow down my style. Every time I open my DAW I end up just making a hot mess because I like too many styles of music and end up making Frankenstein monster type tracks.

It could even be as simple as an emotion. I love the emotion of happy hardcore and PC Music stuff but I want to combine that with my love of old electronic music somehow. I'm tired of having all the skill but no creative direction.

Anyone else deal with this?
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A good joke needs to fulfill minimum requirements, anon. Yours didn't.
you're really dense arent you?
My only criticism would be that it needs so much work mix wise, you're playing off time and out of key
yeah my friend who actually knows what he's doing is basically going to remake this same thing but make it actually sound good. the only purpose of this was to show him the melody I was going for.
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why are there so many moog leaks lately? is this inmusics way of building hype or what?
desu it just seems generic, the delay being digital is lame
low effort lyrics, i miss when the onionsteens actually made funny parodies
Is there a huge difference in sound quality when it comes to producing and using an interface vs Plugging directly into my Mac? I'm going to be out for a week, I have a scarlet solo but I'm obviously not bringing my monitors. Would it be a waste of my time to bring the solo?
>you can now upload your own samples to Splice to get loop recommendations

Has anyone here tried it? Is it good enough to be useful?
By that point, you're not even producing music at the bare minimum, an algorithm is making music for you.
as far as playback and producing in the daw, probably none.

With recording something like guitars or using a microphone, you're probably going to run into issues with noisefloor and gain issues. So if you're going to do any of the latter, bring the solo
Thanks ill leave it home then
It can be used for a number of different workflows, from having Splice make pretty much the entire song for you (without even using the sample analysis thing, so everything comes from it), to only using it for parts/elements of the track (which for example can be as small as a perc loop that plays for 2 seconds, while you do everything else yourself), or you can use it for placeholder sounds to keep as inspiration until you replace them with your own parts.
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Kind of jungle thing I’ve been trying. Critique me zaddies. (808’s still need work)

They are both sounding great. I really like the second song. The bass sounds great in both.
I can see what you were going for…post it when it’s more complete plz
How do i stop doing mixing and mastering at the same time? I always end up with a 8/16 bar loop while also figuring out eq/volume shit and doing automation on the fly
Something I wrote for reed organ, clarinet and electronics. Still working on the mix

i quite like it, very weird, i actually really like the off beat synths

i feel like you're first song has too much reverb on everything, like the bass and the snare, besides that it sounds great. Your second song also sounds really wet. I don't know if thats what you're going for, but I would cut it back just a bit
can i get some ears on this, especially on the drums
i got different glue compression on them

ver 1
ver 2

which one has tighter drums?
Thanks for the feedback on my jungly thing. I really like the organ piece. I have an old Bontempi and I can definitely hear how this would sound on that. Nice job!
I think the second one is a little tighter. Sounds cool, like the bass
How do I improve my melody writing, I suck at it big time and don't know much about it neither
This is cool, reminds me a little of yeah yeah yeahs 3rd album. It seems like you know how to write melodies. You can always try to change modes/keys. What makes you think you can’t write melodies?
thanks senpai, I feel I'm lacking in term of how I want to keep on developing the melody rather than get stuck with a bunch of stacked loops, some kind of logical basis that glues longer progressions
>running circles sitting at the computer making the same shit, feel like shit
>buy digitakt
>suddenly making funky world music freak beats, having fun again
Am I becoming a tranny?
digitakt is fun, but i'm selling mine, i just want a drum machine with individual outputs, i can't make good sounding kicks on digitakt
That sounds like that’s what I do. I know changing keys will change the feel a bit and you can ease into a different melody off that to progress it. Changing up instruments progresses it as well. I think the dangerous part is that it becomes lost so referencing back to the original melody throughout at some point is good. Jazz/classical/prog would be good to copy progressions from. Idk feel like I’m talking out of my ass now. IF SOUND GOOD TO EARS WHO CARES HOW MADE
Second one sounds a little better to my ears, bit better punch, better low end.

>How do I improve my melody writing
learning to play an instrument, like keyboard/piano or guitar. The ability to improvise over chords goes a long way in terms of coming up with organic melodic lines rather than plunking them in in a piano roll. You dont even need to get that good, just a cheap, small midi keyboard, sitting and playing 1 finger melodies does alot of the work. You can find such midi keyboards for cheap used.
thanks guys 2nd version it is
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I just made something dumb, needed to get it out of my system, for a shitpost I think it turned out all right.
What supersaw are you using? Sounds rock solid. Virus? Roland emulation?
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about 7 layers of Spire and Sylenth and some EQ'ing
Is this torrent safe?
I downloaded it and Windows detected some threads. What do you think?...
hey, if it works it works.
If you cant discern cracks and keygens from malware, you shouldnt be torrenting.
For sure; I meant that as a good thing. Oldschool soul.
check virustotal, look at release team, look at tracker reputation, look at uploader reputation, look at upload verification, look at how many downloads, look at comments
additionally, depending on release team there will be checks you can use, and it will come with original installer (that you can probably also check), and you can run the keygen in a vm
another thing is checking your network to see what's going on or having a completely offline music prod pc
maybe other anons know of any other measures for le 'safety'? idk because I just yolo it unless it's sus
uh huh.... ngl kinda slop at this point
probz gonna call it and take a depression nap


How's the mix?
Nah, this is a good one.
Your last two (three?) weren't there, but this one feels like it has made it.
Also.. some more inspiration in the same vein:
Wait, sorry "The Album" version linked above isn't as good as this version:
dang i like those way more lul
probably... idr what the rule is, 18 days for your judgement to clear? idk i hardly ever listen back

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhtG4MfnCs8 [Remove]
dang that's good....
>dang i like those way more lul
I kind of feel like >>122856581 is pretty much on par with Yuji there. I've listened to your clip a couple times and it gets better each time.
lol ty, he has like 10x more detail though, mines only two tracks resampled a couple times over with like zero movement

idk i'm kind of just messing with ambient techniques that I haven't bothered with for the past few years to kind of feel it out for the future maybe...
the compositions and effort is kind of secondary atm- i literally just rearranged deru's 1979 and granulated it through a few instances of guitar rig and galactic lol
>i literally just rearranged deru's 1979 and granulated it through a few instances of guitar rig and galactic
No! Peeking behind the curtain kills the magic (a little bit)! Still a good start.
It reminds me of how I felt when I found out that Daedelus just sampled Bill Evans' Love Theme from Sparticus.
>It reminds me of how I felt when I found out that Daedelus just sampled Bill Evans' Love Theme from Sparticus.
LOL that's the worst dude
put a beat on it and get a girl to sing some girl stuff anon you will have something special
add bass at the drop
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I like it, you wanna learn how to do some more drum fills than just that bounce fade out thing. Jungle is all about the drums and you can definitely mix it up more there, this will add more energy

And the bass like he said
Where the first WOO?
Cool, I’ll try to find more stuff to fill in with.
going for a garage beat, pls crit
Working on this is tricky because of how I made this part (picrel). They're just samples I pitched individually. To know what it sounds like, it's the only thing played in the last 16 bars other than the drums. I know I have to just figure out what key I want the song in and what key that part is in then transpose that whole thing up or down. Fortunately there's only about 4 pitches in there but then doing that for the vocals as well seems like a hassle since I chopped it a million times. Does it sound good as is or should I take the time to get everything in the right pitch. The key also changed half way through by accident but i like it. I've been working on this for like 2 days straight and getting a little sick of it lol
the second would hit harder with a groovier drum beat @ 0:55 - 1:07. It sounds awkward to me
yeah the one at 1:16
sounds nice
sounds clean to my ears
oh, theres actually there's also a wubby reese playing at the end too
Thanks for the insight. This is my first jungle track so it’s super appreciated from everyone
Sweet, I’ll try to add a cool bass thing after the WOO! Also your the song you posted sounds good to me. Maybe come back to it and listen to it again after a few weeks. If you are really wanting to change keys still, do it then. At least you’ll be refreshed.
>first jungle track
wow great job!
>come back to it and listen to it again after a few weeks
that might be the move. at this point, i feel kinda trapped into a hard math problem and that i lost the plot and vibe a while ago just to have something. I was originally going for a Burial vibe. My other gripe is that the snare and hats feel too low. But nonetheless, I'm really happy with how it bounces and what I've got so far
A small piece to improvise over, jazz standard style.


opinions appreciated
that "wow great job" kinda looks sarcastic but i meant it. its a fun track so far
ps1 midi OST
update on this
when do i know i have a Track i am proud of releasing?

t. has 40+ projects
How do I get the fun of making music back? I open my DAW now and my mind just goes blank. I used to love just making dumb shit and really enjoying it.
I’m proud of you no matter what, son :)
it comes and goes. Sometimes I've gone 4-6 months without making anything and then I get a burst of energy and make 20 songs in a month. Maybe you need a break.
>sitting on a track i'm fairly certain is ready
>too scared to use it as my very first track on streaming platforms
Post it
still have no idea how licensing works
Thanks, just posted it on my channels.

It sounds good. Are you worried about someone taking it? Whatssamattayoo
I did a thin y'all wanna hear it??
>I did a thin
> https://vocaroo.com/14LvhYw0TO1k
> https://vocaroo.com/11US8SyxppiV
> https://vocaroo.com/1by0THBVRqOW

any feed back is appreciated
what I hear is alot of ideas, but no cohesion or direction. It's just "cool" loops and sounds flinged into a daw without purpose.
Which can be novel for a short while, but it gets tedious to listen to past one track. You need to work on basic song structure and harmony, because sounds like you're not completely aware of what you're doing besides "this sounds cool".
>what I hear is alot of ideas, but no cohesion or direction. It's just "cool" loops and sounds flinged into a daw without purpose.
Yeah that's how I felt with the first and last in a way but I thought I'd put more structure into the second. What exactly do you mean with the harmony comment, as in making the notes/chords clearer to hear?
>as in making the notes/chords clearer to hear?
Just that sometimes your loops go out of key with each other and you dont even notice it. You have a tom fill in the middle of the second song that is completely out of rythm with both the drums and vocals. And as far as song structure, you're always going to be limited to what your loops bring to the table, you cant go anywhere other than where the loop leads you, locking you in, unless you work on your song structure and harmony by making your own chord progressions, melodies and so on.
>You have a tom fill in the middle of the second song that is completely out of rythm with both the drums and vocals
this was in an odd signature but yeah you're right I don't think I quite got there in terms of syncing it with everything
>unless you work on your song structure and harmony by making your own chord progressions, melodies and so on.
I know what you mean I've been working on moving towards progressions
here's something I made last week that's light on the drums and something to just try making better melodies
> https://vocaroo.com/166cI0nEg5r1
you have a good ear for cool sounds and sound design, but it's the same case where I feel like I'm just sitting around waiting for the intro to end and for the song to kick in, because it just feels like it's all up in the air without any solid foundation or anchor. A solid musica idea that it all builds up towards. Right now it sounds like you're teasing me with snippets of a song that's gonna kick in 2 minutes into the track but never does. That's why I'm telling you that you need to work on song structure, harmony and how to use it effectively.

And it doesnt need to be complicated. Just learning basic songs goes a long way to learn what good functional harmony is.
Busted my ass all weekend, but the rough draft is done.
Orchestration of the fugue from BWV 596.
Ill look into working on my structure next since its definitely not something I have really put a great deal of effort into compared other stuff. Thanks for the feedback anon
>drug addict puke techno
been feeling like shit lately but I think its good for my music anyway what do you guys think about this trak
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does the bass in this work? whats your thoughts on the track overall?
I know nothing about electronic music, but it sounds fine so far
Little song idea I like but sounds nothing like the sound I'm going for on my music project
this is an awful habit to build. just finish your shit. don't give up just because you don't have an idea. improvise and explore
drill those fucking drums dude. snare rushes, more percussion noises, put effects on them for fills.
make sure you don't pan the low bass frequencies. You want that part to be in mono or else there'll be phasing issues and it'll kill the bass when its played in mono in clubs. Sounds really cool tho
i like the sound selection. maybe cut the stereo pulsing drone synth for a build up and bring it back in a drop. also consider the advice i gave to the other anon
sounds neat. I don't know anything about orchestration. How would you critique yourself?
I like the idea so far. Really warm synths and it has a nice bounce. your mic clipped super loud @ 2:00. pretty ez fix tho. This song doesn't go anywhere. Its sounds like its just a verse going on and on. The "Trynna find myself" part almost sounds like a chorus but the music doesn't change to reinforce it and it doesn't last. Song structure is something I struggle with personally but this video helped me understand it better
>you cant go anywhere other than where the loop leads you, locking you in, unless you work on your song structure and harmony by making your own chord progressions, melodies and so on.
I don't think he needs to make his own progressions and melodies necessarily. Just put them in the same key as the vocals. I'm sure it would sound great if they didn't clash because of that dissonance.
As for song structure, I think the 2nd track has a decent one, the song changes up for the female vocals and sounds pretty nice other than for the aforementioned out of key instruments which really sours it. It does successfully make me feel like I'm having a confusing sweaty fever dream borderline nightmare but I don't think that's what you were going for
continued >>122870083

Yoooo this is sick. I fucking love that crunchy bass oh my god. I made a garage track >>122857850 I'd appreciate some critique
>odd signature
sounds like 4/4 but the vocals from she aren't quantized to the beat. It keeps speeding up and slowing down
I know a little bit about functional harmony but could you link some tutorials on the subject?
tbf its fucking scary when Windows Defender starts tweaking. Everyone starts somewhere. Read the description on whatever Defender deems as a threat. If it says something like '/Hacktool/Keygen', you're good. This anon covered all the other bases though >>122853246
>how would you critique it yourself?
My critique would be that I have no real education on orchestration (or composition) either. I just started dicking around in Musescore one day. So, there's probably errors I don't know about.
not much of a critique really. maybe there are some free courses on composing orchestras on youtube you could get some knowledge from
just curious, what do you typically focus on when making a song?
Really noisy post-hardcore or something

Since I released my first album a few months ago I stopped getting any kind of interesting musical ideas, and can't really make anything that isn't audio slop. Anyone here had similar problem? Should I just take a break from making music or it will just make things worse?

Added some stuff you guys suggested. Probably needs a bit more work.

Orig >>122850265

>>122866534 got it down well, mostly sounds but since starting I've focused on sounds then drums/rhythms then chords and now I'll be going into more structure. It's not often I get a feeling and want to make a song from it. This maybe one of those cases https://vocaroo.com/14sR4qXxNRFe
but it's not always what drives me, I suppose things are abstract for me right now
LMAO At least post something you worked on Anon.
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"how much distortion do you want?" "...yes"


memories of grey... grey... grey....
LMAO give that More man
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going through kind of a headfoggy depressed moment but I mustered up the energy to make this


Let me know if its worth developing or if I'm just embarrassing myself at this point
you could never embarrass me anon-kun UwU
I think it sounds how you feel and lacks any kind of energy. It's not embarrassing bad, maybe come back to it on a better day.
guess ill give up. I dont enjoy this stupid shit anymore. I hope it gets replaced by AI.
man up
>cant make music anymore now that im not depressed
im so sick of the kurt cobain-tier "happiness is for fags" trend, but writing upbeat stuff that isnt cookiecutter is elusive
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> dont enjoy this stupid shit anymore. I hope it gets replaced by AI.
holy kek, you're what willow is talking about. We all have bad days/weeks/months but come on man
I'm dead serious. I've been doing this for 12 years and have no skills. It's time to move the fuck on. I've wasted so much of my life on this shit.
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>12 years
post some of what you consider to be your best or favourite stuff if you're in a slump
yeah, so you can laugh at me and say it's shit? no thanks.
>yeah, so you can laugh at me and say it's shit? no thanks.
Is the fear of this really so great that you're unwilling to risk it for help?
What's the worst that can happen? People telling you what you clearly already think about yourself?

Stop being a bitch or just quit
I'm pretty happy with this but its 2-3 years old and my mixing was shit back then
>yeah, so you can laugh at me and say it's shit? no thanks.
are you kidding me? you came here asking for feedback and now you are afraid of people laughing? Can't be afraid of that in any creative endeavour. Surprised you lasted this long desu
oh for fuck sake
women are actually mentally ill holy shit
This is Will Smith's and Jada Pinkett's daughter.
She's not exactly representative of the typical female.
Although she comes of as condescending and misandrist as fuck she is right. I've literally lived the life she is talking about and im sure plenty of people here have too.
It might be true but I wouldn't expect a woman to really understand why so many men are drained of energy. Adolescence onwards for a guy is 100% work and suffering.
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>becomes Hindu
>drops the album of the year
>dismantles the incel condition
Repeat after me: Jai Shri Krishna
>I've literally lived the life she is talking about and im sure plenty of people here have too
and most people who have and are reading it will instinctively deny it or act dense pretending to not understand what she's getting at

c'est la vie... or well, c'est les hommes (?) lol
As harsh as this may sound, the biggest issue here IMO is that your taste isn't "cool" enough. The music itself (both the composition and the sound selection), the cover art, and even your artist name, are pretty unappealing.
Also, maybe I just don't get it, but I don't see any artistic intent/direction in these songs. They just feel like a collection of parts, without them having anything that would make me feel anything. No character, no vibe/atmosphere, no "story", etc. It's just so bland, like royalty free music if that makes sense.
Compare yourself to artists universally considered great, both of similar genres and different ones, and see how their music is more than a collection of melodies, chords, etc. Just like a movie is more than a compilation of footage, you need your art to do something to the listener. Even something as "basic" as being exciting.

I struggle with these issues as well and I know it can be discouraging, but you can definitely improve if you do some critical listening (to your music and to other people's) and start rethinking the way you make music.
I guess I was trying to go for this kind of thing. I'm perfectly fine with not being "cool", I prefer science fiction apeing old stuff. Also what my generation think is "cool" to me is idiotic.

That project was kind of a joke though, and the name I literally came up with when I was 10.
not to mention I am actually inspired by stock music from the 80s and 90s like this
I don't mean "cool" as "what your generation likes" (???).
There are so many ways in which something can be cool, as things can appeal to different people and tastes.
The track you linked is cool in its own way, regardless of what any one group of people (i.e. today's youth, or iranian imams, or amazonian uncontacted tribes) thinks.
IMO your music just doesn't seem to be "cool" to any type of person.
Replace the word "cool" with "appealing" if you want.

>Also what my generation think is "cool" to me is idiotic
Who's your target demographic exactly?

>That project was kind of a joke though, and the name I literally came up with when I was 10.
But your listeners won't know that.
so what can I do to make it cool in the same respect as the track I linked?
replace "cool" with having taste

even among technically competent people, it's what separate generic from engaging or emotionally salient

artists who appear "talented" despite technical shortcomings are really just cases of people acting based on impeccable taste

it's not just "what do you like," it's the ability to discern what actually makes something good

sit down and analyze what makes the music you like good
literally list it out, think about what makes it tick, theory wise, aesthetically, what separates from other similar music.
think about other mediums as well
think about why you view it that way and why other people do or don't as well so on so on.
this topic can run quite deep

nta obvs. sleep now :3
You listen to a ton of good music of that kind and possibly avoid every other type of music, so you can *feel* it and internalize all its elements and when you come up with something it will sound like it.
The keyword is to feel it. Immerse yourself in the right atmosphere/vibe/energy as much as possible, with music, movies, etc. your music is the expression of what you have in your mind, which is both your personality/temperament/etc but also all your influences (basically everything you've experienced), so it makes sense to fill that "influences" part of your brain with the stuff you want to make.
It would also help if you used the same type of sound and maybe even followed some tutorials specifically about it (or the closest genres you can find) so you at least have the technical knowledge to make those ideas correctly.

If you want an audience, however, you can't really go for something niche like that. You at the very least need to incorporate elements of this kind of vintage sci-fi synth music into modern styles that can appeal to today's youth.
I know it's a big compromise if you really hate modern music, but your options are limited.
I think this is where I'm tripping up. I'm too open to multiple influences. I might use this Italo disco style but I'll incorporate another style which I might not understand fully. I know I really need to just pick one direction and master it, but I just can't. I know I want to make something melodic, but my melodies just suck. Maybe copping out and joining the techno nerds could work out.
Anon here >>122875053 has some good advice too if you've missed it
yeah, im not talented enough. I spent the entire time learning production and engineering over theory. I just never had it.
Does anyone recognize the drum machine here (besides the 808)?
You can have multiple influences and make them work well together. Your music just sounds uninspired. Like you're not actually *feeling* it.
Learning theory will definitely not help you on this front.
Practice your groove and do rhythmic exercises until you find a style that you can play with energy and passion. The groove / 'feel' is the hardest thing to get right for most musicians, but it's what really separates something that sounds amateur with something that sounds professional. You can make something that is groovy and interesting to listen to even when repeating just 1 note. You can study theory if you want, it can be helpful in songwriting and song structure, but it doesn't teach you how to play with feeling.
The truth is I’m not feeling any of it. I’m pretty sick of life and I’m sick of being an autist no one likes. How am I supposed to make works of beauty if there’s no beauty or wonder in my life? I’m the “weird” guy where ever I go. I just want to know if I’ve got something to work towards or not. Otherwise I’d happily just fucking kms.
Anyone interested in visuals for their music? I'm learning Touchdesigner for making visuals for my own music, but my music sucks right now, so I was wondering if anyone wanted help for visuals for a music video or something. i have a throwaway discord if you wanna contact me EZEZ5902
Make music that reflects the way you feel. A lot of great music has been made by people in a worse mental condition than that.
If you don't feel beautiful music, find another genre that you do feel, and focus on that.
Can you post some examples of your work?
Agree with what this anon says >>122875666, but would also say there's plenty of scope to convey negative feelings with a sense of beauty. Unironically try making some ambient shit -maybe that would more suit your mood and energy. Also this is not your personal blog, motherfucker.
I can later tonight or on discord (.mov and mp4 files, I dont really make webms)
Good, use those emotions to fuel your music. Channel that frustration into what you play. You may need to try out a few different approaches, but one of them will eventually be good I guarantee it.
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Tried to make the most obnoxious, cliche modern brostep dubstep possible. i really dont make dubstep all that often so making this was actually kinda fun in a really annoying way. lmk what yall think.
You can upload the clips on catbox.moe
Turns out I only have 2-3 clips accessible right now, all my stuff is on my pc at home

these are webms, but they're too large anyway
>Tried to make the most obnoxious, cliche modern brostep dubstep possible.
why should anyone click your link after that description?
Not my thing but pretty cool
>humm a 90s song in the shower
>think "man those vocals would be cool"
>get out of the shower
>song in my head is gone
I have loads of stuff though. Datamosh (it's not true datamosh cause it's not affecting the actual file), lava lamps, feedback loops, scrolling grids, motion graphics, kaleidoscopes, UV mapping. TD is really powerful. I dunno why VJs bother with shit tied to timecodes when this can all be audio-reactive, can even use python scripts for the parameters.
anyone using vocalfy?
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Alright last time I managed to mimic an electric guitar with Serum and I'm making a track with it.

It's not that bad actually!
Cuz it's not supposed to be taken seriously.

bumpin with a shitty vapoerwave track. I believe I already posted this a few months ago as unfinished, but I was doing a round in my samples and it reminded me that I need to finish it.

Sounds like it's underwater.
is there a way to bypass the OP-1 field's tape limits? I want to be able to do songs longer than 6 minutes, does anybody know of any workarounds for this?
Buy another op-1, midi connect the last second of the song into the new op-1, wahlah ysspx
>$2000 "instrument"
>6 min limit
sounds like the workaround is selling that piece of shit toy and buying real recording equipment
>Sounds like it's underwater.
yeah, didn't realize that until I listened on another sound system. Too much low pass it seems
why buy that crap in the first place? That abomination is the epitomy of overpriced hipster bait.
I mean I like it but I was just hoping there was some sort of jailbreak mod out there or something
I was playing guitar on a little blackstar practice amp but the batteries got low and the delay knobs started doing some wacky stuff so here's a little recording I did with a zoom recorder
Even though this just reads as the other side of the coin for redpill shit I can kinda agree with the third paragraph. As I man I also really dislike soulless people, but the bitch doesn't realize what makes those people lose their soul in the first place and thinks it's "bad karma". Also, the "trust me! it's not physical traits!!! it's energy" thing is insane bs, get a fatass balding dude with lots of ze energy and a chad with boring pics on tinder and see who gets more
>do something or perish
rape? since women fetishes criminals anyway
>why buy that crap in the first place?
because there's nothing else quite like it as far as I can tell
You mean, as shit? The production quality is a joke for that ridiculous price tag. The knobs are shit, the handling is shit, the processing power is shit. All of that should be top notch for 2,000$. I really don't understand how they could get away with it and find enough idiots to buy it.
By the way, everybody I know who bought one of these (one of my friends, sadly, and people I talked to online) were people who thought it would help them to get into making music. Nobody who's already a bit into synthesizers or music in general falls for this fraud.
idk what to tell you. I like it :)
nothing else quite like catching aids from a dominican hooker, you don't see me do that shit. that's such a stupid argument.
I just like it. it does everything I need it to do in a very small package. I just wish the tapes were longer, that's the only real complaint I have about it.
Tinder isn't real life, bruh.
I agree with what she says except for the karma bullshit.
okay, fair enough, but 2,000$ seems reasonable to you? How? Don't you think you only pay for the brand? I think that's even more ridiculous than overpriced Apple products, because they at least are well crafted.
>I just wish the tapes were longer, that's the only real complaint I have about it.
that alone is a limitation that should never be an issue for that price tag. And there are a lot more, especially the processing power.
>Tinder isn't real life, bruh.
It's just a simplification of it down to the basics. Anyway, what you'd have said if I didn't include the word "tinder" there for your >b-b-but tinder?
>it does everything I need it to do
>I just wish the tapes were longer
Clearly it doesn't do everything you need it to
yeah it's a bit overpriced. if there were something that looked, functioned and behaved like an OP-1 field with the exact same feature set and workflow for cheaper I'd buy that instead, but as it stands at the moment it seems no one is interested in making a portable DAW-synth thingy so. OP-1 it is. I was kind of hoping there'd be some competition in this exact space but even after a decade, nope. nothing.
what about a small notebook with ableton on it? you could get that for >1000$ with ten times the functionality and a way better workflow.
runtime is pretty much the only issue I've run into personally. idk what you mean with the processing power bit. maybe I'm not doing anything complex enough to cause crashes or lagging or whatever, but thats fine by me. the kinds of things I'd refer to the OP-1 for are simple anyway.

lol yeah, I guess there's that. but I like it anyway. this is only one small compromise for my needs.

I already have that. I'm not relying solely on the OP-1 for everything, it's just a companion. 2bh I use it more than my macbook, but I use do both in conjunction.
What does this make anybody think of
How do I get meaty snares like KATE BUSH
Breathe some life into your synths brother
Tinder, online-dating, newspaper classifieds (looking 4 love) -- anything static like that doesn't represent the full extent of attraction in real life. Those 80s/90s services where people would record a short clip of themselves talking on VHS are a little bit better, but they still didn't allow for the dynamic back-and-forth interactions that people have in person that can make people with a great personality shine.
Our society is fucked though. Communities got too big and it's too easy to get lost and feel like you don't belong anywhere. Online is not a good substitute for in-person communication at all.
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Why hasn't Ableton added a region feature to Live's arrangement view? This feels like a super basic feature that should exist in all DAWs.
I can't afford to use a midi track to fake it because I'm using Live Lite and am limited to 8 tracks.
s m h
People usually use the markers for that
spoopy ms-dos video game music
What about crayons?
Thanks, bro. I'm coming from Reaper and was too focused on the term "regions."
>techno and indie/neo-soul
how do you find band mates? i'm looking for a drummer, and it's impossible to find one. and for techno it's even worse because nobody listens to it
It's all sampled, mate. it's really the automation of a couple filters that are too high
So you guys think I have what it takes technically to make professional stuff? It’s just uninspired?
my new routine is to transcribe at least one part a day and rip it off with no shame

still a slump but at least i'm learning new songs and more consistently expanding the mental catalog lol
thanks to whoever suggested half of that like 10 threads ago
ya pretty much
So the mixing is fine? What if it just isn’t fun anymore? Am I just fucked? I’m a 24 year old incel with no gf and I don’t even feel any emotion anymore. What would I even have to write about
Holy shit just kys
>So the mixing is fine?
Well it's 100% not your bottle neck and doesn't have any baring on why people would or wouldn't enjoy your music.

I mean, write about whatever.
*What* is no where near as important as *how* in art.

This isn't a problem with subject matter or any technical shortcoming or anything like that- it's fundamentally how you express yourself.
It's not something that's easily taught or that you can just sift through a bunch of youtube videos to try to learn or help you reflect, it's something that you have to ruminate on yourself.
like.... self discovery, whoa :0

unironically go do shrooms or something if you haven't.
it's practically a meme at this point where shitty guys will drop acid and literally "discover" empathy and other mid level emotions/schema lol
finally decided to get my girl dick wet in M1 for really this time (because OPN days lately) and you CAN''T FUCKING AUTOMATE EFFECTS what in the FLIP is that bullshit dude WHAT

why is korg so shit dude fuck
Seriously? Which DAW are you using?
Ableton Live 11.0.0 xD

you can automate the basic stuff like osc levels / pan and whatnot but for whatever reason you can't touch the effects parameters at all

idk it's continually confusing what actually can/can't be mapped even in modern synths.
Oscillator on/off? Filter select? Lfo shape? No problem
Dry/wet from this *special* effect? Ohhhh tough luck...

trap beat... this thread is mostly edm and alt rock so might not be what you are looking for

fl studio 20
Do you mean in a plug-in? You need to configure the parameters first.
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So this song is in C major right? Why is there a sharp and flat here? I'm pretty confused did I mark it wrong?
The Ron Swanson meme telling the kid to bugger off in a hardware store or whatever
Accidentals are life.
You are correct that the piece is in C major.
G# for the E7, which is common because it's like the major V of the relative minor (A minor).
I would need to think a little more to explain the D# and Bb... but you can just think of them as more colors.

is this too weird? i need another set of ears
how is this weird
the bass thing in the beginning is a foley texture that i heavily filtered, inverted, and compressed, to where its no longer recognizable. So i just have no idea how weird it comes across cause ive been playing it on loop in my headphones for an hour. Also idk if the end is too spacey, cause i did the same thing but ran the bass through some absynth filters
I feel like I should type a little more to let you know that you should pay attention to the chords as well.
For example, measure 5 says A7, which means you'll have C# in your left hand; measure 13 says D7, so F# in your left hand; ,measure 26 has F-6, so Ab in the left hand -- etc.
Why would he samefag to tell himself to KYS KEK
as if he wasn't already coming off as deranged and self hating lol
About to make $100 from a commission, it's not even the first time and no way in hell this covers anything but I'm way more happy than I should be
>where shitty guys will drop acid and literally "discover" empathy and other mid level emotions/schema lol
Is there a way to do this without fucking up ny brain? I felt like I had something to say but it’s gone. I don’t even know what I like anymore. If I start enjoying the process will my music get better? My shit always sounds like bad stock music or “video game music.
Congratulations, anon :3

Is this shit? Honestly can't tell.
>Is there a way to do this without fucking up ny brain?
Never had this problem so I can't speak from experience (though I do recall people noticing I changed after doing mystery drugs so maybe that's bullshit) but if I had to put forth some guesses: lesser drugs (lesser hallucinogens, or they would give you low doses of ecstasy in therapy for example), therapy, a complete flip of your media consumption (i.e watch/study A LOT of shit if you're unplugged, or unplug if you're way too online etc).

Again, no experience with it, but ive seen a lot of young people muse about their lack of alone time / time with their own thoughts and feelings, either due to an active social life or not allowing themselves to face it through habitual media consumption and "numbing" themself.
-something to consider in yourself.

It's difficult to give meaningful advice without actually knowing you, but imo the fact that you haven't dropped this after 12 years and are actually seeking advice about this instead of going full doomer or regressing as a a defense mechanism is a good sign.
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Where would you go with this structure wise
>Is there a way to do this without fucking up ny brain? I felt like I had something to say but it’s gone. I don’t even know what I like anymore. If I start enjoying the process will my music get better? My shit always sounds like bad stock music or “video game music.

Instead of doing acid, trying to connect with your inner third eye or unlocking some shit. You should ask yourself why you got into music making in the first place.
Was it due to a love of music, a love of creation? Or did you just want to impress someone, get validation or get noticed? Was creating music just escapism to you? A means of escaping something troubling, painfull or dull? Or maybe you were just hoping to get famous and make money?

Why did you put music out on bandcamp in the first place? What were you hoping would happen? What were you hoping would happen as a result of that?

I dont think you've ever asked yourself that. Honestly alot of people would be better off if they sat down and asked themselves "Why the fuck am I doing what I am currently doing, how did I get here and what am I actually hoping to achieve with this?" and really go deep and have an honest conversation with themselves. Alot of people go 10-20 years, doing some shit because some girl they liked in 7th grade had a passing interest in it or their parents told them they had to get a proper education and they're still trying to get their parents validation, aged 40.

You dont need to drop acid to do that. Just sit under a tree on a sunny day, have a few beers and just ponder about your life.
Steve albini's birthday today.
>Steve Albini
Rick Rubin for hipsters
it's honestly weird as hell how everybody's always heavily implying "oh you're just doing this to get famous i bet you don't even like music!" whenever this type of philosophical life advice stuff comes up
Probably a combination of the love of creation as well as escapism. I couldn’t care less about making money or being famous. Having worked in the music industry I’ve watched “success” totally mentally break people so I don’t care for it. Plus the current music industry is a joke compared to what it was 2004. I’m also aware that most young people don’t even give a fuck about music even if it’s good, because it has to fit within a valid 30 second TikTok.

I wanted to make music because I’ve loved it since I was a kid and at some point I cherished the process, even the boring parts. All I wanted to do was make an album I could be proud of that links together everything I like and who I am personally. I thought that freeing myself from external validation would help me tap into something special but I think life has just beaten me down and none of it is fun anymore. All the moving around, endless work and no fun, and endless social rejection and being unable to achieve personal and professional goals despite years of work has just made me bitter and hateful. My friends even call me “Mr. 80%”.
is it weird it only comes up whenever you're the one getting questioned about it?
if I, say, modulate from C#m to Em, did I modulate m6 down or m3 up or is it kinda relative?
never been accused of it in my life

i just think it's really shitty how the worst is so often assumed of people here for no reason
wouldnt m6 down be a G?
>i just think it's really shitty how the worst is so often assumed of people here for no reason
People in creative endevours have all kinds of unconcious reasons for why they do what they do and how they do it. Getting to the bottom of your unconcious motivations for why you're doing what you're doing can help you in understanding what motivates you and how you can motivate yourself. That you took that as an attack on your credibility as a musician is projection of either insecurity or imposter syndrome on your part.
nta but I'm pretty sure C# to G (up or down) is a tritone, no?
It would be a major 6th down, and I'd guess it's relative yeah.. I feel like I hear the closer of the 2 more.
That would be six half steps, which is a tritone
Rule of thumb is, less sharps = down, but I do agree it can be relative depending on the register of the melody etc.
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don't worry first three chords aren't just had had let em know you know xD

probz nothing might recycle the sound or some of the end part at least idk but my new gf said she liked it but she's just u kno


ezra. ezra.ezra.
(slump... slump... slump...)
Going off if this >>122875127 I'd agree up to the point of listening only to good music in the style you want to make. Listen to music analytically. Ask yourself what it is about the music you dont like that turns you off. What makes your favorite artist so great? Recreate your favorite songs to learn from them. The great thing about this is that you can take a problem you're struggling with and focus on that in your study
>my melodies just suck
why does it suck? what melodies do you like? study those. You can also find tutorials on how to write good melodies. I recently learned that memorable and singable melodies have few big jumps between notes. Have you studied functional harmony and practiced writing with it in mind? There are so many eays you can improve, dude.

i skimmed through some songs on your album after writing. I think some tracks are boring but Daisy and Reflection are pretty cool in my opinion. Maybe try asking yourself what do you have to say in the conversation that is music history. Try that Brian Eno creative exercise thing with those cards and you take action based on deliberately vague prompts. Make making music as fun as it was when you were a bright eyed beginner. idk I have to sleep
Neat intro

i skipped past making the whole track because i had confidence that today would end my slump and I SUFFER.
might as well tomorrow i guess except... the fucking double bass.... maybe i should buy some guitar strings so i can finally start again....
so much work ... ugh,,,
>I'd agree up to the point of listening only to good music in the style you want to make
HEY! I did tell him to listen analytically to other genres too lol (here >>122874808). In that post you linked I'm answering his question about trying to sound like that specific song, so I told him to immerse himself in it (as a short term exercise, not as a modus operandi for the rest of his career lol, sorry if I wasn't clear) to internalize its characteristics.
If the goal is to become a better musician in general then of course learning from all kinds of music is better.
I feel you my friend. You'll find your groove back soon enough.
>what melodies do you like?
I’ve always wanted to write melodies that have this childlike uplifting playful quality but somehow aren’t cheesy or corny and sometimes have a melancholic undertone.
Some examples:
https://youtu.be/cESknSt4tOc?si=nHiMoxqcLzoYHkcn (At 1:37)




Ultimately this is the kind of stuff I’m going for in my music. Stuff that sounds a bit silly but has some emotion to it. It sounds easy to replicate but it’s incredibly hard to write these kinds of melodies without it being corny and I don’t get what it is that compels me so much. There’s a sense of wonder in these songs but despite the artificial presentation it never sounds like royalty free music for adverts. I don’t get it.
>using built in synth effects
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Mate two years ago uploaded this: https://youtube.com/shorts/Rh-iEh0Rsqg?si=5rlaS9IhqZHFGLkN

Lawyer up and attempt to sue for some cash? Or since it wasn’t published by a major label, he’s fucked? (The producer behind the Megan Stallion song blocked him too)
What's the proper way to write down this drum part? The triplet feels weird in the first part but sounds better. The latter part looks like it makes more sense, but sounds less groovy.
It's an interpretation of the Glory Box drum part by Portishead.
only because you can't drag them into the instrument rack via control, you still can automate them. Just go into automation view, twist the knob or move whatever control it has in the vst's UI, and it will activate the automation of that parameter in the automation view.
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how do i get such good sounding low end like luke slater? https://youtu.be/QKAQbS86Bos
transpose the chords and melodies. i guarantee you will pick up on how they work.
i might be wrong but this kind of thing happens all the time. idk how much recourse he has if he didnt copyright it
I wanna make Latin Tech
>lord and savior A.G fuckin Cook

I am much more invested in your success now <.<

I echo again the how is more important than why thing.
Like obviously part of it is just practice, but small details in how a silly little melody is played, down to timing, sound selection/modulation, context and all that can drastically change the sound of what looks simple on paper.
In the instrument world you can get away with just being a good player and "just feel it bro" but in electronic music it's all based off conscious decisions with 10x more things to fuck up so

must confess i still haven't listened to think new album, 30 lashes kssh kshhhh
god damn I'm just making a bunch of shit lately
>but small details in how a silly little melody is played, down to timing, sound selection/modulation, context and all that can drastically change the sound of what looks simple on paper.
So like modulation and rhythm mainly in my case? As much as AG Cook is kind of a meme guy I actually dream about his melodies they're so good. Theres something he does compositionally where at first it just sounds like an obvious chord progression but theres something else that makes it so distinct and fun to listen to.
also thanks anon. Daisy is one im really proud of but thats the thing. I made it in like half a day almost like it was nothing. I listen back to it and I really like it although id make it less repetitive in parts.
Airwindows Drumslam:


okay now what....
I listened to the vocaroo first and thought "wow, this sound like shit"

Then I opened up the youtube link and saw Pig Destroyer with Prowler In The Yard. Didnt even have to listen to it.

You nailed it.

it is continually surprised at the absurd high end some artists mix to lol
85% of music is performance and attitude.
Demo i've made, tried to do late 90's / 00's brit pop baggy moby type stuff but more modern w/ autotune / vocal modulation

has bagpipe and flute solo

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>stuck volunteering this whole week
>packed my small piano to get some practice in
>forgot the piano stand
>have my laptop and midi controller
>0 energy for producing no ideas working
>only feel like practicing and working my brain
>can't get either of the above done by producing
I'm so bored. I never thought I'd get the bug for studying and improving but it's all I can think about whenever I open ableton. I want to practice all of me and autumn leaves
Time for the shed babbbyyyy
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slipped through the cracks actually......? (sorry if repeat... my memory... out the winduh)
string of ideas the night i was learning razor apparently...??
maybe will recycle???

Love it, love the hard hitting chords at :57
you can immediately tell what key youre in by looking at the sharps/flats on the treble clef. Use the circle of fifths. Did you watch the video i sent in the last thread? >122827884
>Use the circle of fifths

You guys can't just tell?
I don't think everyone has been playing instruments for years like we have.
I wouldn't have said to use the circle of fifths eithers.
Just look at the last sharp and go up a half-step or look at the second-to-last flat and there's your key. Eventually they get committed to memory so one doesn't even need to think about it like us. Simple as.
What's the best electric guitar plugin/library for rock music? I know the real thing is better but I wasn't allowed to learn and money is tight for me right now.

idk this information just seems superfluous for the vast majority of people here, particularly the dude you were responding to.
... he resurfaced
Yes I did watch the video. I understood what it said was very useful thx. When I'm reading the song I just posted there are sharps and flats in it. Since there are no flats or sharp near the treble, I was confused why they showed up in the song.
Committing to music practice, especially as a self learning mid to late 20 year old isn't a simple process. Not sure why it bothers you but that's none of my business.
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sounds like ag cook. good shit
whats razor? the synth?
no sharps or flats is c major or a minor. no accidentals, white keys only
The 3rd measure here has a G# though and there's nothing next to the treble clef. I do understand that it's C major, I've only practiced this song using white keys for the melody but D7 has F# so I used a sharp for the chords.

I may be mistaking you for somebody else, idk.
There was somebody posting here a while ago who was having trouble writing hip-hop beats in a particular style and following advice learning skills that imo weren't very high on the list of things of skills/knowledge that actually had to do with his goals, which is what I had in mind while making that post.

Trrrrust me I get how difficult it is lol.
>ag cook

I may or may not have been listening to theh first few discs of 7g on repeat for a couple days.
... I don't remember but that's probably what happened

Razor is an additive synth for reaktor.
Old but very good.
Do you mean the guy asking about jpegmafia and injury reserve? I was lurking when he was getting a lot of attention here. He was very annoying
>jpegmafia and injury reserve?
Yes, but there was evidently somebody else with identical taste also studying piano (maybe not, I started to mentally filter his posts so I could be mixing them up), and or lamenting how they just didn't "get" music or couldn't do it or whatever after trying for many years.

Anywho, my bad
>IMO your music just doesn't seem to be "cool" to any type of person.
>to any type of person

autists can't imagine a world where someone has a different opinion than they do so they unknowingly spit out things like this that reveal their whole inner workings. sad honestly
This post is giving Inbred telliing everybody music is subjective so actually his songs are good

People are capable of telling when something is good or appealing in a way that doesn't fit their particular taste (if they're not close minded).
>begins sentence specifying it's only his opinion
>ends the sentence implying it is the opinion everyone shares

you can't recognize narcissist autist cringe in front of your eyes huh
Feel free to be dense about what's being said, by all means, but it's not helping anybody to just ignore the point that's being made.
kek take your own advice. when you act like your feedback is The Truth you are revealing yourself as a turbofaggot
>Feel free to be dense about what's being said
> it's not helping anybody to just ignore the point that's being made
as he is actively being dense and ignoring the point being made. pottery
It means
>i don't see how this can be appealing to people
Does it make sense now or do we need to phrase it using simpler words?
I directly addressed the point you tried to make in the post though lol

I can't believe you're actually trying to "and yet you are part of society" me right now wtf
if you're going to shitpost just shitpost dude sheesh
right but what kind of person are you that you can speak for everyone so confidently? 'this wouldn't be cool to anyone' just makes you a retard. if you dislike a candy bar do you default to the assumption that no one else in the world could like it? it takes a warped mind to make that leap
>I can't believe you're actually trying to
believe it honey
> if you dislike a candy bar do you default to the assumption that no one else in the world could like it?

Did you stop developing emotionally when you were 12 or something?
Obviously only an idiot would do that; normal, emotionally functioning people have the ability to think about what other people might feel, consider their thoughts and tastes and so on.
*With that in mind* if you hear a discordant mess, somebody who knows about music and what people *other than them* like, they can consider what *can* be appealing while considering everybody.

Some people don't like sweet thiings like chocolate, others do- normal people get that.
A negligible amount of people will enjoy or desire eating literal feces, or human flesh etc, save for a few outliers in the entire population- normal people get this as well.
I didn't make the statement "I know for a fact that nobody will like this". I said (paraphrasing) "I don't think this is something that will appeal to any particular taste".
Obviously there are exceptions to everything and even the worst works will be appreciated by someone somewhere in the world, but generally speaking things are never fully subjective and some times it's not really up for debate whether something is good or bad.
There's a lot of music that I don't personally like but can recognize as good because it has certain elements (some I can articulate, some I can't) that make it good. There's also a lot of music that's the complete opposite, and everything in between.
In my opinion that music isn't good in the ways that I described across the multiple posts in which I talked about it.
It's possible that others don't share that opinion. I'm not making a factual statement because there cannot be a factual statement when it comes to this stuff. He asked for opinions and this is what I thought.

I've been trying to sleep for the past 5+ hours but there's a fucking mosquito in my room that seems to be able to teleport as soon as I look at it, so I have zero intention of continuing this dumbass conversation with a dumbass person (You). This will be my last reply to you.
strum is good
i didnt listen to the orig anon's vocaroo so i dont have an opinion on his music but the feedback was retarted no need to cope

your words are clearly not from a 'normal emotionally functioning person' in the first place, why should my response be

you can say something is bad but when you say no one will ever like it you become the retard you are trying to take down
>aka rewriting history to soften the language to cover up for your retardation

nice one

there's a misquito in my room too so we have something in common. have a nice sleep!
your arguing over semantics is so fucking ridiculous it's insane.

Like heavy 15-20 year old "I am very intelligent and will argue about anything" vibes
it's not semantics its you accidentally exposing your mental disorder being unable to see it. many such cases
>many such cases
literally yea
helloo??? operator??/ no not the synth baka


sometimes songs use notes outside of the key. that's why it's specified next to the note. i recommend watching 12tone's building blocks playlist
based as fuck
Fat beat
that would be a sick album cover
go for it

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