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>The Day the Music Died
>3 literal whos
were people just retarded back then to care about this shit
Everyone loved the big pooper
Los Lobos did Valens' shut way better than he ever possibly could have
rip bubby polly, riggy valent and the big sloppa
weezer is the only reason anyone knows who the fuck buddy holly is
sad to say this is probably true
nonsense, he was famous long before weezer
>ive never heard of this artist
> ergo this artist is not important
imagine being this dumb and uncurious
Better song than anything Brian Wilson has ever done
>if it's not viral on tiktok, it doesn't exist
ok zoomer
Holly was one of the biggest rock musicians. Valens was well established with multiple hits. The Big Bopper WAS a one-hit wonder though.
This is beyond delusional.
go back to fantano grips, fantano, tpab, crap midi, bcnr fucking faggot
did people care about it that much or was it just don mclean making it popular?
I asked my Dad more or less exactly this question a few years ago and he said it was a big deal at the time.

Depends massively on age group. This is probably a true statement for most people under 35, but most people over age like 60, even if they've heard of Weezer, would have heard of Buddy Holly before then.
i mean can you name a day with a higher death toll for music?
Leonard Skinnerd
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Based Dion passed on the plane ride and took a bus instead
Otis Redding's death fucked Stax pretty hard, which had implications for soul music in general
And Dion is still alive to this day. I wonder if that haunts him. I wonder how long they all would have lived naturally if it wasn't for that accident. Apparently Holly had siblings that died within the last few years so there is a good chance he would have lived a long time as well.
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You can find a few interviews online where he talks about it. He'd grown close to Buddy during the tour and did feel some guilt over it. His reasoning for staying behind on the bus was fascinating
>On February 3, 1959, after playing a concert in Clear Lake, Iowa, Holly decided to charter an overnight flight to the next venue rather than travel on the tour bus. Dion was invited by Holly to accompany him but decided that he would not spend $36 ($382 in 2024) for the flight, as he considered 36 an unlucky number ($36 was the exact same monthly rent his parents paid for his childhood apartment) and he could not justify the indulgence. The plane crashed, killing all on board: Holly, Valens, Richardson and the pilot Roger Peterson.
zoomers are a scourge
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the clapping sounds like someone furiously beating their meat
you'll never be able to hear this song again without hearing it
at the time it was a huge major happening
it fucked him up bad, he developed a drug and alcohol addition that got really bad for a minute there. he had survivor's guilt bad
he seems to have made it through and he's still here with us today but very old now
god, i love dion so much i want him to live forever
What kind of pants are you suppose to wear then?
These clapping sounds really pisses me off. Really sounds like someone is jerking off.
you are beyond retarded
>did people care about it that much
There was a cumulative aspect to it. In the late 1950's and early 1960's prior to the “British Invasion”, Rock and Roll went through a kind of decline as major Rock and Roll artists were sidelined for one reason or another.
>Holly, Valens, Richardson all die in a plane crash
>Elvis enlists in the army
>Jerry Lee Lewis marries his 13 year old cousin and torches his career
>Chuck Berry goes to prison
>Little Richard finds religion
All of this basically let guys like The Beatles show up without much in terms of competition
People here really be proud about their own ignorance
>he developed a drug and alcohol addition
Dion had already been struggling with a heroin addiction at that point, but yes it got worse as he struggled with feelings of guilt.
fuck you piece of shit
The late '50s recession kind of knocked the wind out of rock-and-roll and laid-back became the thing especially in 1959-60 instead of the preceding few years when loud and gaudy was commercial. After being overstimulated sometimes you need to chill for a while.
All this just because Buddy Holly refused to pay the mafia for protection and told them to fuck off
basically they didn't want any greaser clothing to be worn
Waylon Jennings was Buddy Holly’s drummer at the time and he was originally going to fly in the Bopper’s seat, but Bopper has the flu and persuaded Waylon to give him the seat because the bus was too cold.
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Dion was an absolute CHAD
You could tell by his music alone
That's literally the sound of a man slapping his thighs so you're correct in your assessment
this retarded thread made biden resign
>Valens was well established with multiple hits.
Valens had his debut come out like 7 months prior, so fuck off with this established artist bullshit.
Dion was a bigger star at that point than Valens or Big Bopper
Well he was also better than them so no big deal
>Waylon Jennings was Buddy Holly’s drummer at the time
He was the bassist. He gave his seat on the plane to The Big Bopper. He also joked to Buddy Holly before takeoff that he hoped the plane crashed. Now *that* will haunt a man.
No that's only how you know because you're a know nothing dumb fuck zoomer
Stop obsessing to porn coomer
Damn you really did fool a bunch of dorks with this bait, I guess I'll give you a (You) as well.
>Good show
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kek, good bait
yea right
Didn't Dion peak a couple years after this? Runaround Sue and The Wanderer didn't come out until 1961.
For me, it's Lovers Who Wander, which came out in '62.
Pavement really lucked out that buddy holly died in the crash so they could use the melody for silence kid and no one would care

Maybe car seat headrest should have had ric ocasek die in an "accident" so they wouldnt have to destroy all those record copies
based kith poster
What does that even have to do with anything?
Had several hits during a period when the majority of successful musicians were one-hit wonders. By the standards of the time, his career was longer than most.
Downplaying the tragedy
He had a huge career with The Belmonts in the late 50s zoomie.
They could've been sued by his estate just nobody cares about Redditment.
>Had several hits during a period when the majority of successful musicians were one-hit wonders. By the standards of the time, his career was longer than most.
The ratio of one hit wonders to lengthy careers in the 50s was no different than any other era.
*Trollololol song starts playing*
Why was he called The Big Bopper
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>he doesn't know
>implying Surf Rock and Garage Rock weren't big during the time between Rock and Roll and The British Invasion
Wasn't Buddy Holly's career on a quick decline during this tour?
First time I've heard this song was in the movie Mr.Nobody. I thought the move was so 2deep4u, but I was just a kid
something was on a quick decline during this tour
obviously anyone knows Buddy Holly and Valens did that mexican song but wtf was so special about the Big Bopper? convince me he wasnt gonna disappear the moment the beatles came on the scene anyways

anyone who is a fan of the Beatles knows who buddy holly is
>anyone who is a fan of the Beatles knows who buddy holly is
What do you mean by that? I knew about The Beatles since childhood but didn't know about Buddy Holly until a long time after, being a Beatles fan isn't even the thing that led me to him.

That's nonsense. Ritchie Valens was seventeen when he died. By the standards of his age and his time, he was an absolute rock 'n' roll stud, and had tremendous promise for growth even if he went down a path of bad habits.


If only Hopsin could've died in a planecrash at seventeen instead.
Reading about this day is crazy. The tour they were on when this happened was absolutely fucking miserable and basically a hellish experience.
>It was almost like the tour locations were chosen at random, sometimes there were 400 miles between 2 venues
>As a result some days they would travel for 10 hours then play (there were no off days)
>Buses were not equipped for harsh weather so they were freezing. The one bus that had heating malfunctioned after one of the first stops
>Terrible conditions on the bus meant people were getting sick and the backing musicians were constantly changing - Holly, Dion, Valens and The Big Bopper were always substituting and playing in the backing band for eachother
>If that wasnt bad enough, they had no road crew provided so at every venue they would need to unload, set up, then load up all their own gear
Death almost would've been a fucking relief for them
buddy holly was overrated and had no funk or swing
fuckin corny
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
He was on the tour with them you dipshit
Fuck off
He was definitely cash strapped
Wrong, he was in the middle of his peak
This is pure nonsense. Not even slightly based in reality.
He'd had some hits post-Crickets. But it's true that his biggest hits were with his original band.
He may have very well gotten even bigger if he survived. The guy recorded and experimented like crazy. Some of the unreleased recordings he made just before his death sound ten years ahead of their time. He could have beaten The Beatles to the punch on a number of things. Remember, he was only 22 when he died. That’s the age Lennon was when The Beatles put out their first single.
>weezer is the only reason anyone knows who the fuck buddy holly is

his performance at the apollo theater is what made him legendary


gary busey not getting nominated for best actor is considered one of the biggest oscar snubs of all-time
eat your slop and keep it to yourself
You are a fucking retard. Buddy Holly was one of the first singer/songwriters and his shit was catchy as hell—-and the guy was from a shit town in Texas. Massive influence on what came later. Fuck’s sake.
disprove him
This movie made Paul McCartney so mad because of its inaccuracies that he went and made his own documentary about the life of Buddy Holly ti correct the record.
Makes me pretty sad. I really do think he had a lot more in him.
Yeah but think of the bright side: if Valens lived longer then there would have been more beanerboo Mexiphiles and that would have made society even shittier than it already is.
They died in fire. It was very funny.
They didn't though. It was a plane crash.
Planes catch fire when they crash, Anon
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Half of Skynyrd died in the crash
They died from the impact. You can look up pictures of the crash scene online, their bodies were catapulted out of the plane.
>It was a plane crash
With no survivors?
I don't think he should have gone solo. Calling him Buddy Holly and the Crickets? Sure, but cutting The Crickets out of the act so soon does not help when that self-titled "debut" album he released was actually The Crickets' second album.
Buddy Holly is the only reason anyone knows who Weezer is.
Doesn't really matter since The Crickets and Buddy Holly were two different things from the jump. Songs like Rave On and Not Fade Away were released under "The Crickets" and songs like Everyday and Peggy Sue were released under "Buddy Holly". It was only when they played live gigs or went on TV were they ever "Buddy Holly and The Crickets". His manager did this so Buddy could have more airtime on radio since stations were only allowed to play a band/artist a certain amount of times a day.
Big Bopper's legacy is held up by dying alongside two more talented people, and yeah, his career would have likely ended with the British invasion. Can't imagine him having a comeback like Elvis or Orbioson did.
You taught me something I didn't know, thanks
>Buddy Holly's wife is still alive
The crash was very plain?
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They died in catapults.
Imagine being a boomer living in a 99% white community with your stay at home mom, your siblings, and your WW2 vet father who can afford to support all of you on a single income and you have disposable income to spend on shit just from working at Larry’s Diner. This was probably the most interesting thing to happen in your life.
what /pol/ fanfic is this? because it sure doesn't describe the real 1950s.
Is this the part where we pretend the 1950s were le bad when they were statistically the greatest times to live in the US for the majority of the population?
Yes, now start pretending

here's your '50s, bro. i loves me a violent alcoholic war PTSD dad who beats the shit out of his family every day.
What does that have to do with my pet duck Colin? Colin is a based duck. He likes to eat bits of bread. Ducks are very social pets that need lots of care and attention. They typically live in pairs or a flock around water so ducks being kept as pets need other duck companions. Ducks need daily access to a good quality water source that they can fully submerge themselves in to perform all their water related behaviours, such as preening, bathing, and swimming. Ducks also need plenty of mental stimulation and environmental enrichment because they are curious and can be quite destructive and messy when exploring around the garden and using their water source.

When in a flock, ducks maintain a strict social hierarchy and will form close connections and bonds with specific other ducks in the flock. When keeping ducks as pets it is therefore best to always have more than one duck or at least other poultry species, such as chickens, so that they can keep each other company. It is important to remember that pet ducks are not always from the same natural flock so may not initially be compatible with each other. It is important that pet ducks are introduced to each other slowly and safely to ensure they have time to get to know one another and form social bonds.
Specially since it was another false flag
Based colin
Colin is the greatest.
Here's a few bluepilled tracks that lie to you and tell you that things will get better
Wrong thread sorry I'm rrashed
Based Rashed anon.
Kek everybody seething about this post couldn't name ONE Buddy Holly song when put on the spot. Especially considering more millinials probably know who Mary Tyler Moore is from growing up watching Nick at Night as a kid and the Dick van Dyke show
Why do millennials love Weezer so much?
Buddy Holly came out 30 years ago
That's fascinating, but why do millennials love Weezer so much?
Kidz Bop 9
You can read the autopsy reports online anon. Buddy Holly’s head was crushed and his brains were nowhere to be seen. Blunt force trauma.
They play "say it ain't so" at bars and it's a popular karaoke song
He had more than one brain?
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>legendary singer
>only famous because some incel name dropped him 30 years ago
Yes. Unfortunately they were stolen when the plane crashed. Somewhere out there someone is building a Buddy Holly Frankenstein.
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>“I'm gonna be a star. Cuz stars don't fall out of the sky!”

Who's gonna tell him
For me, it was when Scary Spice died
That's Rihanna dumbass
Didn't Lynrd Skynrd die in a plane crash too? Poor guy
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>this is what weezer incels actually believe
put me in the screencap
>Not knowing who Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper were.
Please pray for poor OP's soul.
Never heard of them and don’t care. Doesn’t seem like anybody speaks of them today
A psychedelic Big Bopper novelty song about LSD would have been kino.
i had to google what weezer is kek
thought to myself
>isn't it spelled Deezer?
I could probably name a shit ton of Buddy Holly songs but that's because I'm a zoomer that's autistic about late 50s to early 60s pop music. I imagine most can't but most probably can't name five Nirvana songs and call Cobain a legend. Basically, normies are retarded.
Holly is fucking legendary, dude.
He was getting into radio. Could have potentially been financially successful that way.
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>I could probably name a shit ton of Buddy Holly songs but that's because I'm a zoomer that's autistic about late 50s to early 60s pop music

>Francis was raped in her hotel room at a Howard Johnsons in Syracuse, New York on November 10, 1974. The assailant, an African-American male, was never identified or apprehended. He threw a mattress on top of Francis, pinning her underneath and almost suffocating her. In a 1999 appearance on Larry King Live, Francis said "It was months before I could have sex with my husband again." She sued the Howard Johnsons for gross negligence and won a $180,000 settlement.
I've never been the biggest fan of late 50s-early 60s music because of the production. Too floaty. That for example always put me off of Connie Francis. Stuff from the early to mid 50s had more punch to it but 58-62 records sound limp.

cf. "If You Love Me", Kay Starr's hit version from '54


And Brenda Lee's cover from '61 (I think it was). Not as punchy, it has that cheesy doo wop rhythm and "Theme From Summer Place" strings. She doesn't have Kay's power as a singer either although admittedly some people might prefer that if they find belting annoying.
Apparently not if I’ve never heard of him and no one talks about him

Keep astroturfing though
People still talk about him all the time. Do you live under a rock?
> When Los Angeles music journalist Jim Dawson wrote to ex-Beatle John Lennon in 1974, he included a short questionnaire along with his letter asking about the influence that singer-songwriter Buddy Holly and his backing band The Crickets had had on Lennon and other British musicians of that era.

>Somewhat uncharacteristically, the often sarcastic and irreverent Lennon returned the questionnaire complete with factual and informative answers, revealing that Holly had greatly influenced him and his writing partner Paul McCartney.


>I have reproduced the completed questionnaire below, and have preserved Lennon's somewhat erratic capitalization and punctuation.
>1. How did you personally react to the Crickets' tour of England in 1958?

>i only saw them on the london palladium (on T.V.) he was great! it was the first time i saw a fender guitar! being played!! while the singer sang!!! also the 'secret' of the drumming on Peggy Sue was revealed...live...

>2. What effect do you think it had on British musicians?

>i only know its effect on me. but i reckon the records had the biggest effect on all of us. EVERY GROUP TRIED TO BE THE CRICKETS.
the name BEATLES was directly inspired by CRICKETS (DOUBLE ENTENDRE / INSECTS etc...)
i think the greatest effect was on THE SONG WRITING (ESPECIALLY MINE AND PAULS)

>3. What do you think of Buddy Holly, musically and historically?

>he was a great and innovative musician. he was a 'MASTER'. his influence continues. i often wonder what his music would be like now, had he lived...

>4. Do you think his music had any effect on the style of the Beatles? On your own feelings towards music?

>see above. we did practically everything he put out. I.E. at the cavern etc, etc. what he did with '3' chords made a songwriter out of me!!

>5. Other remarks?

>he was the first guy i ever saw with a capo. he made it O.K. to wear glasses! i WAS buddy holly.

>The questionnaire is signed, "love, John Lennon".
is that movie line cringe or based?
>$1.25 admission.
Fuuuuuuck me I hate inflation.
it's a bit funny how Buddy Holly was seen as this nerd figure because of his glasses when he was a normie Texas jock who had a pilot's license and whatnot.
cryin, waitin, hopin, that youll come back
youre the one i love
and i think about you all the time
my tears keep fallin all night long
i know its useless, it feels so wrong
to keep
that one was a lot more tragic than some washed up druggies
>The assailant, an African-American male
You're an idiot
>I could probably name a shit ton of Buddy Holly songs but that's because I'm a zoomer that's autistic about late 50s to early 60s pop music
Also fuck the McGuire Sisters.
better than this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch84fmOa414
>were people just retarded back then to care about this shit
Anon, there's constantly a media frenzy over literal who's dying, literally nothing has changed
Boplet detected
Fuckin' A. Lennon shutting up the doubters permanently.
Was it just the four on the plane? Wasn't there like a manager or something? Or am I confusing this with the Skynyrd crash?

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