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>walks out of a record store
>casually show off she copped one of the very best records of quite possible the single best jazz musician of all times


I hate biden and trump alike like any person with a brain but if I was american I'd go there to cast my vote for her just to elect the first patrician to ever be an american president and see trumpfucks cry while culture in US soars to all time highs. this is all that should matter to any true /mu/tant

I bet she's a fan of electric Miles, Hancock, Sun Ra, maybe even Beefheart as well
Sure thing sweaty
>the shilling campaign has already started
>>the shilling campaign has already started
Need to make up for that other guy's WWE performance in Pennsylvania somehow...
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Hell yeah, she's got my vote 100%
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snoo MINGUS usual I see
Reminder that she said she listened to 2Pac and Snoop Dogg in high school during the late 80s when neither any of them were rappers yet.
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>I hate biden and trump alike like any person with a brain but if I was american I'd go there to cast my vote for her just to elect the first patrician to ever be an american president and see trumpfucks cry while culture in US soars to all time highs. this is all that should matter to any true /mu/tant
>google this out of curiosity
>turns out it's actually just misinfo
um, okay?
This actually did get her more favor with me unironically. Better than those other 2 old faggots
google is one of the biggest peddlers of "misinformation"
I hope you're not old enough to vote
Not music.
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dont care still riding with biden and trump
seriously, started seeing obviously astroturfed tiktoks on my feed early this morning. exact same kind of "yaaas slay kween mama kamala" energy as the manufactured hillary memes in 2016. they're trying to make her coconut tree quote into some kind of iconic thing too lol
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Probably older than you nigga, probably old enough to fuck your mother and make your bedtime 6pm too.
t. media matters shill

off topic pol thread for kamala yet again
>Probably older than you nigga
you definitely don't talk like it
Again, they'll need to work double-time to outdo Trump staging his "assassination attempt."
keep noticing, and you'll catch a b%
mingus is now ruined for me
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News just in: Brian Wilson announces his support for Joe Biden as candidate for POTUS
a little late there bryon
>a b-percent
hey look, just one day has passed since Bunda left the race and there's already an SMM team pushing this [redacted]
Voting for Kamala because we need a woman as president
Damn Shareblue is hard at work
Holy Based Madam President
how about after she buys the record an incel runs up to her with a gun, but she karate kicks it out of his hand, puts on her shades and dabs at him
I'm not voting for that lunatic
How's David Brock these days
They're just gonna steal this election again, but doing it for Biden's corpse would be a little too on the nose, they're too cowardly for that.
No it isnt lmfao kys
>Harris is a jazzcat
Dunno what I expected though I suppose it makes sense and isn’t as embarrassing as other older politicians claiming they listen to Taylor Swift or Billie Eilish or whoever
>Trump is snapped carrying Miles's "In a silent way" the next day
Harris is FUCKED (if that were to happen, but it never will)
kamala is a nigger cop from hell
imagine being in high school and she is your substitute teacher
>yo cracka ass ywhite boi yuou goin to jail if you don't paint you niggersticks on that page and eat these doritos, now give me all your money
who stole what election?
>says the Trump shill with zero sense of self-awareness
>Trump spotted carrying the most overrated Miles album
Someone… help… my hands are moving on their own… they’re ticking the Harris box… I can’t control it, help me…
>the most overrated Miles album
I didn't say anything about bitches brew
True electric niggas know Dark Magus and Get Up with It are the best of the fusion era. Bitches is also overrated but it’s still good. Silent Way is extremely overrated and it’s middling
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clinton did THAT?
>Get Up with It
I agree. But I still think IASW is goated with the sauce on god fr
We’ll have to agree to disagree my friend. When I first heard it was very disappointed and usually I love chill spacey jazz
Clinton is also a jazzchad thougheverbeit
More recently, Trump, by orchestrating a rally-shooting-turned-assassination-attempt.
>I wasn't going to vote for him but then someone shot at him and it really changed my mind
Literally no one is even talking about it anymore, which is crazy. Also he's gonna have to come up with a better insult than 'laughing Kamala', thats weak sauce Don.
wtf bros i'm coconutpilled now
There are more undecided voters and independents than you think, and pretty much all of them think Trump had nothing to do with it despite the shooter being one of his faithful.
If he shot the guy, he clearly wasn't one of his faithful. Crooks probably went down the groyperhole and came to think both candidates were equally evil. It sounds like he was scouting both rallies as possibilities, only picked Trump's because of convenience, and only got as far as he did due to some truly stunning incompetence on the part of the Secret Service.

If a real gunman had the shot, lean or no, Trump would've been finished. He never should've been on that podium had proper protocal been followed.
The original plan was to pluck off a few unsuspecting members of the clergy to give Trump the chance to shed some crocodile tears that "they don't just hate me, they hate all of you too," or some shit like that. Now that he was conveniently-non-fatally "hit" by a stray bullet, he's playing up the "surviving martyr" angle since only one rallygoer was sacrificed. Tommy Boy was only looking up both candidates to make himself look like an equal-opportunity shooter, because a garden-variety Wokeoid™ would be too obvious, and he wouldn't have taken the God Emperor's offer in the first place if he wasn't ride-or-die (or, in this case, ride-and-die) for him.
absolutely voting for her over those other two geezers, don't care what side you're on someone who's almost 80 or over 80 shouldn't be running an entire fucking country
see here's the thing, if the shooting was staged they absolutely would have had the shooter be Mexican or trans

I refuse to believe Harris is cool enough for Mingus. She can't possibly listen to anything more thoughtful than Bon Jovi and Young MC.
Who says you need to let the shooter in on this retarded plan? That just makes it more retarded for no reason. There's zero reason not to use a real, committed terrorist, and even less reason to have the guy who's supposed to benefit from this most risk his own life to this degree.

Your theory's retarded.
Kamala is brat
when are we getting our first dungeon synth president
Why, to alienate those sides of his pick-me base, who help maintain the illusion of his "moderate" policies?
I'm only guessing on the details of the plan. All I know is, 1. that "bandage" was laughably fake, and 2. that smirk on his face at the RNC was laughably obvious. He got away with something, and he looks like it.
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Still voting RFK
Have fun splitting Trump's vote in half.
Did you not watch the video where Trump moves slightly at the very last second therefore getting hit in the ear and not the brain? It wasn’t a very difficult shot the guy had him in his sights, Trump was dead until he moved slightly at the last second. I guess that’s why people go for center of mass shots. I don’t know why people turn into retarded conspiracy nuts over this, Trump very nearly got killed, someone in the audience did get killed.
Kamalacats I'm fucking PUMPED to see a true music lover in the white house hell yeah
>getting hit in the ear
Show me the HD footage of the right side of his head as it happened, and I'll believe that part. Even then, I'm still calling it a blood sacrifice that went only mildly awry.
RFK is gonna drop out soon, he's so obviously just a GOP plant to try and take votes away from biden but it ended up backfiring cuz most conspiracy loons are right wing as fuck and he's stealing more from trump lmao
>someone in the audience did get killed
See the "blood sacrifice" comment above.
these two take it up the ass on the downlow
Blood packet bros where ya at
No one over 65-70 should be allowed to run desu familia
wtf I'm a Cruz missile now
Amazing how quickly demonrats betrayed Biden.
>drops out of race
Your ability to vote is an argument to bring back literacy tests.
He's 81 years old and still President, and here you are saying no one over 65-70 should even be allowed to run.

Such loyalty.
Biden is done for. Our lust for power at any cost is all that matters.
>here you are saying no one over 65-70 should even be allowed to run

I don't think so. He offered to pull out for a job in the Trump White House, but he was so blatant about it they turned him down. He'll probably keep running out of spite alone.
Don't care, still voting Trump.
>I'm voting for the person who put his voters in the line of fire for a polling bump
Your funeral, I guess...
National Traffic Authority? I don't really see how that's relevant anon.
Seethe harder, still voting Trump.
Not that anon. As in, I'm not the anon who suggested 70-year-olds shouldn't run for office.
I'm just letting you know, he has no qualms about sacrificing you at one of his rallies and playing it off like a botched assassination. He confirmed that for us ten days ago.
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based trump voter.

Maybe the Jews will shoot her like they did Trump.
They handed the election to Trump Kamala has no realistic chance of winning
>like they did Trump
What, they want to give both of them a polling boost?
? jews want trump to win. see >>122894945
Let's not jump to conclusions before looking at the other side. What are Trump's music tastes like?
I know he had Drowning Pool's "Bodies" in his head on the 13th, given what he had planned for some of his clergy...
actually can play sax
Holy shit what a loser
>prepared for Biden
Bro you missed
he has no music taste, he admires no art, he has no pets, but he does have a sexual predilection for children (including his own daughter)
>mixed race female
uhh can the democrats still bring bernie back
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>look here's a picture of her holding a record! You guys like records right?

Why are democrats shilling on /mu/?
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the list goes on
the list goes on
the list goes on
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the list goes on
the list goes on
the list goes on
the list goes on
the list goes on
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They need to out-pace the totally-not-supposed-to-happen-guys "botched assassination" polling boost.
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What boost?
Well, that was the intention, at least...
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I hate politics. Can you all fuck off back to /pol/ and stay there?
Indeed. Personally I won't be voting for a 78yo billionaire with a VP who wants a blanket ban on pornography.
Same, only it's "I'm not voting for a sociopath who blatantly sacrificed two of his supporters (one of whom via Secret Service) for polling numbers and called it an 'assassination attempt.'"
I hate democrats even more now
any one here actually buy records? I do
>i hate the party that opposes the man who sacrificed his own voters for a PR boost
take your medicine.
See >>122890219 (bottom). I'll believe it was real when 1. I see a full transcript of Trump's communications before and after the event, and 2. I see HD footage of Trump's right ear during the event.
Yep Trump doesn't even know what music is, he doesn't get it. Never trust someone like that
Yet vote for the obvious poser who's doing this to look "cool" i'd rather take the serious boomer for president over the "cool" wine aunt
>i'd rather take someone ho killed two of his voters to look like a martyr over someone who... didn't
I'm guessing you havent been on /tv/ since 2016
>Kamala throws niggers in jail
>Trump pardons niggers
Yeah, I know who's getting my vote
> Trump walked out on Patti Smith
Wise man has my vote.
And Bill Clinton smoked pot and played the saxophone. Politics is for adult children who think they've outgrown puppet shows and pro wrestling.
>hurf durf I'm gonna fill in this circle with a pencil and ChAeNgE dA wUrLd
Nice taste for a poojeeta
trump listens to The ConstruKction of Light
>leftoids desperately making the assassination attempt into a conspiracy
Funny, they were making fun of us for being conspiracy but jobs just a second ago, weird......
i'm voting RFK yall we finna smoke DMT while discussing lee harvey oswald conspiracies and big pharma
RFK would be a legitimately good candidate if it weren't for the "vaccines cause autism" stuff. I'd consider him otherwise. He could be Bernie-lite if he weren't such a kook.
I'm just surprised you would put it past him to cull a single-digit number of his supporters (counting the shooter, of course) and fake an injury for PR points. I maintain both as being not only plausible, but true, until I see evidence beyond a reasonable doubt otherwise.
>bernie lite
nah, he's still a kennedy so he's going to be more centrist, but he does have some cred with the environmentalism
Whoever went to college knows perfectly the demographics your picrel is appealing to.
She's old enough to remember when records were for just casual listeners who didn't view records as autistic audiophile/hipsters tokens, so pump the fucking breaks, you damn zoomer.
>Pump the breaks
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I'm so fucking sorry

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