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Slash's stepdaughter committed suicide
I could have saved her
what a retard
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but why
You serious? That is a damn shame.
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So it goes
>covered in tattoos
red flag, they should've put her on suicide watch
off topic
it's not even his
Slash is one of the most famous musicians of all time and his band had to cancel a week's worth of shows as a result
Sweet stepchild o mine
Looks like a real fuckin damage case that one did.
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Why the fuck do people post personal shit like this on social media. What’s wrong with them
>Saul Hudson
Basically Lenny Kravitz in a top hot
Honestly, this.
damn, schizophrenia kills
Always has been
but I wanted to hear mickey sing welcome to the jungle :(
That was her suicide note, retard
can someone translate this zoomzoom speak to me (I'm not retarded)?
someone called her a nepobaby on twitter so she an heroed
well she didn't have to do that
>sorry if I was a bad person and shitty friend
>sorry for telling you to quit your job while my parents are rich and money doesn't matter to me, but it does to you
>sorry for my fake toxic positivity (bullshit like "everything happens for a reason" or "look on the bright side, things always work out")
>sorry for fucking up my life by being too scared and too proud
>may my soul rest in peace
Basically the gist of what she said
>posting suicide note to social media
>instead of unaliving a politician and writing it in blood on their office walls
omfg fucking zoomedyzooms can't do anything right lmao
Zoomers love the establishment though
would. even at this very moment
>committing suicide when you're living life on tutorial mode (attractive woman + rich parents)
>tutorial mode
audible kek
not music
spoiled little cunt. now she's blowing kurt in hell.
she is a musician you fucking retard
ur really obsessed with that guy huh
no she has nutsuck duty until coutrney gets bored
le voice of a generation faec
he was another spoiled bitch who had everything and decided it wasn't good enough for him, so it's fitting
his head was when they found him
No you don't. Their faggot drummer plays it 15 bpm too slow.
it's true though. her dad is slash
she probably got everything she ever wanted
is it possible to learn this power?
probably ssri's
too bad, i love her
So a stranger
So a fucktoy
slash dater her mom back in the 80s, it ended for whatever reasons, he married his ex-wife and they had 2 kids and divorced, and he rekindled his relationship with the girl's mom and they're together now
I could've saved her
how would you do it?

Honestly very strange when I read shit like this because it doesn't seem to imply suicide really. Like yeah you made mistakes, everyone does. Everyone regrets their behavior. But this stuff isn't life altering, terrible un-changeable things. Like she didn't kill someone. Or commit some unspeakable crime.

The note has to be a facade of some type. The "real reason" she did it we'll never know.
call her basedbaby instead of nepobaby
It's basically just a vapid girl realizing all she's ever "achieved" in her life was a result of her parents, all her "friends" were only her friends because she was rich. Her apologizing for telling her friend to quit their job probably resulted in her fucking up her friend's life while she's never had to work a day in her life and telling her friend "it's okay, it all works out" when it didn't.
She realized her life was empty and pointless and just ended it
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Reminds of that Niece Waidhofer girl that killed herself a few years ago.
She amassed millions of followers by posting sexy pictures and it made her rich, not to mention she grew up the child of doctors
But she realized her life was empty and pointless and her only "value" was showing her body and that no one actually cared about her as a human
On the one hand I hate women so much it's unreal, greetings from Kazakhstan. On the other I can't help but feel bad a little bit
suicides are usually self-absorbed head cases, it's why I try not to feel bad for them
looks like a used up cunt, and if she somehow wasn't, then damn. probably the tattoos which look especially bad on women.
I think she didn't want to be her anymore
he used to love his heroine
lmao dumb slut
bit rude
every iteration of the formation got shittier and shitter after Brain and Bucket, it's insane
life is bad, the better question is why aren't we all killing ourselves
I hate it too
Sad. Hope Slash's doing ok
suicide is white privilege
Absolutely based. Wish all white bpd art hoes had the self awareness to realize they're too fucked up to keep living
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>be Slash's daughter
>work at a high end music studio
>people don't fuck with you
>have sex
>still become a hero
Really wtf. People would sell their souls to a devil to live 60 years of this life.
Past a certain age
she saw herself becoming a roastie and noped out
honestly sad but i can't say i wouldn't do the same
how are you this much of a newfag?
>realized her life was empty and pointless
that's like 99% of lives. should we all just commit suicide?
this is the girl who got eviserated by her ex-boyfriend in r/roastme so badly that it made her famous
She was another victim of a godless directionless lifestyle and she was unable to cope with the crushing weight of her reality as the walls began to crack and facade fell.
Slash is her dad but they were estranged for most of her life until her mom and him remarried recently
Why is anyone besides her family supposed to care about this shit?
She's a musician
that's not the ex-boyfriend's comment
after she an heroed the reddit admins nuked that entire thread but you can still find it archived
>Are Ex's allowed to post? Well, here it goes:
>You wish you were a real actress so people couldn't see right through you. You look like your major in college was gold digging. You might be able to marry rich if you knew what to do with a dick when you see one. You're so desperate for attention you've gone from self-posting on r/prettygirls and r/goddesses to r/roastme. Your little shit of a purse dog is the only true loyalty you'll ever find, and even that is contingent on you continuing to feed it. Your tattoos of guns pointing at your vagina are probably there because the dumb-ass guys you've had to settle for need instructions in finding it under that Demi Moore-inspired bush of yours. You flossed your eyebrows more than a dentist flosses his teeth. Your nipples look like they had a fight with each other and are hiding on the opposite sides of your boobs. You obviously can't take criticism. You will die alone.
how long after this did she kill herself?
5 years or something like that
I was hoping it was 5 days later
vaxx status?
>retards are still forcing this 4 years later
are you fucking kidding that shit gets a TON of updoots

well she deleted her reddit account immediately after and that was the reason why 99% of her "fans" even knew of her, and when she went back to keep shilling her onlyfans or whatever her new account was called "rrroasted" or something like that
she would probably still be alive if she'd never made that roastme thread
I hate women so much it's unreal
Good to know with her killing herself not a single thing of value was lost
no wonder Slash is always on tour, imagine having to deal with that level of retardation in your sixties
You mean she offed herself over some relationship mishap, even though she admits she was living carefree, completely funded by parents and not having any other problem otherwise?

I guess people born to wealth and security have no idea how real life is, even some casual relationship drama is too much for them so they nope out of it

Being born to wealth really screws kids up. They should be made to live an average working class life until they understand the value of wealth
I think it's more that rich kids feel completely empty and dead inside as a result of everything in their lives being handed to them
>stick and poke tattoos
And nothing of value was lost.
that face screams "hard drugs"

>t. does hard drugs
oh no. 5 years is so much sweeter
>the initial denial
>"they're just jealous"
>days, weeks, months pass
>now years
>her looks begin to very slowly fade in the mirror
>each morning the shadow of a new wrinkle appears
>it's happening....they said it would happen. i didn't believe them, but it's happening
>spend 3 more years in complete cope denial mode, reeling in her last chads to fuck
>turns 30
>chads stop showing her attention almost overnight
>one last year to stew in the mess she's created for herself
killing yourself is literally the stupidest thing you can ever do
if you're miserable or in pain and there's little hope of it ever getting better, why suffer?
it should have been you
Imagine being richer than 99% of people and still being sad lol. Hard to feel sympathy really
Thats a pretty strong looking arm/shoulder area. Is troon?
This nigga beats it to troons
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I feel 0 sympathy for stupid fucking rich people, especially a daughter like this who was handed everything in her fucking fake ass life while others live paycheck to paycheck
He didn't have everything tho. Kurt was different. He grew up dirt poor, his parents were famous kikes like other people when you look into his family history. He was poor and then suddenly he was rich and famous and everyone loved him, when before people thought he was vile and a nobody. That kind of dynamic can fuck you up
I wonder how ordinary people even come in contact with trustfund/nepo kids. I thought they only ever live in their tiny social circles, full of people pushing each others egos and their "art". also how would one even feel compatible with such a person?
being rich from the jump doesn't automatically give you a happy life. you don't know the true value of money and privilege unless you've never had it. I don't think about air and water as a valuable commodity, as I've never been stranded in space.
never understood this
>hurr durr don't kill yourself it gets better I promise
Things NEVER get better
The comments on her insta post are all from other famous people and their kids
It's a network
i was friends with a nepobaby in nyc in the '00s, met him at a bar after a yeah yeah yeahs show and got talking about music, he lived in an apartment over looking central park that was his grandma's and the only job he'd ever had was part time at a record store when he was a teenager
he was really cool though and knew a ton about music and movies
lost track of him eventually though, i expect he's still doing the same shit in his 40s as he was in his 20s
based nihilist
>asks to get roasted
>gets roasted
>kills self
Certified Woman Moment
mods sticky this
it's amazing how one picture immediately made everything clear and obvious. Truly are worth a 1000 words.
Why the FUCK haven't they?
because shes white
>But she realized her life was empty and pointless and her only "value" was showing her body and that no one actually cared
yeah its called having a job
the fuck is wrong with these people?

her tattoos were really good. sad to see someone with talent jump ship too early.
When you have suicidal levels of self-hate your mistakes are unforgiveable and a weight on your soul you'll never be able to take off. It's probably hard to picture but I've been there
>On the one hand I hate women so much it's unreal, greetings from Kazakhstan. On the other I can't help but feel bad a little bit
I get what you mean but there is nothing stopping them from having real self-worth. But it's on the parents to teach that. You have to teach a girl some independence and how to change a tire and shit but some parents think it's only boys that need to know that. When it's not really about changing a tire but gaining confidence.
Bro I hope she sees this
when i an hero no one will care or talk about it because i'm not a cute girl
Same. When we die people just say oh well there's 3 billion more
put on makeup and a dress and then eat lead
yeah, people care when trannies die lol ok
I care because it means I get more entertainment
What was that Brett Easton Ellis book? Less Than Zero?
I went to school with the daughter of a famous indie guitarist and a major (and we're talking major) UK politician's daughter. Both their dads were worth 20-30 million each, but they were forced to work for pocket money, had to take Saturday jobs from age 16 while studying etc. The guitarist made his daughter roadie for him as well (starting at the bottom). School was government funded ie free, entrance based on aptitude. Both were great girls who mixed with everyone, poor or rich.
My sister went to school with Haley Atwell, same sort of person. Well raised.
damn she didnt even let me hit before
i'm sure it's still good for a few more days

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