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flipping canoes edition
old: >>122876679
grindcore is superior
We love metalcore here.
First for
ska punk
power metal
Shitty Balding incel eceleb edition, wont be participating. Not sorry.
I really do
not metal

This is what your parent's literally hear when you blast metal
Deceased would think all of J-Dawg's opinions on metal are absolutely fucking retarded so why does he shill them so much
Knocked Loose released the metal AOTY for 2024
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metalpunx, UNITE !
no argument from me.
Yup. Did some black stuff. Death/Black or some other bullshit. Anyways. Put a New Orleans skank on the keys. My side witch at the time. Yeah, right. Done and Dusted. Nope. Turned out well. Fine tunes and all. Needle pays off, man.
what comes to mind if I were to say: booby metal
Stratovarius - Horny Visions (can't post)
celtic frost
based jdawg
punk band
to getting your body torn apart my wild animals sure
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This time it's real,
It's a love that I feel.
I may be tainted but god knows
It's good to me, 'cause you see -
I leave my woes at
Stranger's Road dispose,
And let the sun back in my face.
It's a soul sense of pride,
Good lord the South is blind,
But she gives me
So much suffrage with my pain,
I thought their last one and the EP were better
I simply love Ripping Corpse
Jute Gyte
I wish that rutan faggot kept that going instead of joining the much shittier 'corpse band
based. we’re all fags here
They're good

I can't believe that album has 10 reviews on MA now. Thanks youtube algorithm
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>soccer moms and normalfags are filtered
wolves > goats
sewers > forests
castle with a septic tank in a forest
loud music > quiet music
Passin' the time.
Furry fuck
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forgot pic
Autismo fans usually don't realize that most of the musicians they like have eclectic tastes and aren't as rigid in their approach to the genre. He did an interview with one of the dudes from Immolation where he physically recoiled when they told him their favorite Autopsy album was Mental Funeral and the Dawg doesn't like anything after Severed Survival because it's not br00tal enough. He looked like he was going to short circuit. It was also funny watching him kiss Jasta's ass after talking shit on him for months because, according to him, Jasta was a poser only to realize that Jasta knows his shit and is genuinely trying to revive Milwaukee Metalfest with the best of intentions. All that said I think J-Dawg is aight despite his juvenile approach to music.
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Wolven Ancestry - The Wrath of Gaia
Blasting Hvis Lyset Tar Oss agin
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50 year old balding men on an imageboard sucking the cock of another 50 year old balding faggot every day. What a pathetic sight.
>>122884327 (me)
You know, I thought gaia was pronounced "gay-a" for years.
based background noise appreciator
Yup. Fuck 'em. "Hardcore" fans. Yeah, right. Best vocals I've done to date. Nope. Dead certain, man.
>we have judas priest at home
Jdawg is autistic.
he is the annoying fan who would wait after the show and pester band members with trivia questions
He seems like the kid back in highschool who would talk about the same cringe thing all the time.
>the same cringe thing all the time
yes, metal
I once spoke to a band member after a show. I said "EXCUSE ME" because I was walking on the sidewalk.
He kind of does that in interviews, kek.
He probably didn't have anyone to talk about metal with in hs.
>He did an interview with one of the dudes from Immolation where he physically recoiled when they told him their favorite Autopsy album was Mental Funeral and the Dawg doesn't like anything after Severed Survival because it's not br00tal enough
Literally autism.
>and the Dawg doesn't like anything after Severed Survival because it's not br00tal enough
Ultra based and correct.
>He probably didn't have anyone to talk about metal with in hs.
He didn't even like metal in high school
And why does he always need to confirm the year that everything happened in the interviews?
The DAWG was born liking metal.

This guy has to be here though
Oh for sure.
I've been meaning to get in to Moi dix Moi because of him.
A lot of bodybuilders are on the spectrum.
He truly is. He never went to see Slayer because he was afraid jocks would be at the show.
He uses this board because he's also a K-pop fag, but he's mostly just a more retarded milquetoast version of Brett Stevens. Good factoid retainer though
uses this board? he's repeating everything that's posted here in his videos kek
Why does Kike need to wear ultra violet sunglasses at night?
>uses this board? he's repeating everything that's posted here in his videos kek
He better not be stealing my hot takes.
Wrong thread
He's probably the one who's looking forward to my demo.
Kenny Vu destroying an Ātesh record
Old fat guy
Googled to find what this was about.
Am I supposed to know "Kenny Vu" or what "Atesh" is?
How's the progress on the demo?
Can’t stop listening to this band
I haven't picked up my guitar in months. Mostly because my shower is broken and I don't want to sweat my guitar out.

However, I did open up my vintage yamaha 1981 portable keyboard and I found the notes to how I sang the intro to BG'd Mordred's Song. I found the notes right, but what I've been singing is quite a bit off from the actual song.

Additionally, I sang in to a mic about a week ago. I didn't really accomplish anything.

I think I wrote down some lyrics.
He did though, he talks about it all the time.
Fix your shower.
He's a roided up insecure liar
Marduk reigns supreme
Shut up.
He was still in HS when Hell's Headbangers started, so I don't know what you're trying here.
No, I don’t know either of those bands either my fellow transsister. I only listen to Reverend Bizarre and Liturgy
Whats the Evangelion of black metal?
Couldn't even think of something thematically like Evangelion in BM
Liking this so far, but, like Elegy, it feels awkward. The vocals remind me of Black Album era Metallica, and some riffs sound like "groove metal." I guess in the process of "lightening up" their sound they relied on influences that didn't fit the theme/mood they were going for? Or, more cynically, they were trying to become rockstars. Anyone know if later albums get better? I already know their earlier albums reign supreme.
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Not black metal but the story is just Eva but Christian with no robots
Smh, imagine buying an atesh record at all.
Don't make me heem you. Get a gym membership and take a shower. Or use one of those free gym passes. Then fix your shower. Metal music.
some weirdo shitskins interloping on white man business

Kenny vu=vothana branikald clone gook

atesh=ASRAR and atesh shitskin
Calling Vothana a Branikald clone is like calling General Relativity a Geocentrism clone
obviously Ds0
Assuming you mean something where nerds shout from the rooftops "it's le deep!" and "masterpiece!"
Can someone post that asian slut that has the peste noire tattoo
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>is married to a nothingburger alcoholic inbred redneck hs dropout who did meme vocals for glamtera
what's the catch?
That's a man
If you heemed me, I would twirl around and kick your legs.
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Post godtier synths.
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Modern DM classic
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Terry Glaze is packin', unlike Four-inch Phil
I'd just teleport behind you.
I'd still have momentum from the twirl.
My Prayer Beyond Ginnungagap
Burzum - lord of the depths
KING of the deep
I teleport a second time.
Kamala, queen of the dems
unironically what should I listen to to get more like Dunkelheit off of Filosofem
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Contemplating going. Supposedly there will be even more bands (guessing local). Also it's barely more expensive than if any of the bigger bands played alone. Wtf.
Wait, that's actually not bad. Especially when that drum fill comes in.
Dude wasn't lying when he said he had a rocket to ride seeing as how he scored a NASA scientist.
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new Hell album in late stages of development

its happening
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It isn't as shit as I thought it would be.
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Today's mainly been spent listening to Hvis Lyset Tar Oss and Filosofem on repeat.
My condolences.
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Which subgenre is the final boss of metal?
doomed speed metal
either gorenoise or drone
heavy metal = Judas Priest
>In flames / Arch Enemy / Soilwork gig
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Based melochad but honestly I haven't paid much attention to Soilwork. Recs?
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blows my mind that people like mayhem. 1 good riff in their whole catalog. For me, its BATHORY
Oh it's out
wtf I love Bad Doom now
Unironically trad
forgotten woods > forgotten tomb (they both suck)
I still remember Trad Doom at the Renaissance fair with his ugly dog and Even uglier gf
blows my mind that people like reverend bizarre. 1 riff in their whole catalog.
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Mayhem reigns supreme.

among tourists, sure
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What band shirt you guys wearing today? For me, I combined my revvy bizz long sleeve with my reverend bizarre Teutonic witch shirt.
And among elite, as well.
Metal for this feel?
>goofy ahh mongolian vocals
>boring ahh riffs
should have just posted freezing moon with dead on vocals. we all know its their only memorable song
hole shit this song is amazing. I bet all their other songs live up to it and aren't just extremely mid goofy mongolian throat singing with unmemorable surf rock riffs in a minor scale
Reverend Bizarre
Look, I might be a bit of a homosexual, I sometimes do watch vicats, candicets or even emily narazinho. All I'm saying is that Six Feet Under is not that bad (but you have to discount graveyards classics of course)
Put your trip back on.
I googled one of those and I'm not googling the others.
not going to lie. I'd be intimidated by you but i'd have to buy you a beer if I saw you dripping like that at a gig. Good job bro. Personally, I'm wearing my gorgasm shirt today.
honestly? 10/10 good job bro. Where did you cop these?
>nearly exactly one minute apart
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Vocals are amazing
Riffs are some of the best.
Title track mogs Freezing Moon, and so does From The Dark Past, Life Eternal
Even just instrumental alone is worth more than Deax's entire career.
gross mistake
Cheers, and HAILZ.
I brought these from archivist records website.
Dead* (the worst mayhem vocalist)
this is just sad
Atilla sucks.
Cheers. I brought them from the archivist website
Really wish you'd not been such a gigantic failure to even fuck up killing yourself.
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Very good
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I think all of the Mayhem vocalists are good but I prefer Maniac as I like schizo vocals.
Metal Hotel California
Dead is really mid. He's just not unique in any way, some random band from black metal promotion will sound better. Besides his story Dead is boring.
Atilla and Maniac both had their legendary eras and greaf performances on the other hand.
>Dead is really mid
Debatable, but probably true

>Atilla and Maniac both had their legendary eras and greaf performances on the other hand.
Atilla is garbage
Is there any good power metal?
>Atilla is garbage
Opinion discarded. I am correct.
Dead is overrated for some reason but I still think he was decent. Nothing truly special but his voice had a cool tone for Mayhem, even if I'd take every other Mayhem vocalist over him.
>you hope they are poseur
>they are not poseur
Oh no what a shock!
Yeah, there’s a lot
No, there is none
Words can't explain how bad he is. He sounds like he's straining to poop
First Parkway drive album.
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I don't like a lot of Power Metal but I really like Persuader (mostly the pre-comeback stuff). Minimal cheese and they don't mind going quick and heavy from time to time.

There's a power metal chart in the last thread. That guy needs to condense it down a lot though. You don't put 10 albums from the same band on a chart.
>dying fetus tour
>every supporting band is core shit
Why are they like this
"Real" metal cucks will always have to kneel to coreCHADS
Face it, you lost the metal culture war
he was what, 21 when he died? Dude left more of a legacy than everyone in this thread combined could ever hope for.
this made me feel sad.
That's some good stuff.
Why not? I never understood this meme, you put albums specifically, not bands. Each album is different
You are just filtered.
If you want a tip, listen to instrumental DMDS first, then with vocals until it clicks.
Atilla sounds genuinely demonic like no one else, but he's not accessible, you have to try harder. Emperor's music isn't accessible either, took me some time to grasp when I was first getting into it.
Best things are usually not accessible at first
Glad someone else picked up on that, based album
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>Emperor's music isn't accessible either, took me some time to grasp when I was first getting into it.
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>Emperor's music isn't accessible either
It's not a meme idiot. It shows lack of effort. He's just throwing everything on the chart without any thought going into it.
>listen to an album until it clicks
>then listen to a worse version of that album
Just giving tips, since I disliked Atilla at fiest too. It's an acquired taste.
Janny delete this now
dying fetus are a deathcore band
A classic
Need to hear the new one already
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Captcha told me you're gay
God told me you are trans
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>bass explosions
honestly this is the best dm album in last couple years at least
Suffocation sucks
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>Suffocation sucks
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Guys I'm watching a 2 hour video on Karl Marx, what metal would best accompany this?
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>Marduk is more of a guilty pleasure kind of thing for me now
As he suffocates his videos with kringepop images, do these subhumans have a single shred of self awareness? I've never once seen a good metal channel, and I've never once met anyone with any sort of intelligence who listens to kringepop.
neither of those are metal
yeah he definitely lurks
love watching his videos but i just wish he would change his pleb stance on dso
Fun fact:

Dave Mustaine earned $320 million for his 6 metallica songs
And he STILL has the gall to bitch about Metallica.
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Blut Aus Nord
Maybe he just likes the cute girls
it was never about the money
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>just likes the cute girls
No one who "just likes the cute girls" layers their videos with images, videos, and sound bites of kringepop to this degree. He is a true kringepopper subhuman who is suggesting that Marduk is not up to his standards while digesting the lowest form of "music" ever produced by a corporate company on earth. Wasn't even surprised to see him use a Jbald clip in his videos as well, just another mongrel spewing more garbage on the internet with not a single second of self reflection.
I've listened to almost all the burzum releases
>Production is better than I expected idk if it was remastered I downloaded it from Soulseek
>Music ranges from 80s horror movie soundtracks, early heavy metal, Scandinavian music and even groovy bits
>Atmospheric as fuck there's not much like BM
>Vocals are surprisingly intelligible I don't know if it was the remaster thing either
8/10 now I'm going to download about a hundred bm albums
Then why does he still bitch about them 40 years after getting kicked out?
Do you even like Marduk?
people never stopped talking shit to him about it, so he never let it go
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No, they are total fucking garbge, but I don't listen to gutter trash "music" like kringepop while pretending to have standards. The problem with these mongrels is the direct hypocrisy and lack of thought behind anything they do or say. If you are a trash "human" who slurps up corporate products like Kpop, then accept your place as the equivalent of a sewer rat, you have no standards, there is nothing you are above, not a single thing will be a "guilty pleasure" to you because your regular pleasure is already a total disgrace.
Okay, well I find it entertaining at least. You’re taking everything too serious. My first time watching his videos but I noticed he does seem to know what he’s talking about for the most part. He just drowns everything in memes to keep his audience engaged
>its just a meme bro! can't into these memes brah? like I just LOVE memes bro, that part where he reads metallum descriptions and puts a kpop image on screen, EPIC bro
I'm glad hes found his target audience: mongrelized idiots who think flashing 4chan images on screen make you immune to criticism. A fitting viewer for a fitting content creator who loves fitting music.
I was just giving an explanation why he does it. For fun. Do you know what fun is?
We hate fun here.
Oh right it's retard canuck hours again.
When the fuck does this guy ever leave?
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Surprisingly accurate
He (allegedly) has a job, and the hours without him are much more constructive than the ones with him.
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When did I give you permission to post this lgbt(a.k.a. slam) garbage, exactly? Please refer to the post where I give you the permission?
We love Canada here
I mentioned fun and he’s having a meltdown over it kek
Those hours are basically just early morning for me and then the rest he's here non stop.
If he has a job then he clearly doesn't fucking sleep in favour of stroking his ego online.
What bands does she listen to?
Taken care of.
Now listen through Taake discography. Doedskvad and Nattestid first
Dissoshit, atmo, etc. She hates all fun like thrash
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Emperor - the Welkin at dusk exclusively
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Taake, Emperor, Obtained Enslavement primarily. Rei prefers superior European art, like a true Jap.
Australia has better bands than Canada btw
you are a faggot
200 stab wounds
you are a chad
Another Reichad W.
common reichad w this thread.
Excellent post sister
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T.T is a genius
So a tourist?
An elite*
never got into that one but newest one is one of my favorites by them
How can you prefer it over Nachthymnen, Opus IV and Channeling the Quintessence of Satan
Even Totschlager is more memorable
Not him but I went through their discography and the only thing that stayed in my head was feasting on the prophet's blood.
T.T. can't write.
Abigor is not one-listen background music like your usual metal is. Give it a time and listen to those 3 albums
> I don't listen to gutter trash "music" while pretending to have standards
who says i prefer it over those albums? i said i prefer it over the one you posted
What's the official hectorian stance on Municipal Waste?
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The only good dissonance
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Just for shits and gigs I decided to watch his Abigor video, and what do you know:
>talks about the disneycore albums
>basically skips Quintessence
>"everything after Quintessence is terrible, thank god Summoniing still makes great albums"
My favorite part was him putting on some dogshit casino section that sounds like its written by a 5 year old, this is apparently the peak of Abigor to him.

Glad to know that yet again, dissonances continues to filter out all bug worshippers, all mongrels, and all non humans. The disneycore fans can rejoice as high quality people like kringepoppers join their legions of mallgoths and soccer mothers.

Reminder: no mosh, no fun, no pop, no casio, no consonance, no slam, no soccer moms, no disney, and no core

Oh, I didn't post Totschlager. Currently blasting the new one
>no mosh, no fun, no pop, no slam, no soccer moms, no disney, and no core
>no casio, no consonance,
Pure garbage
Pizza thrash is an even bigger disgrace than dissoshit.
Bands dont always pick who they tour with. But they've been fans of hardcore/metalcore from the jump. They covered Integrity and Next Step Up on Killing On Adrenaline and Grotesque Impalement. Plus only half the tour is core.
>black dahlia murder
>vomit forth
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>The only good dissonance
me when the dissoshit battles with consoshit
This is what Hector looks like irl btw
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Me in bed waiting for the Disneyslop lullaby to put me to sleep
This is what lncelpopper looks like irl btw
me in bed waiting for the dissoshit un-lullaby to ascend me into slumber
I like sanguisugabogg for when I'm in a retarded caveman metal mood, any more like them?

Pic related

I think it's nice
Dissoshit gives me a hypnogogic jerk. It has to be pure consonance
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I was talking about Chelsea grin and despised icon
Name one thrash revival band that’s even half as good as any 80’s thrash band.
Can we talk about OSDM revival bands instead
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>>no casio, no consonance,
You cannot have casio and consonance with also having disney, soccer moms, and pop. They are inherent to each other like the inherent nature of dissonance has of driving away subhumans.

ta anon, this is decent
The only metal revival that matters is the nu metal revival. Every other "revival" is just cope.
Norsetranny hates this post
>nu """"metal""""
Gama bomb, Vektor, Violator, Toxic holocaust, Municipal BASED
Also, The Onslaught by Lazarus AD is a great album
when was the last time you took a shower, how long is your hair and how greasy is it right now?
immolation is riffless background noise
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okay ill say it:
hellhammer looks pretty latin for all that "Aryan trve muh heritage" shit the whole helvete gang was talking.

also he had a strong glam aesthetic that does not fit in 2nd wave bm at all. why did that self loving faggot euro not throw him out to be even more le evil and trve? probably because there was no better drummer availible.
>Also, The Onslaught by Lazarus AD is a great album
Holy shit you might be the only person I've ever seen mention that album in this general, or at least that I remember.
Shame their later albums did fuck all for me.
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This guy makes Snorre look like a choirboy
white text on white background now that's aryan and unreadable
His father is Moroccan iirc
He also looks like an edgy poser espousing the kind of rhetoric tryhard 13 year olds do.
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latin america and von started the second wave bm, all the trve aryan fags are all larping Mexicans
gotta love the flowerspeak chuds use for band members they think are based but should hate based on their skin color
>t. non-dedicated pop music trendy who knows he’s inferior
and they did this in your zoomer mind
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Literally who?
>gayish moronic crap
Yeah this guy is a idiotic mongrel.

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