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Who here plays em?
What you got?

Favourite artists/Favourite songs?
Recently discovered Mike Dean's stuff, great producer too


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>tfw no TONTO synthesizer
if you wanted to patch something from the left side to the right would you have to duck under the cables to get out?
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I like the idea of synthesizers, but I don't have enough autism to do more than play some MIDI into them while cycling through presets.
you don't need all that shit just to make ooga booga fried chicken music, not like the normies listening to it will care anyways
i have a roland alpha juno 2
mostly use it as a midi controller for software synths and drum tracks but it’s got some nice tricks up its sleeve so i record it directly too
i’d love to become a synth nerd and get all the cool vintage ones but i ain’t got the space (or money in most cases) for them
>roland alpha juno 2
>cool vintage ones
nice, rolands are cool. i'd recommend you grab an old school jupiter if you can find one that isn't too expensive. they're pretty fun, as long as you don't mind midi-modding them.
im waiting for the Behringer clone
yeah jupiter’s been on my radar. luv roland. there’s also this cool fucking 70s yamaha string machine that i’ve been pining over
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when's this shit coming out. also, should i sell neutron and get proton when it comes out?
proton doesnt have a noise source or s&h, i would keep the neutron honestly. as far as the enigma goes, maybe look into the tiptop buchla stuff? pricier for sure but you will get much better system that's more to your liking, unless you really want a normalized signal path
that sounds badass. i've played a few old yamaha synths that were designed to sit on top of organs, never managed to pick one up, sadly.
check out this guy, he's a big roland nerd with lots of the keyboards, but also their modular systems if that interests you
tiptop buchla modules aren't normalized?
thing i don't like about the neutron is you have to midi in if you want to use their software controller at the same time as feeding it midi
do you think it's laziness or is that sort of throughput just not possible over usb?
the tiptop buchla stuff is fully modular, though I'm not quite sure about the 259t with that ART crap they're trying to throw in.
can't help you there, I never used the software when I had my neutron. I doubt behringer support would be much help but it's worth a try
Quantum and Iridium by Waldorf are on my wishlist
Bro made some GOAT documentaries on music companies
holy hardware derangement syndrome seethe
you are mentally ill
what do you mean? i used to plug usb only and it worked
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i mean feeding midi from a daw at the same time as using picrel
do you rate banana jack stuff highly? i've been looking at this muffwiggler thread and was thinking i should dip my toes in the water this christmas when shit goes on sale: https://modwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1872
for me it works when i open app first, and then daw
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thanks anon, i'll give that a try
dope. yeah i’m familiar with him, watched his vid on the AJ2 before i picked one up. he seems knowledgeable. never saw that documentary the other guy mentioned but i’ll have to check it out too
you should, it's link rel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcbpRMZIQ8g
no personal experience with banana stuff, beyond researching the modern buchla modules which all look and sound fantastic of course. be prepared for whatever you're looking for to be out of stock for long periods of time
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what's even a point behind setups this big?
incredibly underrated synth to start off this track

even crazier synth
nice, i've heard air but never buffalo daughter
I loved how The Cars used the synth. Wish they influenced more bands
ahhhhhh.... that's better

let me put my feet up
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a really nice anon on here bought me a microkorg xl. no joke. was in a synth thread like this and we started talking about synths we used to own but sold and regretted. he asked to hear some of my music. apparently he liked it, cause he paypal'd me money the next week to buy it. God bless you anon. i've been using it a LOT. gonna drop some crazy stuff coming soon
sorry if pic is rotated wrong, dropbox is gay
damn, you're lucky
you don't gotta tell me that. i only have like 20 fans, but those 20 people are crazy die hard.
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thoiughts on mackie 1604? should i get one for 200$?
yes, mackie mixers sound great and are built like fucking tanks
If you've got the space it's alright. Personally I like longer sliders.
how are mute buttons? do they stick?
i don't have that model but mine have never had issues. if there are problems im sure mackie support will help you out, i've heard they're great.
Yes. They are great.
>do you rate banana jack stuff highly?
a serge system would be my ultimate synth fantasy.
entirely useless though, but every single noise and fart it does sounds high class, a world in itself. the only thing i can think of that computer emulation never even came close to (cpu can't into analog feedback)
The bgger the synth the bigger the sound
what are some cheap but useful eurorack modules?
that's awesome!

can you post some of your music here?
Anyone own one of these? im looking at buying one but cant decide if the minilogue XD might be better
sure. it's not everyone's cup of tea. here's a newer song i'm working on that uses the microkorg pretty heavily
cool, not what i was expecting at all but sounds really well done

did you record/play everything yourself?
yes. guitars, bass, vocals, keys, etc are all me. drums are programmed.
i own a monologue i barley use it just get the minilogue. i wanted the mini but it was out my price range.
i spent 500 on a used one back in the day, absolute workhorse. top synth.
i never played an XD but i had a minilogue for a while. is a good synth
dont like minikeys though
oh minilogue has minikeys ? i thought it was regular size damn that sucks
that's why it's called the minilogue
it sounds nice though. the filter is standard, waveshaper is good, you can send envelope to the waveshaper amount, and you can do some creative stuff with the sequencer and the modwheel mapping
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it's got individually addressable midi CC, which is pretty sweet. i tend to use the keys to fuck around with random melodies, then just save the midi, quantize it and adjust the melody as required. from there, i fuck with all the paramters in ableton or whatever.
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they're $900 ozziebux new at the moment, but you can pick them up for half that through online marketplaces. was my first synth and i still use it nearly every time i sit down to record or sketch out melodies.
>individually addressable midi CC
i dont even know what this is
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The only genuine synth I've every played was an Microbrute but I liked it a lot and I was very disappointed when I pulled it out a couple months ago and discovered it's busted. I kind of want to get a new synth but I don't have any clue what to get. I can't afford a Prophet but I kind of want one. It's tawlf, b.
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I own a microkorg but im not great at creating voices, subtractive synth is a bit overload and the microkorg menu/controls are a bit challenging

wish I had bought a different first Synth honestly
I got 3 Elektrons: OT, A4, Dtone, Korg Modwave, Roland system8, Waldorf Blofeld a Sonicware elz_1 and a Behringer k2
thats a lot of gear, which do you play the most?
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I just want a sub phatty so bad, bros.
if i ever buy a moog, it's gotta be pic rel for me
the rme voyager is just such a sexy piece of gear
>28 posts in the last 12 hours
lmfao holy shit
i might be able to get a set of serge modules, although only a small one
what about buchla?
my synth waifus synth of choice
Technically, the OT is the centerpiece. I use it as a sampler for drums and play the rest of the gear alternating its MIDI sequencer and my controller keyboard. For signals I have a MIDI hub that is an absolute blessing and a Behringer mixer.

Musically I don't use every synth / track in every song. I usually assign roles beforehand. For example: DT for drums, k2 for lead, Blofeld for pads, etc. Number of voices goes inversely proportional to song complexity, so that each synth's voice can be as fat as possible within the mix. The opposite case would be a song with fewer pieces of gear; just the OT and the A4 for example. In that case I go for more notes and less silence.
for me, it's Hélène Vogelsinger
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one of my fav synth albums
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4u is best u
what is it?
I bought a nice poly synth for 2k usd and it sounds way worse than uhe diva which is a fucking plugin
mike deans a legend
minilogue is a good choice
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For me it's the classic DX7. All you really need for sample-free vaporwave.
I dion't see yamaha synths talked about much, what makes this one standout for you?
what's a good poly synth with more than 4 voices and knob per function? i was looking at novation peak, but they are kind of expensive
whats your price range?
it revolutionized music
600-800 second hand would be nice
ochd, frap tools 321 and 333, pretty much anything by doepfer. honestly just go through the most popular modules on modulargrid and see what people are using. also dont grab something because it's cheap and popular, think about what you need and go from there. be wary of behringer modules
hydrasynth maybe? not quite knob per function but it may as well be, best UI on a synth that I've used.
Trash, go pick up a minibrute 2s for the same price second hand
The best thing about Dx7 is that it's been expertly curated through the decades by so many people making and sharing many great ROMs for it.
wait for the Behringer Jupiter 8 / Juno 60 clones

access virus TI, Korg Prophecy / Karma / Z1 / Monolog, Novation Supernova / Ultranova / Basstation2, Dreadbox Erebus mk3 / Typhon / Nyx mk2, IK Uno synth Pro. Roland SH101 / SH32 + a bunch of vintage samplers.
hows the virus vs everything else? sounds insanely good in demos but i've not had the chance to try one in person
>i have a roland alpha juno 2
>i’d love to become a synth nerd and get all the cool vintage ones

The alpha juno 2 is a cool vintage synth bro.

>thoiughts on mackie 1604?

the old CR models distort real nice & are useful sound design tools but have way too high a noise floor for any actual mixing.

>Anyone own one of these? im looking at buying one but cant decide if the minilogue XD might be better

DO NOT waste your time on a normal minilog, the XD is MUCH better and you can install extra third party digital synths & effects on them expanding them further. No reason at all to get a regular minilog these days.

>i own a monologue i barley use it just get the minilogue

The monolog has a completely different and much better filter than the minilog. Makes quite a big difference to their sound.

The virus TI is a fucking beast. I was lucky & got one before the prices started getting silly, still holds its own as one of the best VA's ever made (the supernova is up there too). I have the desktop version, its super comfy to write with on your lap having every control right there. built like a tank, would never sell mine.
i missed you bro
>but have way too high a noise floor for any actual mixing.
really? i read people used it because it was cheap and quiet
Minilogue is great. It has a unique sound and will probably be fondly remembered as one of the classic synths of this era. XD is probably better, but I have the regular one and no complaints. I use pedals and plugins for effects, so I don't miss the onboard effects at all.
keep it alive /synth/bros. post a vocaroo of a nice patch or work in progress
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Got a Korg Prologue which I love. it takes me to places no soft synth or acoustic instrument can.
if going the 'logue route get the prologue >>122909748
, or get the module versión and get a nicer keyboard like a Roland A500 Pro or something.

Minikeys suck, a friend has it and I often miss notes. Otherwise an amazing and expandable 4 voice poly.
Korg Prologue, the peak is amazing aprrently too, just need a seprate great keyboard.

See >>122909748
is there any hardware fm synth like ableton's operator? it's probably my favourite synth. ableton in general has great stuff, i barely use vsts
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>'logue route
Ableon Drift. Simple as. All these low test consoomers don't know how to make music so they just shop and make "textures"
what's the point of buying and learning a guitar? nowadays you can emulate guitar realistically with vsts
>really? i read people used it because it was cheap and quiet

you heard wrong. The CR's were a staple of late 90's dnb/hardcore/gabber because the analog clipping sounded really brutal when you overdrive the channels. They were the last Mackie mixers that did that before they changed to the vlz models & started making them in Asia (cr's were the last mackies to be made in the US). Any of the later vlz models are MUCH cleaner/quieter but lack any character for soundshaping. Probably what you are after as they are still very cheap used. Also, beware of any used mackie that has been sitting in storage for a long time, the internal ribbon cable dies & the channels die one by one, you need to replace the ribbon in that case which can be a pain in the ass. Its a well known fault with older mackie mixers to be aware of. Any vlz or later mackie shouldn't have that problem .
i don't know that anyone's accurately made an xfer nerve style .vst that accurately emulates advanced level guitar techniques, so yeah, you can probably pass something off as a decent guitar recording in a song, but it's the same as comparing a strings plugin/sample pack to a recording of a philharmonic string section
Real instruments will never be emulated
what is physical modeling
I'm a noob to synths. I've discovered the Oberheim eight voice. I see there is a software emulation (GForce OB-E) of this analog synth. I am tempted to buy it. However, it seems that it (and the real thing) are nothing more than 16 oscillators strewn together, grouped with filters. It also seems that most synth vsts only play a handful of oscillators. Is the ability to play a large number of oscillators at the same time unique to this analog synth emulator? Are there any vsts that can play large numbers of oscillators and arbitrarily assign filters to groups of oscillators?
Just pirate it?

Most synths don't offer a high oscillator count because there's no real need. If you need more oscillators, you can always run multiple copies of a VST in parallel, which is essentially what the OB-E is doing, in just a more convenient form.
Why is there no real need?
Oscillators are limited by your ability to control them. The majority of people don't have individual note control as an option, for this you need some fancy MPE setup that lets you modulate every note you play on the fly.

Traditional MIDI design is that you modulate all your notes at once with a mod wheel or pitch bends. Let's say you want to adjust filter cut-off on the fly, you turn one knob and apply it to every oscillator. This is actually a hassle on something like the 8 voice, because you had to turn 8 knobs if you weren't playing unison.

The only real use case for multiple oscillators is to increase polyphony, or the number of notes you can play at the same time. The reason high oscillator counts aren't more common is because they're more expensive, and most people don't really need high polyphony, your typical synth line is pretty monophonic. Modern VSTs often have additional oscillators for extra voices, but you can't adjust them individually because there's no real point in doing so due to control limitations. I believe that digital VSTs and synths typically use a different method to achieve extremely high polyphony, while the 8 voice was analog, and to achieve polyphony on an analog synth, you needed to essentially multiply the circuitry 8 times.

nigger this is so wrong & generally retarded i dont even know where to start. You have no concept of parameter automation, which can be done by a huge amount of simultaneous sources, in a huge amount of ways. a great deal of synthesis is based around the multiple ways oscillators can modulate eachother when stacked (pulsewidth modulation, cross mod, frequency modulation just for starters). a single mod wheel can be set up to change 30+ parameters at the same time if you set it up to.

there are hundreds of synthesizers which go way above 8 voices of polyphony. The limit with VST's is CPU power to emulate them, which is why a lot of times dedicated hardware hasnt been emulated yet as cpu's just dont have the balls to accurately emulate them.

look at the supernova for example, it has 3 oscillators plus 2 sub oscillators per voice. Each voice can have 9 effects running simultaneously on top. And that motherfucker has 44 voice polyphony, so 220 oscillators can run at once, with 396 effects at the same time (if you feel like programming a patch that complex of course, and people have). Shit like that is why CPU's still have a hard time dealing with emulating a lot of synths.


Ignore that guy. The OB-e is great starting point to learn synthesis so go for it, but if you want to buy it legit, wait for it to show up cheap in a Humble bundle, gforce have been putting a few of their synths in the audio bundles on there & its by far the cheapest way to get them. maybe check out a different type of synthesis with lots of voices like a wavetable or FM to see the differences. For starters get vital to try wavetable, its free & good.
Automation isn't true control. Sure, you can set up 30 oscillators to all respond to a single source, but the complexity of this is severely limited. It's the very definition of diminishing returns, because at the end of the day, you're only really modulating between 2 different sound profiles. 4 if you've got something like an XY pad.

Per note modulation is the only real justification for large oscillator counts, so you can make a shitty sounding drum set with mostly static modulation, or make an awful racket with MPE.

Complex oscillator stacks are only useful to a point. You can't just keep adding more oscillators and go "well this is better now, because I have more controls I can assign to my fucking mod wheel at once".
just check rutracker. you shouldn't buy anything as a begginer
This is excellent, thank you very much.
>Automation is literally a means to control parameters over time.
No, it's a means to give the appearance of parameter control. Yes, you can twiddle one knob and it'll twiddle 20 other knobs at varying rates. But you're still only twiddling one knob. You can control a sound with aftertouch, but you're still just controlling the whole sound unless you have poly aftertouch.

All synth assignment wankery is an attempt to emulate true expression due to the limitations of the MIDI standard and the low quality parts found in most synths. I mean, it's 2024 and poly aftertouch isn't even considered the bare minimum yet, and that's been around since the 80s.
are there any newer mackies with separate outs?
i was initially looking at 1202vlz4, but they have stereo outs

mod deleted my reply for some reason...

Wtf are you trying to say? automation IS the fundamental method of controlling multiple parameters at the same time, not the 'appearance' of. I cant work out what the fuck you are trying to explain but it isnt anything that makes any fucking sense . You dont seem to understand what aftertouch is, start rambling about quality which has nothing to do with anything being discussed & you just sound like a clueless retard. Im done.
What's the point of getting a DX7 when instead you could just use Dexed? If you want a hardware synth you could just use a Volca FM2, it's compatible with DX7 patches anyway and sounds really damn close. Is it just for nerd cred?
buchla is the kino, serge is cinema, both good but serge more open and molecular, buchla bit more about that iconic lpg sound, however you can twist stuff. protip: get serge, and get 208
it looks fantastic. keybed is amazing.
logs you say?
oh fuck off, Ben is great. let's see you then :)
isnt that divkid or something. fat fuck piece of shit. bet he cant find his dick when going to pee LOL.
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how to harness autistic energy to be as productive as LMNC?
the guy's a veritable fucking whirlwind
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>sh101 died last week
>res stuck at max on all settings, unplayable
>find random slider i bought like 8 years ago just sitting in some box
>it's the exact one i need
>open it up and unsolder the old slider and put the new one in
>don't even know if the slider was the problem
>plug it in
>like new again
sometimes things just work out
are synthesizer plugins the same thing? Like if i master a synth plugin on a DAW will i know real synth automatically?
no. if all you care about is sound there's no difference anymore
just solder shit?
probably. synth is a method. you master a substractive you already mastered all substractives be it virtual or hardware. but theres many methods and hybrid methods also.
nice one
why the seperate keyboard?
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Wilhelm Scream on my synth

sounds great
not the wilhelm scream i was expecting
it's a desktop synth.

Also, can someone recommend a cheap soldering iron? Lead is also the best solder right?
for me it's diva and serum

hardware synths are for retarded gay faggots unfortunately.
checked quads
for soldering advice, try the /ohm/ general on https:boards.4chan.org/diy/
What do you do with this? You send like 3 synths into 3 different channels and then out to speakers?
>he still hasn't got the sub phatty
a cool thread on pg. 8? i think i will bump
You can do many things with a mixer. Also consider drum machines with independent outputs
what is the point of this? do you really need 16 channnels? why not just get an 8 channel preamp and connect with adat
PLEASE do yourself a favor and get a controller for it the AJ2. There's an ipad app that's decently cheap. The official Roland controller is hard to find, but if you have $600 to spare, I have one of these and fucking love it.

pair this thing with a pedal and you'll have one of the most expressive synths you can get. The envelope has so many fucking stages and the filter is one of my favorites. It's criminal that you only get the wheel to work with because there's so much you can do with it when you don't have to worry about menu diving.
i got an fm7, a behringer 303, 808, and a deepmind 6, and desu, i like my software better.
Sounds digital to me. I've played analog all my life so I know digital when I hear it. That harsh cold sterile sound.
Who knew that when you buy cheap crap it sounds worse than software.
you're both idiots
because i need 16 channels, yes. and i want to use faders, mute buttons and send tracks
I asked my Sweetwater guy and there’s not even a SKU yet (there oftentimes are, even for shit that won’t be out for a looong time)

I’m so excited tho, I’m not dropping $5k on an Easel or building a stupid Tiptop modular system. I’ve been having so much fun with the Arturia Easel and would love a physical form
The sub phatty is so dumb. Most of its parameters are hidden behind shift functions
Won a soma synth recently. Are they good? Maybe will do a whole album with it idk
Yes. Vlad Kreimer does great work
how does he have electricity in swamp?
since you guys cant be ARSED to post SHIT, ill be posting SHIT later, first i gotta tidy up this fucign place
what a bunch of wank
this fag namedropping brands and shit, dont know what he wants to communicate
Zoomers will never understand what a real analog synth sounds like. They're so used to the sound of digital crap, or subpar chinese fakes that they get offended when someone speaks the truth.
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i just own this one
Bought a microkorg for market price. I think I am supposed to get a drum pad with it or something because it's hard to get the arpeggiator on the second LFO to do anything interesting to play on.

Otherwise have a Roland ep-7

Wish it was structured like this because it's hard to look over the top sometimes.
People should stop timbre-wanking and just enjoy the fact that even a simple VA synth with a zoom pedal gives you an insane amount of available expressions.

Honestly I have discussed my Blofeld with jazz, prog and metal musicians and they all appreciate the hell out of it even after delivering great performances on their Sub-37's MS-20's and Prophets.

Synths are meant to be enjoyed. Your audience will notice if you enjoy your instrument.
Synthesis is gay, physical modelling is where it's at. I just play Pianoteq all day.
What modular cases fit within carry-on luggage requirements for airlines?
jesus christ how i hate these faggots. just make music dude
>but if you want to buy it legit, wait for it to show up cheap in a Humble bundle
I've given up on the OB-E. Now I've tried the demo of the OB-X and I've made a patch that I really like.
Here's a sample: https://voca.ro/123nzi3SlWCo
Right now it's on sale for 70 pounds, down from 100. 70 pounds equates to 90 USD, it seems.
Do the humble bundles discount the price more than this? I'm genuinely thinking of buying this.

I would, but I don't pirate executables any more.
>I don't pirate executables any more.
The wording here makes you sound like a fucking retard. Sorry you're too stupid to avoid viruses, enjoy paying more money for a worse product.

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