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>Names the album "Closer" and has a gravestone on the cover
How fucking retarded were the other members of this band to not see the signs with the way he act?
what did you want them to do about it? tell him to not kill himself? i bet that would have worked!
It honestly could have
it is "closer" not "closer," stupid OP.
Did they not choose the name and artwork after the suicide and not before?
Closer as in getting closer to someone, not ending
they could have handcuffed him down so he could never get access to means to kill himself and put him on a leash like a puppy so he is always under control maybe a little harsh but he would be alive
Look at the record cover.
They're mourning a dead person.
i'm still surprised by the fact that that isn't painting
>he's lost control
I like Screaming Trees' version better
holy sentence structure batman
>Closer as in getting closer to someone
Or getting closer to death lol
do you not understand english?
they were one of those low selling, music nerd talked about bands when weird dude was "singing".

immediately become huge when get rid of that freak.

they handled it well it seems.
>everyday I'm getting closer to suicide guys
>haha you're a laugh Ian boy
It’s a pun and was his way to get the title across without concern
It’s clear how he meant it
I do, which is why I would phrase it in the affirmative instead of using the negative twice in one sentence. I'm not even the anon you're replying to
That double negative is completely coherent saar
Based New Order enjoyer
They probably didn’t expect it. He hadn’t really tried it before so there were no antecedents. Also they were about to fly to the US for their first overseas tour so it probably took them by surprise. Ian didn’t seem like the kind to be really open about his inner struggles so he probably didn’t give too many signs. It was also a different time. People didn’t pay that much attention to mental health.
>t. retard zoomer
this may be impossible for a zoomie to understand but:
working class 21 year olds in Manchester in 1980 didn't go around confronting their friends about muh mental health, that didnt become a meme until the late 00's.
Back then you just got on with things, everyone had that one friend who was a bit strange but you tiptoed around it and took the piss out of him when he wasn't around, simple as.
well you both can't speak english properly, sadly
the sentence made perfect sense, was structured correctly, and contained no double negatives
>band is called "Joy Division"
>is depressing
Who'da thunkit?
How exactly would you phrase it in the affirmative? If you can't give an example you're full of shit.
Your post contains four times as many instances of "zoomer" as either the post you're currently reading or >>122902814.
This desu, if you read any of Hooky's books hes quire open about the fact they were all to drunk/high to give a shit, and apparently Ian Curtis was as much of a roughneck northern kid as the others, at least before the epilepsy started really fucking his life up. Its also true that there was and still is a cultural thing of "get the fook on wi' it" in northern cities because they were getting fucked by Thatcher and couldn't do shit.

Closer came out after he was already dead and the album cover was chosen without thinking about what it would imply after he roped IIRC.
This. Also the fact that, as is said in the book, Ian Curtis really wanted the band to succeed and would tell everyone he was fine, even when he clearly wasn't.
It was obvious there was no way he was well enough to keep touring with them but he was under a lot of pressure, from himself and from everyone else.
Also it needs to be said that his epilepsy meds really fucked him up emotionally, it has been said that he could have become suicidal as a side effect of those causing huge mood swings on top of everything else.

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Or maybe they signed a really shitty deal with their label and this was the only way to get out of it. Kurt Cobain style.

That isn't what happened, Factory's contract (written in Tony Wilson's blood) gave the band ownership rights to all their material (something largely unheard of) and the right to fuck off if they chose to.
Factory was a complete mess as a business due to Wilson's idealism but one thing they can't be accused of is fucking over their bands for greed like the rest did. You can read Peter Hook's book about it all and it's pretty clear what Ian was going through
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>I don’t like Jews
That’s all you gotta say to get out of a shitty deal. There is no way that they would want you to stay popular after that. No need for suicide.
>Did they not choose the name and artwork after the suicide and not before?
>They chose the name and artwork after the suicide
There, now it's not a rhetorical question and it's shorter
Good morning saar
I am 43
Good evening zoomernigger who went to high school on skype
>He thinks people use Skype past the year 2016
Kek jeet confirmed
you're clearly an esl who couldn't parse the original question

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