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/mu/ - Music

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God I hope gen a listens to real music.
Agreed, millennials failed hard.
millennials are the biggest consumers of classics.
Gen a is probably listening to nettspend or semetary right now
>millennials are the biggest consumers
they really are
no generation has ever been more cringe the millennials. this is the societal consensus
you have no idea how pussified the act of “cringing” is. maybe you’ll get pubes by the time you reach 28.
ITT: seething millennials discover how much everyone hates them
checked (even though you don’t know what it means)
thats because we are based
>this is the societal consensus
zoomers think they own the world and literally nobdody agrees. you speak for no one
im 52
Sad old men
this. zoomies are the most arrogant and the least knowledgable. the worst of both and they think they are doing fine. i don’t pity them. i just know they have a lot of suffering ahead
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Reminder that a millenial /mu/ poster just recently self-doxed and this is what he looks like

He looks like an east coast jam band jew.
they just want you leave them alone and go be old somewhere else. you felt the same way at their age.
This east coast jam band Jew could beat the fuck out of you, zoomer. Then he'd call up his wife's boyfriend and take turns with yo azz
They all look like Sam Hyde
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Post selfie
nope. we were nowhere near as arrogant and acting like we had it all figured out, we were way more patient to learn. zoomies think if they read a wikipedia or listen to an album once they know all there is to know. and you can’t even explain how albums grow on you and classics may need 10 plays, they know of no such patience because they never had dialup sitting there waiting an hour to download one song. technology ruined them.
>Everyone knows they look like this
Given this, why do they do they act masculine on here?
No thanks, I'm not retarded like you nigga
Checked, little nigger.
44% of your country is black
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>blah blah blah in my day we had to walk to school through ten feet of snow wearing two coal sacks stitched together
100% of your mother is a whore.
Your entire existence is the consumption of media lmao
Imagine being so proud of yourself for consumption.
You've never been featured on an album or recorded an album or contributed to the music you so highly praise and base your entire life around
Given that you're a millenial on /mu/ you probably have a favorite critic or blog that even discovers the music for you and informs most of your taste and opinions
Your sense of superiority is formed from the same inert nothingness that makes soi niggas feel smart for watching the Big Bang Theory
no not really, you don’t comprehend how impatient zoomers are. there are barely any that aren’t adhd phone addicts. they dom’t know how to communicate in real life with people as well, they have way more anxiety. patience is really important so you can digest properly and learn deeply and become wise. zoomies are just flip flip flip to the next, no awareness of what they miss. never stop to appreciate and smell the flowers. abd as a result, they are way more depressed and suicidal. and if you try to help them, they do the strawman bullshit you just pulled. that’s why i don’t pity you. i know you will suffer way worse than the generation before you. but that is how you may attain some depth. until then, fuck you
Very epic saar you got him
Good morning :)
>You've never been featured on an album or recorded an album or contributed to the music you so highly praise and base your entire life around
lol yes i have. you don’t know me. i’ve played on everybody’s album or worked as an engineer from spoon to beck to super furry animals when i was practically a kid.
Lol, nice bullshit nigga
What kind of engineer?
you’re ignorant. there are musicians and producers in threads all the time. you think we’re too cool for this but look at twitter where we argue with unknowns. and i’m not saying you know me, i’m thanked in the liner notes here and there, nobody has ever heard if me ot seen me. but once again this is a thing where you’re in disbelief of a pretty normal thing. and too arrogant to consider you’re wrong. you think you’re so right telling me i never contributed to music based on nothing, but now you’re also a mind reader. i refuse to pity you. i await seeing zoomers suffer. it’s your only hope for growth
You're thanked in the liner notes? You're not credited on the album? Something visible on discogs?
yeah on discogs. i wasn’t trying to make this about me, i just wanted to respond to the comment that, in this case turns out to be wrong, that i didn’t contribute to music. i don’t want to say what i did because they already screenshotted that type of thing on reddit 10 years ago and badmouthed and it came back to a babd i worked with, when i figured i could just hang. nobody cares here anyway that’s why i like it. but i wasn’t bullshitting and my upset with zoomers isn’t from a lack of musical contribution. i feel like that’s cheap, and i don’t think anyone who didn’t play on an album or do some tinkering can have a valid opinion. plenty of people here do really know shit when the topic calls for it beyond shitposting.
You just took a long time to bullshit your way out of that one, lol
Even if you did, not like it's rap music or something good
decent bait but i’m not going to say who i am, it’s not how this site works
Back to square one
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>not like it's rap music or something good
i reject your thesis. i never had a favorite blog or magazine, i was in a family where we didn’t look at that stuff so as to protect the music. you’re so sure you’re right when you couldn’t be more off. like i said about zoomers
>i'm thanked in the liner notes u guise
>i'm kind of a big deal
it's almost like generalizing based on feelings is always an intellectually bankrupt simpleton way of observing the world
yes i’ll concede i came in here with an axe to grind against the zoomers.
You can just say things I said are wrong, and it's not like you can't also just be dishonest
I know your kind
>Thanked on the liner notes
>Not a rap album
Honestly who cares?
Not like its Bladee or Nettspend
ok. if i have a kind
this poster made me see the light
i’m not going to allow myself to paint all zoomers with a broad brush because i can always meet an exception like myself. he caught me in judgment. so doubtful i could be accurate from that vantage point
*this poster
I'm every single poster in this thread. I just totally psyopped you.
well it worked to my advantage because i won’t judge the zoomies so harshly now. and i posted on 8 devices and argued with myself, i’m also (you)
Why? We haven't even done anything, we have no wealth, no prospects, what the fuck?
Gen X and especially Boomers dropped the ball far harder. Zoomer's are even more fucked than we are, I pity rather than hate them, and as for Alpha, RIP.
I don't hate millenials at all, because they contributed to large amount of culture I consume.
I also identify with many millenials whereas I don't think I could list pretty much any X'er or boomer I identify with. We have blurred lines because we are in such close proximity
I just hate self-assured faggots on this site who use their built-in cognitive blinders to construct their own superiority. A lot of those people on /mu/ seem to take some kind of pride in being millenial. So it makes sense to use whatever cognitive blinders I have to reduce them to whatever caricature they reduce others to.
It doesn't go well for millenials
Millenial stereotypes are mostly that they're pathetic beta male whiners
Not a winning combo
Bladee,Charli XCX, Yung Lean, Playboi carti, Deftones, Korn, Slipknot, Radiohead, is real music millenial
this meme is just butthurt zoomies trying to take millennials down a peg for giving them shit online the past 5 years.
this is what gen a listen to? source?
I started listening to music around 5 or 6 so I would expect nothing different from gen alphers
It's what zoomers listen to
Strawmen and generalization

Retarded zoom
>Reddit spacing
If I were a Jason Vorhees-esque murderer, I just KNOW id give this guy the most unreasonably violent death in the movie. He just has that face were you can hear him screaming in agony while and industrial saw cuts him in half, crotch upwards.
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Or maybe he'd beat the fuck out of that Voorhes zoomer in front of his wife's boyfriends and sons
Go back to Nettspend, okay?
>cognitive blinders
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>The time stamp as if someone would pretend to be him
Fucking kek
Good morning saar
Remember your dung exfoliation
Ay this nigga look like Nettspend but fat and old
>dung exfoliation
imagine being schizo enough to assume the nationality of a bernd. too much time in the internet spoiled your little brain retarded fag.
>Why? We haven't even done anything, we have no wealth, no prospects, what the fuck?
I reckon I could kick your ass
I'm violently gay
Sad young man. The most pathetic of men.
>Sad young man. The most pathetic of men.
Why is this gay as fuck haircut so common nowadays among teens? I can't think of a bigger sign with an arrow that says "turbo normalfag" than this perm.
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>larps like he doesn’t cry himself to sleep to “mr. brightside” every single night
Mr. Brightside is a millenial song about getting cucked, a common practice by millenials
as opposed to the gen z eternal friendzone ::cough::
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>I'd rather get cucked than be single
Yeah, we know you believe that bro, no need to draw attention to it
You’ll like girls soon, anon.
No thanks, I'd rather be gay than deal with women's bullshit
I speak for all zoomers btw
Post peak gen z art.
I will listen objectively.
gen zigger women are dead on arrival
Why get that haircut though.

I'm too paranoid to post links to favorite songs on 4chan
I feel like people are watching me all the time
Bladee is a late millenial that everyone my age loves
Most of the millenialcore stuff that is posted here is actually x'ers so I suppose that counts
You could listen to Icedancer
Like what you like lil bro. I like Blade too, kinda
I'm not embarassed, just mentally ill
All I like is nigger rap anyways
https://soundcloud.com/buffalobang/forget This is pretty good
Zoomer rock is not great
Hip-hop is basically the main medium of art
Zoomer rock is basically hip-hop with rock instruments
I like hip hop so I don't care and think it's interesting
If you're into hip-hop, Soundcloud is bursting with creativity still
skibidi toilet is introducing gen a kids to Tears For Fears, Depeche Mode and Kanye
actually a little whitepilling
Gen x here. I own 4 houses and 3 I rent to you millennial faggots. It’s almost the 1st…..don’t be late.
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Follow your leader, you skanking chain wallet retard.
How’s your reel big fish cover band doing?
They do not.

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