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This is generic horse shit
And you VILL pretend to like it to impresses used up 29 year old roasties who also pretend to like it to hold on to some semblance of youth
You are worse than generic horse shit
You're not wrong.
You're wrong.
You are posting a thread on this site, featuring an image of Charli XCX's album Brat, and positing that said album is generic and of equivalent value to the feces of a horse
Less value actually, since horse manure can actually be useful and help bring good things into the world.
Why are incels so triggered by a harmless album
Album covers are getting staggeringly lazy
rym has it as NUMBER ONE for this year
Because the hype surrounding it is so forced and insincere. That espresso song by Sabrina Coalburnter mogs anything Charli Jeetcx has ever made
toying your anus to genderswapped MCU fanfic doesn't mean you've had sex, faggot
I really like this album and my taste is better then yours
that's a lie and you know it
The only good thing Charli has been involved in was that collab with IconaPop
that's just like your shit opinion buddy
Opinion discarded
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Sounds like a skill issue.
Literally nothing about this album is generic
Because faggot retards like you are.cluttering up all time lists with this fucking garbage acting like it's high art when it should flop like Katy Perry's shit
It's generic hyperpop from 10 years ago. Get your ears fixed retard

I highly fucking doubt anything on Brat is as good as "I love it". That is a real driving catchy song..highly doubt anything here is as good. It's just dumb fuck retards with little music taste just praising anything and everything as long as it's some scatly clad bitch doing it
All pop sucks. Get some taste
Dance pop is not fun at all when it's the exact sound as any thing else and it sounds like it's for 12 year old girls. It's a waste of time and an insult of your intelligence. You retard faggots just wanna be cool Because you cut your dick off..no one cares.
>Its for gays and trannies!
>its for 12 year old girls!
Hating popular things doesn't make you cool , no one cares
You sound mad
kek this incel is percolating
You're not cool for liking something "popular" which isnt even popular..no one but you tranny scumbags know this at all. Just listen to better music than the 16th copy of Britney Spears you retard and stop acting like you have any intelligence
we aren't listening to it cause its popular tard, we just like it. you seem like you simply hate it simply because its popular and is listened to by gays and little girls.

>Just listen to better music
lol what a seething loser
It's a 10
I didn't even give it a chance yet and probably won't
Lol keep using your buzzwords to seem superior you dumb tranny. How about explain why you like the music and not name call people and use "banger" or "it slaps" left and right..speak English you dumb fuck zoomer
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Imagine seething that much because of a pop album
Lol you dumb fucks seethe over music you don't like all the time shut the fuck up. What if I praise some problematic band you dislike? You gonna cry?
You're the only loser crying here
Makes me like the album even more desu
Chuds and incels are obsessed and seething
>What if I praise some problematic band you dislike? You gonna cry?
don't give a shit. you're the one butthurt that people like this album
You're the only moron who gives a flying fuck what some person online says about your shitty previous generic crap pop album..go watch Barbie you dumb fuck piece of shit
Nah just point out that you're an incel and that you'll probably die alone and unloved just like everybody else similar to you
I tried it, I really tried listening to this album. But it's unbearable. The auto tune, the weird beats, the dumb lyrics. I tried to understand the hype, but I didn't get it at all.

And I'm not some elitist classic rock or metal listener. I have no problem listening to girly pop. My most played artists on Spotify are all female pop singers.

Maybe I just don't understand because I'm not a twink or a bottom.
>Maybe I just don't understand because I'm not a twink or a bottom.
That's okay anon, at least you gave it a fair chance. It's not for everyone
So what if trump wins. You don't care?

What is your obsession with incels? And why so harsh over an album I hate and why I call you a retard? Can't take any criticism? You sound like a rotten cunt woman. Why don't you finish your period and go fuck off you dumb fuck cunt. You're the one that is fucking pathetic here.. you call high art shit that 12 year olds listen to you fucking pedo
Holy seethe batman!
Post pic of your fat male tits you fucking weirdo..I wanna see what kind of freak you are
This thread is so wild kek
Wow you are cringy. Just shut the fuck up re.ddit pedo
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You're a pedo lol pathetic
>all within 2-3 posts

Turn the screens off and go outside.
Lol you would seethe and kill yourself over trump let's face it. You act like cool as a cucumber and nothing bothers you lol you're a fucking normie dumb ass
i want trump to win dumbass, just because I enjoy this album doesn't make me a democrat.

Can you atleast recommend the "high art music" that you think I should be listening to instead of pop?
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>What is your obsession with incels? And why so harsh over an album I hate and why I call you a retard? Can't take any criticism? You sound like a rotten cunt woman. Why don't you finish your period and go fuck off you dumb fuck cunt. You're the one that is fucking pathetic here.. you call high art shit that 12 year olds listen to you fucking pedo
You are the only person seething here.
Lol pure seethe..go jerk off.to.your shitty dance pop album faggot
you still haven't posted the music that you think I should be listening to instead.
do you even like music or are you just a seething /pol/cel ?
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>Lol pure seethe..go jerk off.to.your shitty dance pop album faggot
Be a man and listen to some Kid Rock, 3 Doors Down, Ted Nugent, and Lee Greenwood. Music with something to day, not bullshit pop.
That's the only reason you like something is to make people seethe? That's pathetic and childish
shut up retard
Haha called you out retard and you got mad .. go cry to your mommy
you're obsessing, just confess it
You're obsessed that's why you make threads about this dumb cunt everyday and will cry when someone calls Charli a dumb cunt
Only trannies and Roasties amerimutt scum listens to that shit. Nobody outside of America gives a fuck about that self indulgent and self gratulating slop known as Hyperpop.
So true. Some of the worst morons in the nation yet they dictate culture. Them and blacks..and if you call them out then you are some buzzword "incel" "Nazi" whatever childish stupid ass slur these commies come up with
Too obvious.
Kamela Harris?

I'm out

Still got Tove Lo, who was better anyways
Kamala embracing BRAT isn’t cringe — it would be if someone else her age did it lol but not her BECAUSE of her authenticity and genuineness. The coconut meme started off as a joke ABOUT her but she fully embraced it AND her laugh and that inspired the gen-z/tik tok crowd to just keep going with it because they realized that she really doesn’t care about what people say about her. ITS BRAT SUMMER. Get with it.
even nick fuentes agrees with you
It's always funny to see how many retards still fall for obvious baits like this
>i want trump to win dumbass, just because I
...would prefer 3% inflation to 11% inflation
You think it's genuine to pander to voters by acting like a retarded roastie on birth control?
This is why politics became a joke when they could run and vote.
We have the elite vying for the "dumb white bitch" vote
>"dumb white bitch" vote
This is done more for the "dumb black bitch" vote desu, but I think dumb bitches of every color are always being vyed for anyway.
forgot about the site's autocorrect
baka desu senpai tbqh lad
onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions! onions!
And yet you'll keep posting about it

Charli won!
greasy slag
grease grease grease
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I don't understand gay people.

I have no problem with them enjoying shitty camp music like this, but what is the constant desire to prop up shit like this as some kind of critical darling all the time? You can't just enjoy it for what it is? You need to try and make everyone else think this annoying garbage is actually peak music or something?
that song with the bubbly acid trance but not really trance like sound is pretty good from the 30 seconds i heard
we know
homosexuals are prone to narcissism.
>likes Charli XCX AND Deltatroon
holy shit I think you own the faggot of the year award
I'm a fag and I hate this album. Only effeminate bottoms think music like this is good because they get their taste in music from normie women.
most charli fans think this project is not even her best work though. you are confusing praise from fantano and twitter bandwagoners with real fans.
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musical equivalent of this mf
Women don’t give a fuck about her. She’s actually incredibly misogynistic.
plebeian fag
>shit album
>shit artist
>uhh you must be an incel?
lol. lmao, even.
Pretty bland album. It's got zero dynamic, every song is a boring """banger""".
>arguing with holes dot jpeg

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