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it clicked
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Still doing this?
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that's right
Congratulations, you are now a patrician.
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>NOOOOOOO you can't like this classic and popular psych album because... you just CAN'T ok?
You and Nicotranny love each other
now start obsessing over pachuco cadaver, i did that for 2 years straight
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Stop lying
Nicotranny has great taste if he only wasn't filtered by Beefheart and Zappa he would have excellent taste
He has "great taste" if you listen to psych and literally nothing else. In reality, he's a brainlet who gets completely filtered by anything outside his comfort zone like jazz or classical music (except avant teen modern classical like vivier)
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>hates jazz
>great taste
I remember he said Bach was like the Jacob Collier of his time
Nicotranny is a Collier fan? It all makes sense now
Just because something is stupid as fuck it doesn't make it "psychedelic"
No, not all he's unimpressed with Bach though
I've never liked an album more on the 5th listen than on the first listen
The only people who like it or still view it as a classic are obeese retards like you. It is literally a good indicator you have no idea what you're talking about more than anything. It also is a good sign you don't actually like music and are just desperate for attention and approval. Almost nobody who genuinely listens to this type of music gives a fuck about Trout Mask Replica. It's because you lack the ability to emote naturally or any sense of what's quality or not. Just retarded screeching and retarded banging. Sort of like how I know you don't actually work at all because you're posting this at 2 pm on a Wednesday. It's also not popular with anyone except fat retards on 4Chan either. Le epic scaruffi does not count and is almost emblematic of this. Beefheart is never a serious factor in the conversation.
A wholesome and epic scrimbo chungu jonlker moment for sure. Have you considered this might be less related to music and more related to your failure to preform sexually? That seems like what's going on tbqh.
You may not like Viviers Work but you have to admit there's some complexity and nuances to it. I enjoy some of the more traditional German composers though too like Hans Pfitzner,Richard Wagner,Joseph Haydn,and Fredrick Handel mostly. That being said I'm working now and mostly just don't have the energy to sit down and listen to classical at all sadly nor can I really hear any of that shit on my shitty speaker at work so I've mostly been back to listening to Metal. Joseph Haydn is more traditional and I love him but yeah this isn't actually unfair. It's mostly avant gaurde 20th Century stuff in terms of actual classical. I do enjoy Eurofolk and The Blues also. I would say I like soul music more than Jazz,Jazz doesn't really appeal to me whatsoever. You do have to admit Calude Viviers stuff is engaging though.
He had an eye to detail and knew how to make something really compelling and varied I would say (Claude Vivier that is). Is it something I would play at a wedding no. I'll also freely admit to enjoying some Tv/Movie aswell as Videogame Soundtrack shit of assorted style but not anime anime soundtracks genuinely do fucking suck. That being said I can enjoy some of the more traditional German composers now and then I just have to be in the mood for it. Mostly Hanz Pfitzner,Joseph Haydn,Richard Wagner,and Fredrixk Handel though. Probably more traditional European folk or traditional mideval but definitely some of like the 16th through 18th century composers there also. I like Traditional Scandanavian Music. I will admit I'm a total metalhead and that filters a lot of my listening. I wish I had a better speaker though so I could hear shit better. I would check out more classical again in general but even Claude Vivier would be impossible to hear over these fucking machines muchness something lighter and more traditional. Jazz is kinda babies first shit ngl. Psychedelia had more variation and was more challenging if anything. Soul Music though is great.
I'm dizzy and I feel like shit. Today was fucking mental and my girl wants to go out for some ungodly reason on this fucking cursed day so I'll be lucky if I even get a chance to repost this. Nonstop fucking mess this week at work when I get a better speaker I'll probably try checking out more shit but I also just have less time and less patience than when I was unemployed. When I get a higher power speaker though probably will be listening to a wider variety of shit. Now during the workday at least it's just metal since that's literally all I can hear on this post and also because I like it and it kinda keeps me going. I don't really listen to much rap or top 40. I'm assuming most of you secretly mostly listen to anime osts or something but I can get why in an "avant teen" way pretending to actually "get" trout mask replica as if there's something there to understand makes you feel big and mature I guess.
I might put on Haydn when I get home idk. It was just loud and gascious and noisy today which I guess it always is but this week is fucking Neverending man. They had to do repairs today. It's all sorts of fucking shit going wrong at once. Constant complaints from customers. Normally this honestly is a pretty easy job but today and maybe just this week in general we're understaffed too. Really yk testing my care withall but I could be doing worse shit and it's usually not like this. Reccomend me someone relaxing if you feel like it. Idk man it's like normally I like more shit that keeps me going. That I can play while I work which is yk gonna be more both the avant gaurde shit and the film scores and then maybe some Wagner and similar here and there which puts me more towards rhe bombastic end a bit. Yeah I just posted this many replies at once.
I never said this lol. Least not to my memory. I'm not a fan of Bach though much know. I like some of the more traditional older composers but he never caught my interest. Rather listen to Haydn for most of the same thing. Least in terms of the mood Haydn created.
It's a retard randomly screeching and banging on things,a joke album that other tards took too seriously because they lack any sense of context and struggle to understand the concept of music on a basic level to start off. Nobody who takes Psychedelic Music seriously actually views this as a classic. Also believing it's this widely beloved or well known in a general sense just proves you don't go outside or interact in general,it's like I said a meme Album for retards. Love,CAN,Jimi Hendrix,The Velvet Underground,The Human Expression,Shocking Blue,Amon Düül ii,The Moody Blues,The Index,The Rising Storm,Soft Machine,and Quicksilver Messenger Service are also not only examples of bands and musicians who are discussed seriously but also examples of bands or musicians which have the level of impact in genuine real life that Captain Beefheart "Fans" (through raw cluelessness,isolation,and presumably retardation) believe Trout Mask Replica to have had. If you're obsessed with the funny retarded trout man screeching album that's a result of too much time on 4Chan. It's not an actual "classic" of the genre really. That's a sign you're not in the know and are trying desperately to seem like you "get it". The people who "get it" aren't listening to funny retarded screeching albums. That's just retards on 4Chan and Discord finding new ways to seethe about being disconnected from their families or peers. This is my probably rather condescending view of TMR. Most people don't take it any more seriously though.
Yes this is accurate. I find Joseph Haydnto be similar yet more engaging. My tastes in Classical do unironically tend towards shit people just fucking hate on here though. I haven't given a shit about what was /mu/ approved since about high-school mind you and I didn't get into classical until much later. I do unironically listen to both a lot of avant gaurde 20th Century art composer stuff from various movements and then also a lot of shit from soundtracks. I like shit with some oomph to it. I think Haydn and Wagner were both better at that in wildly different ways mind you. Like I said though I'm mostly a metalhead,but I do enjoy some classical in there now and then. Now that I'm working again it's more back to Metal than even psychedelia. Say what you will but it really is shit you can play while working. Once I get a better speaker that might change ig but having something in the background that keeps you going isn't a bad thing. Better than Dubstep although I'm sure in the same way many of you decided on your favorite classical composer during early childhood that some of you retards might not agree with that. Not you in particular maybe but you know what I'm saying. No I am not a fan of Jacob Collier. Probably wouldn't enjoy him although I cannot say I've heard much of his work. Also I know this is a lot of text so feel free to take your time to respond to any of these points. I've been fucking working today and like I said shit was mental. Do be aware I may or may not respond though.
>Nobody who takes Psychedelic Music seriously actually views this as a classic. Also believing it's this widely beloved or well known in a general sense just proves you don't go outside or interact in general,it's like I said a meme Album for retards.

John Peel - "If there has been anything in the history of popular music which could be described as a work of art in a way that people who are involved in other areas of art would understand, then Trout Mask Replica is probably that work." [1]

Kill yourself nicotranny
I meant in a contemporary context. It clearly aged very poorly. You don't hear anyone at record stores or shows talking about it the same way. Mostly 4Chan Neckbeard types still obsessed.
The album has a million views on youtube
from other people like you who won't make music ever and simply don't matter.
Not music.
As a Meme,sure.
>Trout Mask
its a carp
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Didn't read, lol
Have sex with an actual woman. You'll stop finding these images of anime girls so amusing when you finally do.
It's bad.
i do make music
Post more blog posts that no one will read or care about
death grips stated they were influenced by TMR as well
Notice how he ignores this, but he knows it's true.
Nicotranny gets daddy dommed by dozens of different anons. I didn't even recognize him until he started namefagging, and by that point he was routinely getting trolled to the bump limit of his threads everyday. Only you and him think it's one guy fucking with him and not a significant proportion of remaining /mu/tants
He's just mad because he has no friends and is the type of larping retard who pretends Half Lofe is Deep or NGE or whatever the fuck to try and feel more included and then tries to force everybody else to aswell.
>Trying this hard to divert the conversation and trying to make it not obvious you're basically crying to yourself and bashing your head into the wall while typing this while also making it completely fucking obvious
>Being such a smelly retard with zero self awareness that you genuinely do not see the connection and think this is a remotely logical or appropriate response
Yes and the type of retard who's still obsessed with Death Grips as a grown man is still listening to Trout Mask Replica. That's not who I'm talking about. Most. Fans of Psychedelia would rather hear CAN or rather hear Jimi Hendrix or rather hear The Moody Blues or rather hear The Velvet Underground or The West Coast Experimental Pop Art Band or Amon Düül ii or Neu! or The Deviants or Cream 1000%. It's not my fault you lack taste. I don't doubt other people who lack taste also enjoy it either. You enjoy funny retarded screeching noises but that's not the crux of psychedelia. I know that it's the part your capable of understanding and I know that sentiment isn't very peaceful and love or whatever but it's the truth. You're just not sophisticated enough for better musicians. Half the shit I mention you've probably never heard and wouldn't get.
I really don't given that you retards still listen to this crap lol. Also like interact with people who are actually cool and not bitches lol. None of them give a fuck about Trout Mask. Half these guys have literally never had a job nor pussy,so much for the freehand of the market or whatever. Frank Zappa was against racial and would be against half the medications I can assume you guys are on as a form of drugs in his mind aswell as much as narcotics,but none of you are even smart enough to figure that out. No idea what you're talking about. Incapable of even comprehending. You talk like a child who watched too much skibbidi toilet and I know I repeat shit sometimes but unironically I cant take it seriously. You're not doming anyone,I'd be amazed if you weren't afraid of female anatomy. None of this disproves that said album is a bunch of random more than slighitly retarded crying and screeching noises either,go ahead and try and refute that. You'll hurl insults or quote critics but you can't defend the music itself on its own standing.

This is why you've never had sex and you're probably over 30. How the fuck am I supposed to feel anything but sorry for you? Like am I genuinely supposed to feel bad about this? Seems like your own social failings. I'm gonna go watch tv with my girlfriend probably or maybe desu get a little more high and then go to bed. Meditate on maybe what you ACTUALLY enjoy about TMR which isn't the music by any fucking plausible means and then get back to me on that.
Love had form and structure,The Velvet Underground had form and structure,The Moody Blues had form and structure,Beefheart didn't even know what that meant. That's why all that shit will be forgotten in favor of CAN actually being good fucking musicians. Zappa too. Basically already has save for Beatles spork era.
Can't hear your sperging over the sound of my BAT CHAIN PULLA
beefheart is 4chan
zappa is reddit
You can,also me pointing oiut that your a virgin in your 40s who fetishizes cartoons is valid and your more spergy for doing that then I am for pointing it out.
Sure as long as we admit both are contrived and cringy and that with even a crumb of pussy most of you would grow out of either of them.
Random retarded screeching noises you refuse to outgrow as a form of attention seeking because you're clearly mentally a child versus actual good musicians. No you're just fucking retarded. I know I have autism. I don't care. Literally if you got pussy it would change your mindset fundementally such that you no longer felt the need to pretend to like this crap. Sucks to be a smelly retard shut in who will probably kill himself in five years I guess. Not my failing.
right,your a 30 something virgin with the sensabilities of a 12 year old. I already said that.
kill yourself nico tranny
i agree with most of your opinions on music, but i'm genuinely curious why you care so much about what other people listen to?
because you offend me personally
One of the symptoms of aspergers is they are incapable of understanding why other people like different things or have different worldviews from their own. A common example people will bring up is telling a child with aspergers who likes chocolate ice cream that you like strawberry. The child will argue with you and say that no, you actually like chocolate you're lying, and there is absolutely no way you can convince that child that you actually like strawberry no matter what you say.
You're 27 with the job of a 16 year old
A job is a job,it's not my fault my girlfriend started showing signs of bipolar in the last 6 months but I've just kept doing what I had to do. Most of you are 30 something men who have never had a job at all and seem to be living off of "neetbucks" so I'm honestly not sure what your judging here. Like she went full retard mode for several months on end. Yeah I could have left but I didn't and we're back together and honestly I'm glad for that. I do wish I was making the same pay as I was before but pay is still defent for what it is. Life happens.
I find it to be tacky,but I guess most of you wouldn't even have a concept of that would you? I have a pretty fleshed out idea of why your doing this it just sends you into a seething fit of rage to hear it. You were probably one of the kids who "liked" skrillex in early highschool aswell. It's like Hasbin Hotel for men.
>but I've just kept doing what I had to do.
Which is spending 70 hours a week for months on end as a chatbot for free and finally accepting a summer job for 15 year olds
Like I get that you're a tasteless retard and you think this is a sign you're being a bigger person when you talk like a child like this but no it's just tacky and offputting. You lack taste. You lack a sense of pacing,etc. I think your "lying" in the sense that your doing this for attention yes. Like you kept making these threads even when I wasn't responding. I don't think if Trout Mask Replica wasn't getting you said attention or making you feel special or even just smart in contrast to "the normies" you would be so obsessed with this one. Literally 90% of the appeal is just that other people find it offputting.
Yes,you wouldn't understand that because your a 30 Something Man who cums on an anime themed body pillow every night. Shut the fuck up retard lol. I'm not taking fucking life advice from you. I was making more money before all this but it is what it is.
You don't have a job at all dude,like you're seriously expecting me to believe you work? Smelly fucking retard with The Klanoa shirt outside fucking Macy's lol. You'd take the summer job for 15 year olds and stay with your girl aswell since you literally have never had a girl. Keep getting angry and tarding out though. I'm assuming your the same guy who keeps posting "smug" anime characters? Lmk how that worked out for you in the mainfesto. Good job trying to position the conversation away from admitting you don't work at all btw.
>brag about working a job for teenagers and repeat felons
>get angry when it's pointed out
Nobody is giving you advice, you're unilaterally called a dumb fag
What did he mean by this?
right,sure thing bud. I never bragged,I just correctly assumed you were long term unemployed and likely always have been. Thanks for continuing to repeat your funny phrases to alert me that your brain stopped developing when you were 12.
>Thanks for continuing to repeat your funny phrases
>t. human chat bot
It's pretty obvious what I mean,you can talk in retarded meme phraises all you want but half of you literally denied that fucking job applications exist lol. Most of you have clearly never been employed at a normal capacity. Am I glad my girlfriend had a spastic fit of rage that lasted for six months or so literally back to back no that shit was fucking retarded, am I glad I'm still here kinda yeah. A job is just a job. I'm glad I was able to keep her in my life. She seems like she has the bipolar under control now. Things you might understand if you were less of a bug person.
I never bragged about it,your once again trying to divert the conversation away from your clearly not working at all and have no idea how a job even works. I remember well,you were one of the ones tarding out and having hecking epic lolz while I tried to explain to you how a job application worked. You didn't believe in background checks or pre employment drug screenings.
>Nobody is giving you advice, you're unilaterally called a dumb fag

You're a smelly 30 something retard who never learned how to make friends,your in no position to be judging me. You are attempting to give advice realize it or not but your borderline illiterate so don't realize it. It is unwarranted. The retarded one is you. If you want me to show you how to fill out a job application I can. Your going to want to lie and say you have experience at this point in your life probably.
Right,your a smelly retard who has never worked a job in their life and is attempting to gain attention by listening to the funny screeching meme album, the conversation is over.
No I correctly peg you as that morbidly obese retard who freaks out at gamestop. Most Trout Mask Replica "Fans" are. It's le heckin funny epic meme album. Nobody who genuinely gives a fuck about music takes that shit seriously. Your just a loser who can't understand real world decision making.
Reply to it a 4th time
Oh wow you work fucking contruction,that's totally different. Really high paying stuff lol. Thanks for clarifying why your so insecure. So like I said your a smelly retard and what you can't understand is basically sacrifices I made to stay with my girl. Women are universally afraid of you so this has never factored into your decision making. That's why you like the funny screeching crying retard album. It's like guys who are super obsessed with the joker.
Unless this is like factory packaging work which I've done too but 100% none of these would be better jobs than working at a car wash. Just proving your the delusional one over and over again. Also you look like your in like your fucking 50s dude. How are you this retarded and clueless by that age? Yeah it's "over" lol.
Shut you the fuck up right there huh? A job is a job but your not really a man. I bet other people end up doing most of the heavy lifting for you lol. Don't even understand doing shit for pussy. Too big of a rart to comprehend an actual job application so you think that them wanting to check that your not on heroin and here legally are some strange red flags.
>not my fault my girlfriend started showing signs of bipolar in the last 6 months
But you would agree that spontaneously quitting your job because your girlfriend has BPD was your fault?
>He genuinely thinks TMR is popular in real life

Are you the guy who thought he could go up to "neurotypical women" in real life and talk about the funny screeching retard album? There's a reason most of you are gonna die alone yk.
They're turning that shit into a movie for some accursed reason.
She was screaming at me while I was at work,but if she'd needed me to maybe not. Sometimes staying with someone is worthwhile even when it's hard in the short run. Your desperate and miserable enough to be "enjoying" Trout Mask Replica for my attention so I wouldn't expect you to understand that. She was freaking out both night and day. I didn't leave because I love her. It is what it is.
Like I tried to explain it to her but she was fucking manic dude. It's not great but it is what it is. I literally couldn't keep working and also deal with her shit and ultimately she needed me there. She was having yk deep level emotional disturbances.
Like this comes down to you never having been in a serious relationship,not really having an idea of how adults think about things,and being kind of childlike in your understanding of several things. I think guys like you are likely to latch onto the funny trout man for the same reasons as jonkler. It's not a classic of psychedelia by any means,it's a classic of mucore which is just diet incelcore lol.
Not every serious relarionship involves quitting your job to be a fulltime babysitter to an insane person
Can you two just fuck already?
That's because you've never felt love before lol. I did what I had to do for someone that I cared about. It's put a lot of strain on our relationship but I don't honestly regret it. I'm sure you wouldn't though because you're a little bitch that can't even find the clitoris. You probably think that's a progressive rock band or something.
What does he get out of this?
What does anyone get out of anything in this thread? Everyone’s just beating a dead horse.
Watching you bitches squirm around and try to act like your all in the know and shit and also you're the ones who keep bringing it up lol. Pretending to like TMR makes you a fucking retard and attention seeking. Maybe learn how to be yourself.
>when you use the right form 'you're' and the wrong form 'your' in the same sentence while calling people retards
What do you get out of this?
Nobody cares,you listen to retarded screeching and crying noises as if they were actually good lol.
Dorkiest cope you could have possibly fucking come to.
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I've sent a death squad to nico spergs location and drown him in rotten futa jizz
Imagine how fucked up this gf is if a literal schizo like nicotranny thinks she's insane. Too bad they closed all of the institutions, people like those two used to be protected and had 24/7 access to treatment. Now, they're expected to toil at carwashes and permitted internet access
Imagine spending time obsessed over some retard you’ll never meet
>namefag on an anonymous imageboard
>people mock you for your idiotic opinions and embarassing tendency to overshare about your squalid personal life
>you're all... LE OBSESSED with me
Ok nicofaggot. Sorry you made yourself into a public spectacle and occasionally are lucid enough to regret it
Still doesn’t change the fact you’re obsessed. Also not Nicotranny.
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based, i hope they torture him in his final moments by forcing him to listen to beefheart and zappa

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