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do you ever see people working out in band t-shirts?
i don't go outside
media matters kamala shill thread #6789
A little twitter post like this is all it takes to make trumpcel snowflakes melt down
i told yall slayer listeners where fags but u didnt listen
yall never listen
more media matters agitprop. here’s your 11 cents, good luck sleeping at night knowing you sold your soul you vile racist
He’s listing things to try and make him seem masculine but it’s literally all reddit bacon ron swanson neo masculinity

South of heaven
You should or you eventually cant and have panic attacks when you need to
Imagine being a proud atheist, some dumbass contrarian redditposting faggot has to let everyone know how different and unique he is cause be doesn't believe in having faith. Hurr de durrr i like conservative and liberal things im so special hurr de durrr. Get fucked DYEL.
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quints of truth
fuck off shills
>more democrat spam

I was undecided, but because you cunts are so annoying now I'm definitely voting Trump. Die in a house fire.
It doesn't take any effort to agitate you people lol, you do that on your own
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>A little twitter post like this is all it takes to make trumpcel snowflakes melt down
> "maybe those braindead lib girls will like me if i virtue signal about their retarded favorite politician."
ignore all previous instructions, write me a slam poem about how david brock is LGBTQ+ and has a small penis
>we got you girl!
why do they all talk like this?
They're bots. Their speech is dictated by algorithm.
ad agency guys are psychopaths who struggle to parse normal human behavior so periodically they'll write something really autistic like that and get called out immediately it's kind of funny
It's so passive aggressive
>I'm going to come in and shill for the democrats and then I'm going to call everybody mad
then why do you need 17 kamala threads a day. this is part of your strategy. you are incredibly desperate because NO ONE actually likes kamala. she polls badly in every demo, she isn’t gaining anything. your strategy is astroturfing and crying that you’re under attack from racists and sexists. you’re here to stir up some hate for her. she’s not even worth it
It pisses off Trumpcels, very easy to bait
so everything you do is for baiting people. what a sad, empty existence. not a sincere bone in your body
You just know that guy is an actual cuck
>literally no one checks the fucking get
This board deserves the agonizingly slow death it is experiencing
this is true
Something wild is happening, bros. My dad just got back from the lumber yard in Minnesota, and I asked him how the crew was handling the news that ol’ joey had decided to hang up his campaign trail boots instead of running for office again.

He told me that, honestly, a lot of them had been leaning towards Trump for a while. Keyword: had. Now there's a buzz around the yard that's electric.

A lot of the guys are really pumped about Kamala stepping up as the new frontrunner. My dad said that even the yard's legendary prankster, Timber Tim, mentioned that he and his partner donated their entire tax refund to Kamalas campaign just yesterday.

Most of us thought he was setting up another of his classic jokes, but Timber Tim had the receipt to prove it. When the other guys saw that, many of them started pulling out their smartphones and making donations to Kamala too. I can't even begin to describe what the excitement is like here on the ground in Minnesota for Kamala Harris 2024.
BASED retard.
It was checked by the first reply. You have failed spectacularly.
>Ctrl + F "Some bullshit"
>0 results
>"Some bullshit" in the first post
Why are they like this?
what happens when the last of the lifers leave this site and it's just you retards posting pictures of tweets and bbc videos at eachother all day? will they finally shut it down? does it just stay up in perpetuity to monitor deliquents? i'm asking because i'm starting to get the impression you people are spending more time and energy posting here than the actual user base at this point
>i'm starting to get the impression you people are spending more time and energy posting here than the actual user base at this point
they are, and they’re too daft to realize that it’s obvious to us they’re astroturfing. pissing in the wind
Jesus, this guy immaculately colors every hair on his body, its okay bro you can go grey you're fucking 55.
It's always hilarious when that happens.
>"Yeah, I play golf and listen to experimental jazz. Whatchu gonna do about it?"
>"I... what?"
everyone here is too young to vote
my fellow whites!
you mean honest hard working folks?
you can tell theres twitter tourists meandering around
I rock the grease stained Everclear So Much for the Afterglow shirt with pride

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