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Why aren't sharethreads a thing anymore
Because streaming
because rapidshare and megaupload went away.
No one would contribute.
You can find anything on youtube
Also, no one knows shit about music here anymore and we patricians see no point in putting in any effort anymore.
music streaming is easier
The point was to share obscure shit you couldn't find anywhere else. Stuff that wasn't on streaming, youtube, p2p fileshare clients, or torrents. Sure some people just used it to share whatever they downloaded from Soulseek that week, but it was more about sharing and preserving obscure music.
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Streaming ruined /mu/. People no longer search for obscure stuff. They just sit around waiting for Spotify to recommend them old pitchforkcore bands like Grandaddy or Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and then they pat themselves on the back for listening to "obscure" music
You ruined it. And now you must pay.
for me it wasnt about how hard stuff was to get. since people mostly share stuff they like I saw sharethreads as lists of recommendations
> Death of Rapidshare/Megaupload
> Mediafire enforces copyright claims
> Torrents became less popular because many of the best sites got taken down
> SEO & AI ruined organic discovery on the internet
> Streaming successfully reduced the prevalence and popularity of piracy, at least for music
> Anons grew up and moved on
> New users have always lived with today's internet and do not know what they missed out on

That's basically it.
You can find obscure shit on youtube now
There is also still a lot of stuff that isn't on youtube.
mediafire and megaupload are kill
This nigga has never heard of loser - the chisel
Old /mu/ was so shit everyone left and it became a ghost town which got taken over by Swifties and K-pop Stans.

Sadly there are still a handful of geriatric boomer leftovers from those days who have nowhere else to go and cannot remove their nostalgia glasses. They spend most of their time reminiscing about 'le good old days' and seething at zoomers. Make no mistake, there's a good reason why old /mu/ died.
I blame /pol/
i'm on here to troll the zoomers.
Normies invaded and ruined everything
This and
>grateful dead schizo requesting an album that he had mislabeled and refused to pull his head out of his ass and instead trolled every share thread out of spite
>the same two shills constantly spamming their garbo in every share thread and derailing threads with shitty troll behavior
>there's a good reason why old /mu/ died
all the tripgods left. without tripgods to curate /mu/ culture, the board was doomed
YouTube recommends me better music than you fags
whatever the reason, i'm just glad that there was sharethreads. found out about freddie gibbs and a whole bunch of doom metal bands because of those.
Thinking about it, youre probably right. Without Tripfags to keep Anons under control, shitposting is always going to take over.
you anons are couldn't be more wrong. tripfags have always been annoying attention seeking losers whose only value is to say idiotic things into the void for a crumb of (you)s. anon is strong, intelligent and highly independent and never needed some tripnigger to guide their taste. personally i blame kpop and poptimisim in general for diluting the quality of users and ruining our humble community of music appreciating patricians
the old /mu/ vanguard is what keeps this place useable, a lot of /mu/core is still better than the majority of artists talked about on here
idk senpai. NMH is, was, and always be garbage.
clearly untrue because peak /mu/ had the highest proportion of tripgods on the whole site, and board quality is much worse now with practically no tripgods
kpoop is totally irrelevant, the koomers stay contained and everyone else filters the threads and never even sees them.
Yup. Tripfags are scum
none of us who were tripfags want to even remember that period of our lives. It was like a highschool lunch room full of cliques, retarded drama, bullying, gossiping. Certain trips hated each other and shat up threads measuring e-penises, and one chick even got her nudes leaked. It was a total shitshow that none of us want brought into our real lives, which is why most of us stopped tripping. We grew up.

is correct.
youre describing the behaviour of a small handful of easily filtered clowns. if you got drawn into that kind of shit, it was your own fault.
There is not a single tripfag worth remembering or reminiscing about.
i mean was the gorespammer climaxia's fault?
wayne garf posted his albums in them and made the op seethe into a heart attack
>that faggot that kept posting his stupid hillbilly folk pop album
>/prod/ fags shilling their bandcamp crap as le hidden artists
I used to post with a trip, but solely when I was posting or sharing music. It wasn't so that I'd have some persona and banter, it was only for other people that may share my taste to know they might be into whatever I'd posted. Back then share threads and giving recs was far more common, so I would have occasion for it often. The stupid drama, be it feuds or even other trips talking to or about me positively, I shunned.
are you drum n bass label share friend??? cause if you are, i still wanna download all of the metalheadz and black sun empire you got.
also i kind of miss the gore spammer. see a thread you don't like??? post the key words in the thread and it got shat upon.
>there are people here who actually miss tripfags

Put your trip back on. Not that it would do you any good. The world has moved on. You will be buried in the ashes of the old world, a bygone relic from a forgotten age.
mu died
I'm Batman
I am the walrus
>Why aren't sharethreads a thing anymore
I shut them down because all the music in them was shit
honestly i still find good stuff on here sometimes
stina nordenstam is probably the most recent one
I don't like your haircut.
Because I said so
I shared everything already and newfags know they can’t compete.
I just jumped on here after years of not using this website to see if there was a sharethread and I'm pre sad to see it not a thing anymore. Would find something good fairly often.
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There are enough music preservation channels on youtube for my favorite genres that I don't really care anymore. /mu/ is just for shitposting now.
>music preservation
Lossy compression isn't preservation.
Isn't every thread with music shared a share thread? I've tried ignoring this thread but christ I've downloaded so much music this last few months
That's just wrong aeroplane is a God tier album and anyone with functioning ears would know that. Production and songwriting alone
pretending you notice a difference (when there is none) preserves your virginity, though
Buyfags are the answer to the zoomer problem
>> Mediafire enforces copyright claims
mega has started to do this as well. not to the same extent that makes mediafire useless but enough to make me cautious
>>that faggot that kept posting his stupid hillbilly folk pop album
someone apparently got filtered. kek
There's a sharethread like every couple months here. Go check the fucking archives retarded hwh*toid
>every couple of months
That's the problem, idiot
Radiohead's mid
Velvet Underground's mediocre
Ziggie Stardust sucks
REM sucks
The Smiths are mid
The Beatles are mid
Wish You Were Here is mid
Remain in Light is mid
Madvilliany is mediocre
Weezer is just OK
Loveless is just OK
Built to Spill is just OK
Fishmans sucks

Not that there isn't plenty of good mucore, but it's hardly a bastion of taste
post your chart

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