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I really hope none of this is true bros. The article cites school and town records but I can't find any evidence of these existing. Why would anyone make these false claims against him though?

>Why would anyone make these false claims against him though?
So people read their dying third-rate newspaper. Haven't read, but probably about as substantial as those claims Beethoven was black.
Just give it a quick read. It's objectively more substantial since it cites actual records that apparently exist unlike the claims of Beethoven being black which is just typical kang speculation
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It is well known that he was into drinking and fighting, so it makes sense that he'd have a streak of delinquency growing up.
Johan Sebastian Sheisty
Zesty ass faggot
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ong he jus lyk me frfr
Are you suggesting that muh heggin Blackerinos are less than saints that invented the modern world, my dude? I'll have you know we wouldn't even have clean running water if not for those majestic, sultry Black gods.
Read a book.
hah. drill shit.
Guess he got Bach broken
Its clearly implied that he was the sodomizer, not the sodomized
John Eliot Gardiner is literally projecting his shitty behavior onto the greatest composer who lived.
>I'm a Bach door man!
The fag is fucking gay
>documents damn the boys as "rowdy, subversive, thuggish, beer- and wine-loving, girl-chasing … breaking windows and brandishing their daggers"
>From the tone of the school reports, it sounds as if the authorities were really worried that the situation had got out of hand
>reports on antisocial behaviour of two schoolboys in a local hostelry – "thoroughly drunk and … slashing … with [their] dirks and hunting knives".
Damn, nothing ever actually changes, huh?
The world was much more violent back in the day, because governments didn't have resources or funding to enforce the law or punish criminals. Most places would just hang you if you got to be too much of a nuisance. Petty crime was practically legal.
Is it well known?
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>The Guardian
I wipe my ass on higher-quality paper than that fucking rag is printed on. Article discarded, trashed, and burned in a dumpster fire.
cope faggot
so the whole "muh God" was a cope, always knew it. too perfect to be true. this truth needs to be dropped in the fb bach group, guarantee a couple boomers would have a heart attack reading it.
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Oh seethe cringe dilate? Have sex touch grass? Typical Guardian reader here everyone, a brain-dead parrot spewing out the few words his stunted brain can retain.
I could convince u that ur a woman with the slightest amount of effort
The British kept sodomy records dating back centuries
>trannies not trying to groom people for a single day challenge: impossible
Why would anyone defend the Guardian even passively?
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Given that the picture used isn't of Bach, and none of the reports mention Bach directly, we can conclude this article is absolute tosh and Gardiner should not be taken seriously on any matter.
Why was he behaving like a nog in 18th century Germany?
John Eliot Gardiner is a pathetic wuss that is always looking for a chance to take great geniuses down a peg. He said Bach was a 'bad person' because there's a record of him going to his children's school and telling the music teacher that he had a 'dirty ear'. That's how pathetically desperate this garbage conductor is to feel superior to a divine personage such as Bach. He is always trying to claim Bach's music has nothing to do with religion, and that Bach's life was not as polite as his own, ergo, in his slavish view of the world, this makes Bach a worse person than himself.
This. I just reported OP for racism and I hope you all do as well.
Holy fucking based Anon
Lol, so much seethe over this one
I'm not defending the Guardian, I'm asking you to cope and accept your homosexuality, and this is an old article, there's a whole book and other articles about it:

"Among other things, Bach was accused of (and quite likely the victim of) gang warfare, bullying, sadism, and sodomy. And that was just while he was in school.
As the years went on, Bach developed a heavy drinking habit, which he seasoned generously with bouts of vandalism and wild, debaucherous sexual exploits. He loved nothing more than getting wasted and then challenging his companions to drunken duals, brandishing his sword with the awkward, wonk-eyed grace only a seasoned alcoholic is capable of. As a God-fearing young drunkard, Bach was known for threatening all who failed to acquiesce to his demands with “eternal damnation.” Whether he said such things in seriousness or in jest is a crucial shade of context that has, sadly, been lost to the vagueries of history."
You quite literally just made this up. All of Gardiner's 'evidence' is just some bad things, much of which is only hinted at, occurring at the schools he went to, none of it is directly attributed to Bach. This is all literally just Gardiner WANTING to believe that Bach was a bad person for his own inferiority complex.
The whole point of ""muh God"" is that you ask for forgiveness for your sinful past behavior and rid yourself of sin
John Eliot Gardiner slapped and punched his singer in front of all his other musicians and now they sacked him. He's always been an angry little man and projected his shitty behavior onto Bach with his "research" (he didn't actually discover anything "new", that article merely points out that Bach was surrounded by violent idiots, which is something we've already known).
This. He probably has a personality disorder, which makes it all the more funny that people ever listened to his opinions on Bach, since in retrospect he just appears like an obsessed nutcase.
tbf you probably would be too if you grew up with THE Haussmann portrait in your childhood home
so where tf did he get the sodomy shit from?
There was probably one report of sodomy and Gardiner blew it up into Bach being a gay rapist because he's a mentally ill neurotic. Or maybe he just interpreted 'brutal behaviour' as meaning sodomy.
I read a letter from a medieval lady describing the family's priest getting in to a knife fight with some neighbours who didn't respond well to him not doffing his cap when he walked past.
He won 2v1 with someone else throwing rocks at him. They decided to break it off when someone came out with a pike.
Point is that people back then were mostly like people now except there weren't any cops.
what did I make up? I'm quoting an article about a book
>so where tf did he get the sodomy shit from?
Might be from Gardiner's degenerate projections or like >>122925217 said, any report that exists just gets blown out of proportion and applied to Bach, even though it makes no sense. Gardiner is a typical "authentic performance" retard, he'll cling on to anything just to seem special, even though it makes no sense in the first place.
itt gay samefag struggling to cope
>great white man known for being extremely pious
>UHHH ACTUALLY Professor Shmul Goldberg has proven he was gay and a serial killer
>Bach's education was troubled by sodomy
what a strange statement to make
almost sounds like ESL wording but it might be anglos trying to sound proper and indirect. Beating around the bush. They had to sit down and think "how can i write 'he got traumatized by buttsex according to history' without sounding crass". Also >2013
It's an Anglo but they're just as bad at this stuff to be honest.
Yeah but also "he got traumatized by buttsex according to history" is just made up kek
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Based: both make poo skins seethe worldwide
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What the actual hell are you talking about dumb cunt? One singular sect of brown dislikes one of the two groups listed in the image. The remainder view them both of them as a White man views God for giving them access to gee uhh idk the culmination of all of human advancement? Goyim teir advancement but still factorials ahead of what they would have otherwise. I really hope for your sake that what you said was bait and not your genuine perspective
Neither make me "seethe"; I actually like some aspects of both. I'm also simply aware of their behavioral patterns.
Bach was a gangstalked TI, look it up.

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