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What kind of man listens to this?
A very gay man
Fuck Boy?
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Men don't listen to this. This album is specifically designed for women and women alone.
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>Men don't listen to this. This album is specifically designed for women and women alone.
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Men that don't let an album define their sexuality
Who said anything about sexuality? Found the troon!
Fantano, the internet's busiest pedophile.
Well your post implies that only fags listen to brat
It's really not good
How so? It’s just asking what kind of man listens to it. It could be a manly man, or a fag like yourself.
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>It could be a manly man
a gay one
Charli board
Charli website
You haven't actually refuted what I'm saying. Just an ad hominem.
masculinity isn't going anywhere, zoomtranny
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>You haven't actually refuted what I'm saying. Just an ad hominem.
Faggots, let’s not fool ourselves here
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>masculinity isn't going anywhere, zoomtranny
I'm a devout chud and it's in my top 5 of the year so far so if I extrapolate a little I'm gonna say lots of other sigma chuds listen to it, hope this helps
the chud hero nick fuentes has said he liked it too
You still haven't, you're just posting more and more infantile pictures.
A man who enjoys catchy pop vocals over hard minimal electronics
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>You still haven't, you're just posting more and more infantile pictures.
nick is gay thoughever
I don't even know what these pictures are supposed to mean. If you listen to Brat seriously, you're a woman.
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>I don't even know what these pictures are supposed to mean. If you listen to Brat seriously, you're a woman
You have nothing to say.
why does it bother you what other men are listening to?
It doesn't bother me what men are listening to. But they aren't listening to Brat.
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>You have nothing to say.
I am a man listening to it. gonna cry faggot?
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I appreciate an anon that sees this site for what it is.
You're not
i genuinely only liked one song. idk, i just can't get behind it but you know im just some asshole sitting on computer with an opinion
Redditor twinks.
I'm literally a chud but do you guys let the gender of the musician or their mainstream gender appeal dictate what you can and can't enjoy? I'll listen to this, who cares
I give it a 7
It's literally about eating out, body image issues, and being bri'ish there is nothing a chud can enjoy here.
>muh lyrics

kys retard
I can bench press more than you
Yes, enjoy a woman in her thirties debating having children while some "sick ass beat" plays over the top of it.
A man who needs correction
it's a good song tho and very introspective
I'm sure you can shove fertility treatments up your ass, and it would have the same introspective quality.
it's just a hyperpop album, why do you need overanalyze it like it's a movie
>It's a pop album, so it exists at a level above scrutiny
Literally me
I only liked Apple, everything else is tryhard slop and Von Dutch is probably the worst Charli single ever
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agree, but I like the style. from a business standpoint, that's all pop really is anyhow. it's one of the biggest pop albums of the decade and it's because teenage girls love this beatslop.
but, imho, it's not really any different from anything AG has shat out this decade either. that's why i think it all has to do with style
This thread should be moved to Reddit
Men who secretly like how it sounds but they won't admit it so they don't seem gay.
I’m not a female or gay, I’m just autistic.
shit sucks charli is a vapid whore completely irredeemable

if you listen it's because you're a retarded faggot
>Pop music
>Needing substance
People are acting like it does
the best pop music is substantial, it's about the pure joy of god. the beatles, new order etc. charli's music is literally about being possessed by demons and sucking as a person. she's fucking retarded and anyone who listens is equally

here's a good song for anyone who isn't gay:
People are retarded.
don't correct me faggot
A faggot
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What did you think of it?
>new order
>not being about sucking as a person
I dont think I've ever seen an album cause as much as seethe as this one
look bernard definitely does suck but that guitar playing is godly
Decent, but I didn't enjoy it enough to make me a faggot so I'm good. You?
why did you applaud all your own posts
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I listen to some of the songs on brat regularly (it is a rather weak album overall tho) and I really love her tumblr-era sappy stuff. I think I am a very ordinary-looking straight man. You really need to grow some spine if you decide what to listen to according to what you think you are. Just enjoy the music, nigger. There is no condition to it, no need to create some.
this album sounds really dated
Either literal fags or some late millenial urbanoid that thinks they “get it” (so basically fags again)
I like Nautilus Pompilius, but the film translates to Brother. Can anyone tell me what this is about? (Not Brother, this thing).
you already listened to it girlie, too late <3
alt femboys who wanna get plapped
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when I go to the club I want to hear those club classics
club classics
club club classics
it sounds like flo rida or keesha from 2009.
but that doesnt matter because the music critics goes
It's like they desperately want this to pop off, seems so manufactured
The type of guy who gets pegged by his roastie fwb
I listened to this album yesterday replacing the cambelt on my 1989 suzuki alto with cut springs. Then the next album I listened to was 50 cents get rich or die trying soundtrack. Afterwards I took my daily 100mg of amytriptyline and drank half a bottle of shiraz, and ate a frozen pizza. Now I'm laying in bed the next morning on my phone. I made a cup of milo, a cup of berocca, and some toast. 2 pieces one with marmite and one with peanut butter. I checked reddit earlier for some you's. Disappointing. I made a post yesterday - a long, scathing criticism of a psychology paper, only got 4 or so responses. They were positive responses but still - 4? Not a good enough return for my time. Today I need to do a valve adjustment on my car. This will require buying some feeler guages. I already brought a set but they were the wrong size. I need bigger ones and it's been too long to return them. A waste of money. The issue is the manual for doing it is just a few lines and some grainy photocopied images (it's an online manual), so I've been browsing YouTube for guides. Every video is literally street mechanic flips speaking tagalog. No English videos. I cannot understand them, but I think I get the gist from the videos. Youtube is very useful.
Just listened to this. I am the NPC. Slava ukraine. I need to have a black man fuck my wife
I am a gay man of color and Charli XCX is everything dear omg
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>Why yes, I enjoy Brat by Charli XCX how can you tell?

EDM bros we are so fucking back
thats the point luv
she wants to go back to a different time
press rewind
bumpin that
a chad
A democrat
I listened to it a few times. It's not bad but I'm not going to listen to it a lot. To answer your question, I have listened to it.
millennial gays and zoomer chads
not a fan of charli's previous work but I liked this one a lot, shame that it became a propaganda piece for democrats
I'm bisexual btw
Damn, /mu/ turned me gay again ;_;
>. it's one of the biggest pop albums of the decade
except that it's not. it's a miniscule niche thing
charli xcx has never written a song as demonic as "Imagine"
burzum cured my sufjan syndrome
hope this helps
>zoomer chads = millennial gays
really makes you think

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