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Porter Robinson - SMILE! :D

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I liked cheerleader. the rest is not what I'm looking for from porter
Wanted happy hyperpop, got bland sadboy.
shill your shitty music somewhere else, porter
Did this feature playing from his live band at all or was it all done synthetically? I haven't listened yet, and I'm not really interested in a 100% in the can Porter, I vastly preferred his live second sky etc stuff from his last run.
This. The 4 singles he released made it seem like this was gonna be all fun stuff, instead 50% of it is emo shit

I think I like it. I feel like he tried really hard with the lyrics, and he tried hard to say something.
liked the first 3, middle 3 are dogshit, last 4-ish are pretty good.
I don't have a problem with the more somber emo synthpop tracks in theory, but they overstayed their welcome in a terrible way. track 5,6,7 bleed together into a big bland mess right in the middle of the album.
best tracks are the first 3 singles + mona lisa. worst are kitsune maison + year of the cup.

also he should ditch this synthpopstar persona and go back to virtual self
I think the album will grow on me. He's leaning a little too much into the "I just can't HELP being sincere!!!" thing, but it sounds like he said what he wanted to here. It sounds like we all wanted more high energy fun from this. I'm sure the live show will have more of that?
easily the worst of his entire discography
Geez man, will this guy ever grow some hair on his chest? Maybe go spend a year in the mines and then make another album.
I actually like the emo slog section in the middle the most. Year of the Cup is one of the highlights for me, while the singles didn't hit that much, besides Cheerleader.
Yeah, I think I agree. I still need to give this album some more time but so far it's my least favourite of his by quite a margin. But it's still rather good.
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Really like the production on the album but the middle really kinda blends together, and YOTC is easily one of his worst songs yet, but I’m sure with the live show and time It’ll grow on me.
Pretty good start, underwhelming middle section, strong end, Cheerleader and Is There Any Happiness? are now top Porter songs, better than Worlds, not better than Nurture though
He's too old for this kind of shit
Lame, maybe I'm too old for this too
First 3, the singles were v good, Is there really no happiness is of this standard, mona lisa good but slightly below these others. Rest forgettable.
bitch, I'm Taylor Swift
it's great
Outside of the singles (which were the first three tracks on the album lmfao), it's 100% forgettable. Nurture was full of memorable stuff, but this is 70% boring wannabe sadboy indie
Fucking awful, like most electr*nic "music"
it's not real music
Respect the hell out of this guy. I think he's crazy talented, and I appreciate his willingness to mix up his sound. But this, this is not it for me. I don't think I've enjoyed any of the singles really, and I don't plan to listen to the full thing anytime soon.
>I don't think I've enjoyed any of the singles
Actually try listening the album. The singles are quite different from the non-single album tracks, especially in the middle section, where Porter kinda goes full emo synthpop.
after listening to it for a bit I think I like it
Year of the Cup is the only one that's a definite skip

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