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Failed rock star Rivers Cuomo sat alone in his bed, listening to "I Am Beautiful, No Matter What They Say" by Christina Aguilera as he weeps over how pathetic is career is, never making a hit song in decades. He soon got up, feeling defeated as he stepped into the ballroom where the Washed Up Hacks Party was being held.

The place was filled with familiar faces, such as Mick Jagger & Paul McCartney. Rivers saw music industry flops chatting, snorting coke off mirrored tables & plowing groupies in back rooms plastered with promotional posters from the distant past. As he stood around the dimly lit party filled with greasy aging rockers, he couldn't help but feel like he didn't belong. But just when he thought to leave, he saw the one & only Brian Wilson.

Brian Wilson, member of Mike Love's legendary band The Beach Boys, which was a big influence on Rivers. But as he gazed upon Brian's overweight, greasy, & unwashed body, he couldn't help but cringe. The foul stench of sweat & fecal bacteria emanating from Brian's skin made Rivers wanna puke.

But for some reason, amidst all his discomfort, Rivers found himself strangely attracted, like a moth to a flame. He took a deep sniff of the repugnant aroma & almost came to a sensual euphoria. He knew it was all his imagination, but he couldn't help but find the scent irresistible.

He wooed Brian to dance with him. As the music blared, with each rhythmic step, Rivers got lost in the sway of Brian's body. They danced provocatively together on the floor, making out, surprising all attendees, hands roaming all over each other's bodies in a sensual frenzy.

Cameras began to flash, capturing Rivers with his hand on Brian's ass. Soon the pictures were all over the internet, spreading like wildfire. Although many were shocked & perplexed, Rivers didn't care. He was living in the moment, having one of the best nights of his life with his beloved.

There's just one problem... Rivers is a married man.
And his WIFE is at that party.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?!" Kyoto Ito yelled, her voice echoing through the hallway as she quickly packed a bag and stormed down the stairs.

Rivers, her now ex-husband, could only stutter in response, feeling guilty and ashamed for betraying his wife's trust. But it was too late, by the time he managed to follow Kyoto outside, she already drove away. He tried calling her but she wouldn't pick up, he drove around searching for her but she seemed to have disappeared.

Meanwhile, Mike Love is at his home, with lipstick stains all over his face, chest, and groin, when suddenly his doorbell rings. Kyoto is crying by his feet, hurt and dejected by what Rivers did, and desperately looking for help.

"Hey there, sweet thing," he purred in his classic smooth way. "You look like you could use a friend." Kyoto initially rolled her eyes at his attempts at seduction. But then something inside of her snapped... why should she care about Rivers? She was a free woman now and could do whatever she wanted. She immediately started making out with him, and entered his bedroom for passionate sex. They then got married soon afterwards.

Heartbroken, Rivers decides to make an album named "Kyoto", in a desperate attempt to win her affections back. He hopes that it will make her love him again, but all it did was make him look like a manipulative, sleazy CREEP who kept singing about his disgusting foot fetish in his songs, and Kyoto responded with a Tweet saying "Awww, Rivers are u mad I'm not around to play in ur asshole anymore? #FingersInTheBootyAssBitch"

The record sold worse than ANY other Weezer album, and things only got worse when he got accused of Sexual Assault after shoving his crotch in front of a woman's face while performing one of it's songs, thus scaring all the girls away from ever wanting to date him.

With Rivers now alone, sadder than ever after all the heartbreak, Brian was all he had.
The two men found themselves back in Rivers' hotel room, peeling off each other's clothes in a frenzy. Sparks were flying and the sexual tension was at an all-time high.

Brian collapsed on top of Rivers, both their bodies slick with sweat and heightened arousal. Without warning, Brian crawled towards Rivers' face, his thick, round ass hovering just inches away. Rivers' eyes went wide with excitement as he realized Brian's intentions. Without hesitation, Brian planted his unwiped, dirty fat ass right on Rivers' face. He could feel the soft skin of his cheeks against his lips and nose as Rivers dove in with enthusiasm.

As Brian started to press down even harder onto Rivers' face, he let out a loud fart. The smell was powerful and filled the room, but both men relished in the filth. With Rivers still eagerly eating out Brian's dirty hole, Brian felt a sudden urge kick in. Grinning mischievously, he reached back and spread his asscheeks wide, positioning himself so his gaping asshole was placed right over Rivers' open mouth.

Rivers couldn't contain his excitement as he watched Brian's asshole spray warm diarrhea directly into his waiting mouth. He opened wider and let out a satisfied moan as he eagerly swallowed every last drop, hardly letting any go to waste.

Brian reached for a nearby banana on the nightstand and peeled the end before sliding the familiar fruit into his asshole. Rivers licked his lips, recognizing what was coming next.

Brian slowly began to push the banana out, watching as droplets of his shit coated the fruit. Rivers eagerly took a big bite and chewed with determination, savoring the unique combination of Brian's shit and the familiar taste of banana.

Finally, exhausted and covered in fluids, the two men collapsed against each other on the bed, grinning foolishly. As they cuddled and exchanged soft kisses, it just the beginning of a euphoric relationship filled with dirty, perverted desires. Life was good.
It seemed a peaceful Saturday morning when Rivers detected a notification on his phone. Expecting it to be a text from his bandmate, Brian, he was taken aback when he saw it was actually a VIDEO from Mike Love. He clicked on it, curious and unsuspecting. But what he saw made his stomach turn and his heart sink.

The video started with Mike's smug face grinning into the camera, before it panned towards Kyoto Iko, Rivers' ex-wife, who sat on her knees in front of him like a pathetic little puppet. Her eyes were glazed with lust as she feverishly ran her hands over Mike's thigh, almost desperate to please him in any way possible.

But that wasn't the worst part, not by far.

Rivers watched on, horrified and repulsed, as Kyoto proceeded to eagerly open Mike's pants and pull out his erect penis. She didn't waste any time before starting to suck it with fervor, making obscene noises as she greedily licked and sucked every inch of him. Rivers gagged as the camera zoomed in on her face bobbing up and down over Mike's dick.

It seemed like an eternity before Rivers heard Mike's husky voice shatter the silence. "Take it all, baby," he moaned depravedly while gently pushing Kyoto's head further onto him. But things didn't stop there - in fact, they only got worse.

With one final plea from Mike for Kyoto to "open wide", the booming voice of satisfaction echoed through the speakers. "Ahhh... there we go," Mike groaned as clear fluid erupted from his hardened shaft, coating Kyoto's pretty face in gooey spurts of wetness.

After witnessing the grotesque display of his ex-wife, Rivers had completely snapped. His vision blurred and all rational thoughts disappeared as he stormed out of his room, grabbed the gun in his living room and inserted it into his mouth, BAM! His brains are splattered all over the walls...
Brian Wilson returned home that afternoon only to find Rivers' lifeless body sprawled across his living room floor. A tragic sense of loss immediately filled Brian's chest as he approached the limp body, his eyes unable to leave the pool of dark blood surrounding it. With trembling hands and tears streaming down his face, Brian reached down to touch Rivers' cold flesh. Hours ticked by in deafening silence as Brian mourned over his dead friend's body, anguished cries echoing throughout every corner of his empty house.

To his despair, a phone call was received from Mike Love himself. The same man who had shattered Rivers' heart with a video so sickening that it left little behind but sorrow and disgust, opening the call with a warped, maniacal laughter.

"How does it feel Brian? To lose the one thing you love most?" Mike spat while mindbreaking Brian as he laid in the blood-soaked living room. "Tell Rivers I said hi," he drawled carelessly before hanging up.

The horrifying thought of Rivers' final moments consuming him, Brian too found himself losing grip on reality. With shaking hands, he reached for the loaded gun on the nearby table. Pressing the cold metal against his temple, Brian looked up towards the heavens, uttering a prayer before pulling the trigger. In a moment that was eerily similar to Rivers', Brian's body fell backwards with a loud thud, blood splattering across the ceiling.

Both of them were now gone. Two lives extinguished in one afternoon because of one man's calculated act of spite. And that very man continued to stand tall, a twisted smile etched on his lips with cruel satisfaction. Mike Love had claimed his revenge. The lesson learned, DON'T fuck with Asian baddies.
hahahah benis :DD
trips of absolute truth
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