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>Be huge listener of Prog rock in my teen years
>Listen to a huge amount of classical later on
>Listen to the prog albums I liked again
>None of them structure their music in a remotely interesting way
It's always either a bunch of unrelated shit stitched together, or a song with a overly long improvisational section.
Why do basically no prog songs employ a classical form like a Rondo, or even Sonata form?
>be fan of genre A
>listen to genre B
>go back to genre A
>"wtf why doesn't this genre sound like this completely different genre"
Great thread.
>pseud ramblings thread
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Magma'd probably be more your speed.
ELP, Magma and Gentle Giant are the major prog bands known for actually interesting song structures.

ELP is often just classical worship played with rock instruments, Magma's all over the place with its influences but are a cut above the majority, and while Gentle Giant's firmly rock structurally they still employ a lot of techniques that you rarely see in prog rock.
Because prog is midwits larping sophistication.
For the classical public it's like you summed up. And for the rock public they're overblown boring pseuds. Prog wants a shot at everything and accomplishes nothing, therefore its niche fanbase.
>ELP is often just classical worship played with rock instruments
Tell me you don't listen to classical without telling me you don't listen to classical.
Just because a melody or harmonic progression is borrowed from a classical piece doesn't mean that's classical music.
Oh shut the fuck up.
>doesn't mean that's classical music
Also you're the only one saying that I said it's classical music.
I said it's classical worship.
this. fucking retards insist that genesis and phil collins - in the air tonight is top tier. in the air tonight is supposed to be the best example as to the usefulness of a noise gate in music production but it just sounds like shit to me. a noise gate cuts the volume in quiet sections so it's like a band-aid fix for a noisy recording.
>harmonic progression is borrowed from a classical piece doesn't mean that's classical music
did you even read his post?
what OP said is actually that prog structures are objectively shit, and that he needed to hear good structures to realize it, not they they're merely different.
the definition of prog is changing structures
This is the most vague post ever. What structures? Harmonic, timbral, melodic? Structural?
This sounds so far removed from prog rock to the point it begs the question, is this actually even prog anymore?
Why prog musicians should use classical forms, if even academic composers in 20 century abandoned them?
Yes, Zeuhl is subgenre of prog. Prog is not only typical symphonic wankery
Bait or mental retardation?
are you crazy? sonatas are a much more boring structure than most prog rock songs, and the rondo is just the standard pop song structure. diagram out a prog classic sometime, from Soft Machine or Yes or even Jethro Tull, you'll see they are typically very complex.
It's prog rock on a technicality, they formed without any awareness that prog rock was even a thing but are generally associated with prog since despite forming independently of it they fit all of the requirements, and the bands they influenced are firmly prog.
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in the air tonight is hideously lo-fi, there are much more cleanly recorded songs from the 60s such as sugar sugar. he's using a weird effect on his voice, it's not natural, and his natural voice is nasal and whiny anyway. the theme of the song is faggy, expressing fear or pain or whatever, people in the modern world have too much going on themselves to care about other people to that extent. it's very basic filler content for a mind-numbing 3 minutes and 40 seconds until the drums finally start. i can not think of any song that is in a similar style that is popular so it's hard to believe that it's popular based on merit alone and not cultist peer pressure and nostalgia.
>It actually comes from something else. It was used in the TV show Miami Vice during one of the longer shot sequences almost in it's entirety. Miami Vice was one of the more iconic shows of the 1980's as it integrated big budget film ideology into the pastel popularity of the more main stream MTV music videos. The show propelled the popularity of the song which then propelled the popularity of the of the show.
>While I like it myself, I acknowledge that it is one of those things that everyone insists that you have to like, which can be really annoying if you just don't like it for some reason.
>if even academic composers in 20 century abandoned them
Source: my ass
>sonatas are a much more boring structure than most prog rock songs
You are gay.
>if even academic composers in 20 century abandoned them?
And look where that brought them, the only classical people actually like came from before the 20th century.
>sonatas are a much more boring structure than most prog rock songs
Oh yeah its so boring having actual motific development instead of shit strung together with no care.
>and the rondo is just the standard pop song structure
The fuck you talking about, verse chorus is not a fucking rondo you braindead faggot
>Source: my ass

No, yo mama
So what? Academic avanguarde is less accessible for plebs, it demands more experienced listener, than average one. We live not in classical era and modern music reflects it.
The cream rises to the top. If the vast majority of people dislike it, its bad.
Another retrograde, nothing new
>It's so shit, nobody likes it
>It must be good!
I can suggest the opposite metaphorical argument: million of flies can not be mistaken, yea
And are flies capable of complex thought? This analogy only works if you consider yourself as worthy of a living creature as a fly. Which in your case would actually be befitting.

I can suggest that you are muricans. Only there people have such bad taste in music that unironically praised Joshua Tree by U2
Are the masses capable of complex thougt? Watch your back, pleb
>They don't live in a poor shithole like me!
>impying that all world outside gun-obsessed >burgeristan is poor shithole :)))
>Are the masses capable of complex thougt?
More complex than you, it seems. You cannot even spell properly.

Either way, modern classical is shit simply due to it being entirely braindead from a writing perspective. Listen to any of these composers talk and its never a real artistic statement they're making, instead it's entirely shit like
>it feels like ice cracking below you
>ooo orchestra is making weird sounds
The worst cases are when they're just making music that has to be performed in gimmicky ways that have no musical bearing. Like writing a piece to be performed in a flying helicopter.
Yes, because we control every region of the modern world. I assume because you have internet, that you live in a EU country. Which means our secret services can reach you. You are at best a place that we can take resources from. Otherwise you'd probably be nuked.
Ok, I understood everything about you, retrograde
Hahahahah. You think you are the sole country in the world with nuclear weapon? I can't stop be amased by ignorance of common muricans :)))
"Retrograde" isn't the insult you think it is. If you are so loving of modernity, go see it's consequences on society. Paris is a nice place for you to visit.
America controls all the governments with nuclear weapons besides maybe Russia.
Okay, we'll just stop protecting you then. Enjoy dealing with the Russia invasion yourself faggot
Why Paris? I can visit a ghetto in Murica :)
Murican NPC, do you know that China and Pakistan have nuclear weapon too?
Sure? Good that you agree that modernity is gay.
Sweet dreams....
>Eurotard calling me an NPC
You people literally commit suicide with mass immigration, you refuse to even fight back against arabs raping and killing your own people. How can you call someone an NPC, while being such a blind slave?
>do you know that China and Pakistan have nuclear weapon too?
Yes, and soon they will also be part of the American empire. All you can currently do is cope, while Mohammed fucks your wife
Hahaha, why do you think I'm from EU. Also, It will be good for Europe to become independent and be capable to protect themself without your support
American empire? After your new civil war, I guess?
listen to anything by philip glass, it's a bullshit scam
I prefer Gubaidulina
two more weeks, bro texas is gonna rise up just wait

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