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>trance doesn't work anymore
>prog doesn't work anymore
>rock doesn't work anymore
>reggae doesn't work anymore
>The Prodigy doesn't help anymore
>classical music doesn't help anymore
>used to play in a good Led Zeppelin cover band, that doesn't do the trick either anymore
>we did Hendrix and Cream covers too

Have you tried making something original instead of just ripping off other peoples work
OP is a hack he doesn't understand the term originality.
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My belief is that you have to intentionally go out of your way to create a new style of guitar music. Most people are going to think it sounds like shit but that's ok. You have to be uncompromising, otherwise you will always be trying to keep up with someone else.

Here's some of my playing for example.

you can't create a new genre of guitar music, everything's been done, just do what you like the best and write in such a way its good to listen to, everything is picking apart what's been done before, even bands like Deep Purple were just adding a prog twist to blues based rock and roll.
Schizocore music right here.
This is what the death of God sounds like.
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Emanuel Aguilar ahh type beat
jazz, nigga
>good Led Zeppelin cover band
You were always a retard.
you know what. i like it
maybe try doing billie eilish covers?
https://youtu.be/zy9V7jYABOA?si=EXj95OD8Rkr4zonB v
uhhh anyone gonna check these?
This is nice, but have you tried making any music that requires effort or skill?

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