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File: Ratm_renegades[1].png (20 KB, 297x300)
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idc if they're all covers, the wheat:chaff ratio is way higher on this than their other albums
Maturity is realizing that people with no political experience shouldn't have their political opinions taken seriously, in musical form or otherwise.
Every single song on this album is better than the original
OG Renegades is better.. Too bad he's a pedo.
seen, not heard, child. fuck off.
Not the Devo cover
"maggie's farm" just feels so toothless and hokie once you've heard the ratm version frfr
Hell no, they butchered I'm housin and beautiful world
no covers album is good
maturity is not listening to this dogshit band
>seen, not heard
And to a functioning Government, the inexperienced masses should be neither.
To a functioning government, no one should be so inexperienced.
But we fight over universal childcare even though it makes us more money than we put in because the better women do the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Poorchuds are just collateral damage.
hell naw
Leave your own politics at the door. I couldn't give less shits about universal healthcare if they were handed to me.
I brought up universal *childare* because it was relevant to the conversation you dipshit
Same applies.
>it was relevant to the conversation
selfish, petty, shortsighted.
nasty, brutish, and short no doubt as well.
not fit for civil society.
>selfish, petty, shortsighted.
No, I'm not an eleutheromaniac.
>nasty, brutish, and short no doubt as well.
>not fit for civil society.
But enough about (You).
You are due for a booster shot, anon.
Tom Morello graduated from Harvard with a bachelors in political science, is this experience? Hell no, but its definitely enough for credibility. Not to mention that everyones political opinions should always be taken into account, regardless of their outrageousness, it is a massive pillar of democracy
>graduated from Harvard with a bachelors in political science, is this experience? Hell no, but
No, you could've stopped at "no." Western Political "Science" is based on the broken framework that has defined the West for centuries; one that demonizes the concept of Authority being the sole duty of a Government. I doubt Tommy Boy could quote Machiavelli from memory when asked.
>everyones [sic.] political opinions should always be taken into account
Yes, under a broken framework where the Government delegates Political decisions to the inexperienced, unqualified citizenry, usually by proxy in the form of "representatives."
>it is a massive pillar of democracy
A pillar built on sand, yes.

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