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so, now that the dust has settled, what REALLY is the best decade of music for the 20th century?
none of them
music is cringe
time is cringe
late 50s and early 70s
60s and 90s
the decade when I was in high school and college.
The 80s was by far the richest in every day: emergence of new genres, experimentation, huge and great output of mainstream music, it was peak era of pop, stardom etc.
Maybe not the best era for rock but the most creative decade in which a lot of new things were tried, but there were few big classic names.
existence is cringe
rock peaked in the 90s
the best decade for music is the current one because old shit be lowkey cringe. like why you living in the past listenin to granpappy shit. move on. everone else did.
The only correct answer.
this, the 60s & 90s were both peaks for commercial viability & artistic experimentation/innovation in popular music, every other decade predominantly prioritized one at the expense of the other
>The 80s was by far the richest in every day: emergence of new genres, experimentation, huge and great output of mainstream music, it was peak era of pop, stardom etc.
this has been proven to be objectively false: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/science/computer-scientists-prove-80s-music-boring
a lot of the 80s was defined specifically by reductionist reactions against the artistic excesses of the 70s
30s if you like elegance
40s if you like sweetness
Simple as.
You should mill yourself at your earliest convenience. Waste of good digits.
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>this program does not rely on preconceptions. Rather it allows patterns to emerge from [musical] data.”

Fuck data crunchers. I don't listen to music for the sake of data patterns. Fucking moronic generalised autism civilisation. They break down all music using a couple of formulas: timbre, harmony, types of chords, etc. Then look for which decade was more diverse blablabla.

Here's some news: I don't listen to music to tick some formulas. For me it's a lot more complex than whether it ticks some boxes. And their dataset training used mainstream shit only. They don't mention anything about Pixies or Husker Du or all the rich underground scenes. Yeah thanks, I already know the gated reverb drums recipe was overdone to death in the 80s. Thanks for confirming through "data" what we already knew.
But that's not why the 80s stand out. There's no decade that spawned more new genres than the 80s.

>“Rap and hip-hop saved the charts from being too bland”
Just lmao. Rap and shithop are bland and non-musical by definition.

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