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I hate that you can't praise this album without looking like a casual or a fag.
[spoiler] Meddle is still better [/spoiler]
I try to only mention it in passing/reference, because people seem to either love the shit out of it, or only know the album art, so it just doesn't work as a subject of direct discussion.
Touch grass.
Made for sleepy stoner boomers.

Another Brick In The Wall, Part Two is their only good song.
Why couldn't you discuss something people love?
Find somewhere quiet and end yourself.
It's one of the worst on its album, shitter.
you can go middle ground and say it's a perfect album without necessarily being your favorite

I say as much, praising its balanced nature. It stands alone in that regard, within the pink floyd discography. No 20 minute jamfests, no operatic conceits. Just an album of what, 9 songs which are equally distinct and have different roles.
It is equally a deep dive album and a party album, something you can put on and people will not simply go to sleep. It is pink floyd for casuals, yet also contains some of their highest highs deepest depths etc
[spoiler]I often think Us and Them is a slog but about 1/5 times it really hits.
I love every song of this album
>[spoiler] Meddle is still better [/spoiler]
That's incorrect. Nothing is better than DSOTM, by anyone.
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No that's not me, but he seems like a based lad
Based quints
you can't praise it cuz people who aren't plebs are realizing DSOTM aged like fucking milk
you look like a bigger fag for not stabding by your opinion. not very based. just another spineless zoomer afraif of not being accepted by others
Yeah, and pigs can fly
pleb response
Why do people pretend Fart Side of the Poop was good?
Atom Heart Mother and Animals are the patrician choices
lol pleb. should've went with WYWY
You're boring
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>You're boring
Meddle is the best post Barrett PF album.
Nobody should bother with anything after Obscured by Clouds.
So original. Did you think that up yourself?
No one actually believes this
Yes, I did actually. More importantly, you seem upset. Why is that?
I think you meant to type Saucerful, Piper, and More
blessed digits, & you're basically correct, except for your criticism of UAT, which is the best song on the album
Have spoilers always not worked on this board or is that a new thing?
>Just an album of what, 9 songs
Dark Side of the Moon has 10 songs
I believe it.
>Go back to your Animals is best Pink Floyd thread
yeah I didn't bother to count I'm not a nerd, like you
put Atom Heart Mother on the shirt and he's literally me
THRAK is their best album

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