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>fried by fluoride is popular now
god forbid the incelcore comeback
Normies are going to ruin my thing ;-;
>incelcore will never hit bi—ACK
No he isn't
It’s getting put in 40k liked videos on tiktok
What song?
Love i lost is the popular one
Which sucks because it’s really good
Close enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It’s over
the only good incelcore artist is gezebelle grabragably
It’s strange because her talent is far above the other incelcore artists in terms of songwriting and melody. She’s not even a tranny I’m pretty sure, just an overweight woman.
In USA she is actually skinny.
Kys bong
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>in my 2024
Hell yeah. Incelcore was the only cool subculture of the past decade.
Why is it called incelcore instead of losercore?

lololol its happening!

holy shit wen to tiktok, actually got the gears turning..

What if incelcore is like huge in 2 years? like the old guard fill up like mid sized venues n shit???

Just like hear me out. it could be sick tho?!?!?!?!
I guess it's time to make shorter songs with an electric guitar.

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