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What is their best discography?
my favorite Tenacious D song is Tenacious D's Kyle Gass makes Trump assassination comment at Sydney concert
I will not be listening to this band after they promoted political violence
uh oh stinky
If we're talking about actors shitty bands The Lonely Island is better than Tenacious D, and they fucking suck
Jack Black is the most reddit actor of all time, cannot stand him
I Just Had Sex
School of Rock by PathykeeterGriffin. behead every band member of tenacious DEi!
what the fuck does that mean?
this is like asking for a corner piece from a circular cake
jack black i'm telling you his real name is joacheim schwartenberg
Tribute is their one hit wonder
Their recent song "I don't play video games no more" is one of the most embarrassing things I've seen from a middle aged white guy. That song and it's music video seems like it's carrying on the parody tradition of "my life is like a video game" but even more Reddit
Sure would be a shame if somebody shot these two and didn't miss!
minecraft the movie soundtrack
It would be worse if they got hit by several pots of boiling water, thrown by an innocent and precious black woman in her apartment who just wants to rebuke them in the name of jesus with a lil' bit of harmless hot watta
>What is their best discography?
The silent break between their songs on the album.
Fucking this. Every movie is "flig-u rigu-a-gu" talk singing with a fat man jig and insane expression.
Kyle Gas looks like he's about to die of diabeetus
If they continue their lifestyles, which appears the case, metabolic syndrome will be a certainty if not already.

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