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File: 76853513.jpg (94 KB, 590x590)
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Actually a significant loss for music.
Was he a full time musician or did he have a day job?
She was full time musician
How'd they die?
Not specified
That’s pretty sad
No he was not full time or even part time, he only officially made the debut album
This is horrible news, dude died before he could realize his full potential. Turns out he died last year too. You never know how much time you have left.
https://youtu.be/zy9V7jYABOA?si=EXj95OD8Rkr4zonB .
Actual big loss for electronic music. I never even liked anything this kid made but it was genuinely ground-breaking at it's release. Mark Fisher would have championed him as well.
Too bad all you can scrounge from him are soundcloud clips and a bootleg release that's much better than the OP album with that nasty ass cover.
Rip boo
What did he do for a living? Is anything known about his life?
It's a guy
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688 KB GIF
not music + negligible loss + trust funder + charli outsold + L + ratio
3/10 ragebait
Bootleg Arca

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