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>gojira kills the olympics opening ceremony so hard they bring back the satanic panic
I fucking kneel

I'd like to see it but it seems greedy Olympicjews won't allow any videos of this.
It was fuckin rad desu
dunno why they have to be so weird about it. I'm sure it'll be on YT or some other website sooner rather than later
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>cool french metal band who's discography primarily revolves around nature and connection to the earth
>internet evangelicals flip their lid because metal is le scary and screech about how god will strike down france any second now
I regret checking twitter, as usual. the internet is tiresome.
The band opening for that satanic shit was them?
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>It was fuckin rad desu

I dunno who these guys are but it sure looks cool.

>won't somebody please think of the corporations!

I can't find decent sized pics.
I found it on twitter pretty quick
god damn that was cool
>Don’t they know the standard formula of getting some old washed out has been to sing a washed out hit!?

It's mostly just post-Elon Twitter. It's the shitting ground of every pearl cluching American soccer mom now.
It was bad before, but it's incomparable now.
some of my favorites from today:
>The Paris Olympics have gone FULL BLOWN. SATANIC.
>Going so far as to mock the Last Supper of Christ & have a celebration of worship to Baal/Moloch.
>If this isn’t a sign of the times we are living in…
>Spiritual warfare FULLY manifesting in the flesh.
>This isn’t “satanic panic”. This is the REAL DEAL.
>The veil is thinning more and more everyday.
>Those with eyes to see and ears to hear know exactly what is happening.
>Jesus is coming back VERY SOON.
>Pray NOW, and don't stop. That all or Anyone who has not come to the saving Grace of Jesus Christ WILL! It just keeps getting more clear. Amen
and some people who don't even stop to spellcheck:
>Goole ice spice upside down cross it cant miss it
>And no if you cant undderstand the symbalsim I nto going to argu wiht you that %100 satanic
Gojira are overrated anyway. Budget Opeth.
Opeth is great too, but I like Gojira.
They have a really specific big sound in their mixing I really enjoy
Opeth has made soft 70s worship prog for over a decade now anon. Gojira's last album was boring but I don't really seem them as comparable. Gojira, for example, is majorly influenced by Morbid Angel. Opeth was not.
I don't know if this is the whole thing or just the opening song
>cool french metal band
internet evangelicals screeching about them is the reason they're cool. stuffy old people being mad is what makes something cool. it's a symbiotic arrangement. evangelicals need something to screech at and youth-culture figures need evangelicals to screech at them.
yes, it was much better when it was exclusively the shitting ground for the pearl-clutchers on the other side. now you know how we feel reading your schizo shit all day.
>Gojira, for example, is majorly influenced by Morbid Angel
oh yeah, you can definitely tell by the... complete lack of riffs.
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>satanic panic
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They're on the same level as Opeth and Mastodon. They're okay, not great.
They're all great
I thought /moo/ hated Gojira
I always get shat on for loving Way of All Flesh
>uh, this fucking sucks actually!
I would never, I love that album.
They literally didn't tho? No normie cares or knows about them, only monarchist RWs on Twitter cared and that was mostly because of the Marie Antoinette thing.

Everyone was seething more at the trannies voguing and Last Supper thing
>NBC goys
I think it's all the other shit alongside it. Gojira is cool but totally inappropriate for The Olympics. They were coolest thing about it though, it was the troon shit that happened at the same time that soured ruined it
Terrible PR
They're too big so you don't get as many cool kid points online for liking them
No one said that, spaz
You haven't listened to enough of either if you don't see the similarity
>larping as some gen X retard who has been proven wrong about everything
For what purpose?
>satanic panic
>spiritualist environmentalist death metal
>stuffy old people being mad is what makes something cool.
Stuffy old people are mad about faggots and trannies and those are the very opposite of cool.
McCartney did The End at London 2012
They're both great but I don't see the similarity desu
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>stop noticing
>primarily revolves around nature and connection to the earth
Uh oh, that sounds dangerously close to environmentalism, which as we all know is a plot by the Jews to genocide the white race and spread communism
>It's mostly just post-Elon Twitter.
>It was bad before, but it's incomparable now.
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Is a single one of these about Gojira?
Environmentalism is nazism. Global industrialization and greed is jewish
The performance was so unrelated to their music they're whale and tree-hugger dudes. If you pass by the pick scraping chuga chuga thing
They didn't do that, trannies did, as per usual
They're French. They represented their nation and simultaneously metal music. You'd be a complete buffoon to pass up the opportunity to play at the Olympics when asked.
I'm praying for everyone in this thread rn, praise Jesus.
They should've had Peste Noire do it
Keep on talking about it good goys
Sure thing, I love me some Gojira
Their best stuff was from two decades ago
>no! you have to ignore the evil shit we do!
he looks french
youngoids think all of that shit is cool, though
nothing kills as hard and satanic like faggots worshipping shitskins
they sound nothing alike

are you retarded?
Noticing what, insufferable queers?
should have had Deathspell Omega do something off Paracletus kek
Celine Dion has to go down as one of GOAT female singers right? Everyone thought her voice was shot.
>are you retarded?
I mean, yeah

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