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post nocturnal music
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>nocturnal music
Good taste braj. Redpill me on MCATIS. It's boring and generic sounding to me and I'm a pumpkins fan (machina and siamese being faves).
Im a big fan of Bill Callahan at night and lounge music like tindersticks
skip it and listen to Hum instead
listen to Tonight, Tonight on MCIS and then you can forget about the rest of the album.
To Forgive is good
massive attack- mezzanine
The idea of nocturnal music is as old as fucking music massive braindead retard what do you think Chopin's NOCTURNES mean kys
>Codename Dustsucker
The correct answer is actually SCUM.
https://youtu.be/zy9V7jYABOA?si=EXj95OD8Rkr4zonB :)
There will never be anything funnier than wojakshitters accusing other people of being from reddit.

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