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At what time did you lose respect for Scaruffi?
because he rated it too high or too low?
When I realised he was pedophile?
Need some context for this one.
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say something nice about sewerslvt guys. theyre reading this
Never had any
Pretty much right when I saw that
What do you think?
Sewerslvt is based
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I believe his Sewerslvt Rankings are among his highest from (his) "jungle music canon"
I'm a jungle enthusiast and am one of the real heads who genuinely enjoys sewerslvt, but to rate these higher than TIMELESS, dude, you good?

Are you sure?
too low
Too high
That was when I gained respect for him
this is an anonymous website u ugly monkey
rating jungle by albums doesnt even work it was a singles genre
i respect scaruffi so much that i am now going to relisten to sewerslvt to see if i got it wrong. i thought it was just amen breaks and synth pads
i remember this guy tripfagging here back in fucking 2014 or something

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