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File: sugar.jpg (32 KB, 320x320)
32 KB
>when it's over, is it really over?
these lyrics are deep
File: 1699874903031427.jpg (56 KB, 900x660)
56 KB
>Every mornin' there's a halo hangin' from the corner
>Of my girlfriend's four-post bed
>I know it's not mine, but I'll see if I can use it
>For the weekend or a one-night stand
the only time i've ever listened to sugar ray my dad walked in the room and called me a faggot with a completely straight face
didnt this guy threaten to kill some 13 year old to his face after he called the band "sugar gay"? Sam Hyde pulled it up on one of his videos.
No, but he did kill Ham Syde who was 31 years old for calling him "Gugar Say"
Chad core
Of course incel wouldn't understand
I quit a band I'd been in for five years because the drummer and vocalist were gushing like fags over this shit band.
Sugar Ray turned gay after Fly hit big but the used to be a fucking awesome 90s alt-metal band.

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