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- no song mode
- no resampling
- 64 mb, non-expandable
- quality control issues galore
- hums when you use a power supply instead of batteries
- doesn't show up as a drive when plugged into a computer. only way to load samples onto it without recording them is through a mandatory sample manager that is basically just a slow and buggy website that could go offline at any moment without notice
- if you're going to record samples into the machine, you have to use both hands to press and hold two buttons for the duration of the recording
- samples can be a maximum of 20 seconds
- only 4 effects, they're all kind of shitty and only 1 can be applied to each track + the master bus
- up to four tracks but no way to export them separately without just recording them individually one by one despite having a USB port
- no way to export MIDI or CC data
- indecipherable UI because weird display. sample editing especially suffers due to this.

are…are people only buying it because it's pretty to look at? literally the only two positives I can think of are the cherry switches and Lego compliance. for just a little more money you could get an SP404 which blows the KO II out of the water in virtually every metric outside of cosmetics. who is this for? why is it so popular?
there's a shockingly huge subset of people who endlessly bootlick anything teenage engineering shits out. this thing is basically just a big fidget toy for retarded rich millennials
this one is especially baffling though because it's cheap. shit like the grip car, field desk or TX-6 is ridiculous but at least kind of understandable in a way. they're 100% unnecessary and serve no practical benefit. they're outrageously expensive and serve no purpose whatsoever other than communicating that the person who bought them can afford to do so.

but the KO II is kind of competitively priced and cheaply manufactured. which makes it seem like they're actively trying to make a product that sells here. like they're dropping the exclusivity angle and just making something straightforward for once. but if you're going to do that, why so many glaring omissions and so few redeeming qualities? the KO II isn't a status symbol because it's cheap, but it's not very useful either. I don't get it.
two of the guitar players ive enjoyed playing with most, one got married, kids, band on hold, basically let the guitar rust in the corner, focusing on his 'software linkin career' shit. second one similar without the marriage and kids. thy can afford this shit and let its rust in the corner.

ive never made button pushing music. it seems that if you dial the quantizing in, its pretty dumb and easy to make, no?
like guitar it's about as difficult as you make it. you can keep things simple or do something really complex depending on what you want. it's basically a digital drum set
i assume people buy it to try working within its limitations - do you think its weird that people buy 4 string bass guitars when they could buy 6 string guitars?
how can people work on samples? I had SP404 mk2 and sold that shit after a month. everything is unnecessarily convoluted. got digitakt after that which i enjoy, but it has totally different workflow from other samplers
skill issue
>complains about indecipherable UI
>suggests sp404
But seriously, I personally don't care about song mode, large sets of effects, and very long sample lengths...I have a DAW for all of that. What I do want is a simple sampler that works like a product-improved MPC60...give me solid feelings hardware with good resilient pads, a quick UI where I can easily assign samples, do fast basic edits with a limited but musically useful set of per-pad parameters (start and end points, level, HP/BP/LP filters, tilt EQ, 1 envelope, 1 LFO, and a simple set of boolean options for anything else), and a sequencer with an x0x mode option. Sample management should be no more complex than a 1-folder deep directory listing. Simple 2 color screen. Take any other request for features and throw them in the fucking trash. No song mode, no projects.

If people absolutely demand effects, give them a simple DJ-inspired master effects bank consisting of one 3-band isolator, one reverb, and one delay. No fiddling with per pad effects parameters. No, you don't get to save the parameters with your sequence...you dont get to save them at all, fuck you.
Seriously how many more samplers is this industry going to shit out? Before DAWs were an option it made sense but I don't get why you'd buy any of this stuff now. We now have a ridiculous plethora of options that all pretty much do the same shit. I'm convinced most of the people that buy things like this are secretly convinced it'll make their music better or something.
It's for retarded millennial "geartubers" to showcase to their brain-dead man-child millennial audience. Just another toy for them to waste their money on until they get bored with it and move onto the next colorful thing that they see.
>put katakana on it
>trendbeast retards buy it

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