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/mu/ - Music

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>"Oh wow you are so into music haha,
>"yeah its kinda a big part of my life"
>"so what instrument do you play?"
>"oh... actually I don't play an instrument..."

How do you get up in the morning without killing yourself /mu/?
this didn't happen
surely the most retarded meme on this board
this probably happens to every single person who talks about music too much but doesn't play an instrument
>I play ze compooter :) muh vsts
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>I sing
kek this sure touched a nerve
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>Imagine being a living breathing human and not playing the flute.
lol what a waste of life
I’m pretty good at whistling.
Based. My dad teaching me to whistle when i was five is one of the most vivid and cherished memories i have of early childhood.
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Singing isn't music.
i would never describe music as "a big part of my life". i just put on some tunes and toss back a few beers every once in a while to unwind.
This anon right here can play the skin flute.
You are literally posting on /mu/
Disgusting whore :/
Disgusting whore with instrument :O
do i have to be passionate about something to enjoy talking about it? i'm not really a film buff either but i still talk about movies when i'm shooting the shit with a friend.

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