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Heej Riffs edition
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Just like a snake I'm slithering
Through my world divine
And like the cat I'm stalking
I'll take your soul and you'll be like me
Nico sucks
Moped Angel
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This is the thread
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Based and catpilled
Real Thread

Gay as fuck.Tranime is cringe.
>Exodus and Soulfly next week
Can't wait
How low will Hector stoop to keep his thread alive?
His will most likely be deleted only for him to samefag spam this one until it hits bump limit, like every weekend.
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anyone else notice how Aussie extreme vocalists all have that same little rasp in their upper register
It's the ciggies they smoko
He was watching and waiting for it
Cats are the best
That cat wasn't protecting though? He was pissed off that he wasn't getting pet and had to take out his rage on something.
AOTY so far?
bilbo blastins
Christopher Cross s/t
Any King of the Hill metal
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>grab em by the pussy
pussy grabs back
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Diaperdookie Poopblaster fucking rules the Finnish black metal scene.
from Cali but who cares so was CCR
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What does he listen to?
DsO and Gorguts
Gorguts is good though
Snoreguts is for pansies
They have epic riffs
what has white wine Phil been up to these days
Touring with Zombietera
Is Ozzy really jewish?
Pozzy is a disgrace regardless
The nameless moon presence beckoned by Laurence and his associates. Hector
Based Poopzy
Only their first couple albums
Their entire discog mogs your favorite albums.
Metal is jew
Based, me too.
people like to say meat and potatoes a lot but exactly what is the meat and what is the potatoes
It's what you eat
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His wife certainly is
>Judaism is the only religion I have and the only one I’m comfortable with, says Sharon Osbourne


And this tweet from him.
What do you think?
Is he a Christian?
Ozzy stuck up on all caps lol
I’m pretty sure Sabbath are all Christians now
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Based of Ozzy to BTFO Chudye like that.
Jute Gayte
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Cringe, we hate chuddery here-
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What exactly defines chuddery?
I often see Burzum being called a racist band but Varg does not have a single racist lyric in his music.
When the racist stuff is said or someone in the band is a chudster.
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Yeah same.
The nazi cross on it: not listening.
Varg is entitled to his beliefs.
And he makes great music.
Just saying.
He is entitled to my dick in his chudmouth.
It seems you are the intolerant one.
I was listening to White Neighbor by Eyehategod
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Alright so if it just doesn't have anything obvious on the front, you're fine with it?
Frankly, I hate anything chudderific.
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I'll send one of these your way then.
Probably a dud.
Like you in bed LOL
You've used that joke before, or someone has at least.
Get some original material.
It is a common joke because NSBummers are notoriously gay and bad in bed.
That's pretty homophobic of you, bigot.
iiiiiii aaaam
the great
mighty poooooooooo
Unironically mogs most of metal vocally.
Knocked Loose motherfucker
Hate Forest kicks ass
More like licks ass, like Shitler did.
chud music, won't be listening
I love metal
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We love and support Ukraine here
Not the chuddy part.
I like their earlier stuff but it can be a bit meh.
Hour of the Centaur is one of the best BM albums I've heard though. Just concentrated great riffs and fuck all else
All of it is dookie.
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I disagree.
Sorry but you are wrong.
We had this before.
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this is a demo I worked on for a few hours today and yesterday

I'm probably not going to publish anywhere, I just did it for fun

If anyone does gurgle vox, feel free to do your thing, claim it as your own, whatever.

"no u" etc

u wot
good lord I'm fucked up

Sounds like me when I poop
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Hey guys I thought you were metal not kpop
Metal and Kpop are sister genres
Kpop is more high test though
100% correct
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Its literally one german troon, this is xim >>122945531
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>no good DSBM in 2024
Any good yuri metal
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Lol just as this thread was dying off the jannies come to the rescue to save Sitcompopper her second disgrace as her thread would have died (again) despite making it first.
>the virgin home headphone quiet listener

>constantly looking around to see who might be able to hear his music
>lowers volume when people are next to him
>stammers one word answers when people ask what he’s listening to
why would that happen in my home retard
You’re not fooling anyone
Fooling anyone of what exactly? This shit was literally on page 5 with half the posts as the other thread despite being made first. Last weekend the same thing happened to Trannypopper's thread but no mod came to save it, so it literally page 10'd and died KEK. No one on /metal/ wants these kringepop threads besides one transgender German.
natural selection
based jannies
Its some faggot jannie enabling this tranny faggot behavior. They seethe at the fact that we out bump their gook faggot shit.
Natural selection would be kringepopper's thread page 10ing and dying like it does without the unnatural forced moderator intervention.
Fascinating. Tell me more hector
Yep, been that way for a long time too, I remember when we tried to enforce non shitpost OP's through community driven effort the mods would just come and nuke the on topic threads anyways. The dogshit moderation of /mu/ and 4chan as a whole is a total embarrassment.
>xe does it for free
I have to admit, I don't get what Lemay sees in Porcupine Trees.
What would you like to know more about?
If you do an image search for paracletus you see a bunch of gross bugs
Why is hector acting like he's any better than the kpop poster? You're a shitposting spammer no one wants to be here but suddenly the thread quality is important or something
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bought 2 kilos of korean bbq flavoured jerky at costco, time to blast some big boy riffs and consume to much salt
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
That will be $65 plus tax
we respect hector here
Hector isn’t here at the moment
Anyone saw that video Trey uploaded recently?
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My plan is to grow enough microgreens in my place to not have to buy veg ever again. Its going to be great. Also I finished listening to Porcupine Trees and now its time to hunt through noise/industrial again. Probably dark ambient as well. First a quick pit stop at this famous album, the title of it is perfect for me.
imagine the peej
I don't see the correlation, personally..
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Varg won, holy shit I'm jelous
great record
i'm gonna make the ultimate anti-hectorian album
>no dissoshit
>no techshit
>no solos
>no bridges or breakdowns even
>all powerchords
>blast and skank beats all the way through with no fills
>lyrics about LGBT rights in Mexico
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Isn't this literally describing Queercore LMAO
nah because i'm making metal
That's one sexy pussy
Any Glam bros here? Post Glam.
None. They don't exist.
Heeb riffs.
If you say so Iass...
he's the only black metal artist who truly made it
well, I thought my demo tune was good. I thought the guitar tone made e standard sound lower. suppose you LASSES (I said it) would rather share your own music????????
Post your fictional demo
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Plz gib recs for brutal slamming death metal, thenk u verry mut
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>Pozzy using a toilet
Fake news
The Hobbit
Fenriz? He can literally do any retarded thing under the sun and people will cheer
Led Zeppelin
>He can literally do anything
Except make another black metal album
i thought his channel was deleted
shame as well, he had some good bootlegs and funny schizo videos uploaded there
The video got deleted, but it was him threatening to kill himself while fucked up on meth
Last video I saw of Trey he had a bunch of bloody wounds on his arms or something
This is the heaviest release of all time.

i actually already did lame o
I agree with this. it's musically, production-wise, vocally, technically fucking insane. yet to be topped
>4 way split
I'm intrigued.
Fuck that's sad
Didn't anyone make him to go to rehab after the shit that happened last tour?
im pretty sure he's been cutting himself since 89
All of the bands on it have their own releases that are worth checking out too. But they all knocked it out of the park on this split. I'm partial to Ecchymosis the most for their own albums.
I had no idea Trey Agzathoth was such a psycho. I'm not a MA fan so I don't keep on top of the band's antics or anything.
At least someone here can play something, not too bad
Did Louis Cachet enjoy the olimpics opening ceremonry?
This song makes me lose my shit: https://youtu.be/OwG0J78ibMw?si=q6K7O6EgSe70My58
Defo not. He hates anything even approaching globalism.
He actually made fun of the Christian complaining about it on twitter
Kpop is literally one of the most right wing genre
for me it's bleeding > ecchymosis > dissevered > deusional parisitosis

bleeding is best because of simple riffs, lofi sound and unheard of before vocal style

they're all amazing tho
>in my mind it was real
thanks bro. just wish I knew how to do vocals. my vox are shit, so they never get finished and stay instrumentals :-(
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>4 way split
>click throughout entire EP
>sounds like the same garbage band is playing the entire time.
go back to burzum, loser
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No thanks, I would rather listen to Jute Gyte.

deicide mogs
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>deicide mogs
Not metal. >>>/leftypol/
The "musician" on his Bandcamp has written paragraphs and paragraphs explaining the compositions for his albums.
That is just so many light years deep into retardation. It wouldn't matter if he was writing the best music on planet earth, nobody does that unless their music is purely intellectual.
Seems like something someone would do who is lacking confidence in their own work.
Jute Gyte sucks hector-kun
what's wrong with that?
>The "musician" on his Bandcamp has written paragraphs and paragraphs explaining the compositions for his albums.
I love that, I wish he wrote a lot more tbqh. Like I wouldn't mind reading an entire breakdown note by note.

Nah. I don't think there is a single bad part of JG besides still making "riffs".

What's wrong with riffs? They're the best part of metal
Good metal to listen to while staring at the hot female Olympians' asses on TV?
a riff is just any repeated musical phrase. even mozart has "riffs". if you want zero repetition you would surely enjoy other music much more.
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you know? if this genre isn't for you there is free jazz, noise, free improvisation. that stuff has zero repetition and is completely spontaneous. zero riffing guaranteed. maybe try that? start with albert ayler, thank me later
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Riffs are the worst part of metal, music should flow and shift, not stagnate and dwell. What is being played matters less than what will come after it, the transitions, development, and movement are what separate great artists vs the hacks.


Already discussed this with you, I have very little desire to entertain your inferiority complex.
>uhhh that makes no sense!
It does, I doubt you can see it.
I have never discussed this with you. you're nuts lol
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>wooOOOOooooo look at me I'm a totally new person you've never spoken to on this general with only 3 active posters
NGMI Iass.
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Rage comics are for redditors, faggot. Hence why normies are 'nostalgic' for them.
That's like someone holding your hand and reassuring you that you've made the right choice
>music should flow and shift, not stagnate and dwell
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Redditors stole them from us, they are 4chan culture. Anything is better than j*ks which aren't even just r*ddit, they are f*cebook, they are tw*tter, they are on j*wtube, inst*gram, and every other abominable site. We hate fucking j*ks and fucking fr*gs here, enough with both of them, they should die the r*ddit death they deserve.

Incoherent post.
why does hector like the gayest, most fartsniffing soi metal ever
>lagging behind reading abililty
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Fuk u sai?
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Jaks and frogs also started here retard
Wojak came from Krautchan
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rigid intellectual critical system = doomed to cognitive dissonance + emotional dishonesty
gnaw their tongues
Emotional dishonesty about Paracletus
Full of Hell rules.
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>its all about da soul mane
We hate your rock n roll, we hate the beatles, everything you enjoy we are opposed to.


and just like rage comics we should have dropped them the second they became normalfag. Unfortunately the 2016 facebook baldcuck flood from r/the_donald killed the site, now all thats left is j*k and fr*g spam till gook moot forgets this site exists and doesn't pay the bills.
Snorre looks like a faggot
Did trannypoper wake up or something?
Snorre is based if you ask me
and is one
jaks are only now becoming normalfag. 2016 pepe popularity doesn't count because he became a cultural icon
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I like jute gyte, also i like 93696 and filosofem and svitlana and anime pictures!
tim henson... my beloved...
We know hector
Oops meant to say I didn't like jute gyte, and also I'm trans and balding.
the best rawrjob I ever had
what's a rawrjob?
Based. I need some recs for bands that do that sound. I already listened to Warhammer (a band whose entire MO is aping Hellhammer)'s entire discog and I NEED MOAR.
>hes never gotten a rawrjob
NGMI Iass.
Minimalism reigns supremest.
Hated here. The p*nk of classical.
/metal/s GOAT adam kalmback loves minimalism tho.
i was listening to a jewy guty ambient album at 2x speed and didnt even realise until 5 songs in
For anyone who thinks they can make fun of Adam Kalmbach you should listen to this first
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He is a temporary great, in time he will fade for his love of minimalism in the same way Hasjarl will for his love of rock n roll. He could have written a proper atonal metal fugue instead peaking with minimalist ideas.

What could have been...
Peak of metal.
Was he a buddhist? is this how one can achieve inner dissonance?
>Idea A, repeat a number of times, then idea B, unrelated to idea A, repeat a number of times, then idea C, unrelated to idea A or B, repeat a number of times, then idea D, unrelated to ideas A or B or C, repeat a number of times, etc.
Worst compositional style, hardly a thought given to structure or flow at all. It's more of a compilation of unfinished ideas rather than a song.
Some of the ideas are decent on their own, but they're not developed at all, and go nowhere.
And you can get away with it in Black Metal because 'it's suppose to sound bad'
No wonder he's so prolific, he doesn't put any effort into composition.
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>unrelated to idea A,
NGMI Iass.
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Was he the Adam Kalmbach of his time?
>stubs showing
Kek pure rhetoric as always.
>leave /metal/ for a few months
>come back
>Hector is still sucking off Jute Gyte
Cool. Guess I'll leave again.
>gatekept by h
>was some untalented punkfaggot making lowbrow garbage in his bedroom the adam kalmbach of his time
who is that baldbro
ildjarn makes great punk rock
>reclusive forest dwellers
>make music no one cares about
>"but it's le deep!"
>metal is le bad, time to start making ambient noises
Just waiting for Adam's "Jute Gyte is Dead"
Incoherent post.
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Sounds like someone added distortion to a cartoon character playing the violin badly
just think about it a little bit more And it makes sense
Illjarn is just a repackaged Von. Untalented, uneducated, making punk garbage.

Adam Kalmbach has no equal in metal, his sound is literally entirely his own and comes from an educated background on music. Feel free to post some other metal artists writing atonal canons if you think you can.

This comparison is incoherent and you are stupid.
You're really autistic aren't you
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Autism is the natural state of the European man.
what about Aspergers?
Not a real diagnosis anymore.
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who's this balding fellow with the based T-shirt
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Shaxul is literally the personification of baldcuckery. Hasjarl must have been desperate to play with such a retard, thank god he left the band of his own free will.
Hirilorn supposedly ended because "Sinn and Yohann have betrayed and humiliated Hirilorn by taking part on a hard-core recording" [Source: Hirilorn/Nasav CD booklet]

I can see you look up to him a lot
Based Hasjarl putting punkfaggots in their place.
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Darling symph sisters and fellow Disney adults, what are we listening to this evening?

Album of the year?

Lemon Demon
Shaxul DsO slaps desu
This, except the exact opposite.
Not metal. Not even close
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>dissoshit is on the hitler axis
Calm down little /pol/ly wolly
Lemon Demon is hot garbage
for me its dissodiaper
What's in top left?

Literal dust-bin of music. Not even close to metal
Bottom left Dissection
who cares
Do not offend my sensibilities ever again
any disneydisso?
Inquisition might fit that
I do, this manifold is comedy gold spliced in with some /myguy/ moments.

>Even those few metalheads I’ve been in contact with over the years believe I’m an ok guy and hardly a threat with anyone. I guess its partly because I’ve never tried to act mean and intimidating. People have believed I was either one of them or an average Joe. Foolish beings!
Straight up comic villain KEK. THE FOOLS.
I get that they're popular now and it's annoying but the lyrics on their last album genuinely hurt my feelings
>they dont know im hiding muh power lever!
>literally never does anything
many such cases
have a good night metalheads
Inquisition has some pretty cringe disney crap
I thought you would post something from their newest album, but this is even worse lmao.
the vocalist sounds like a retard kek
Also Averse Sefira would work.
How people see me:
Pic related is who they don't know they're messing with
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> egans hailing the true beasts of this world are not on my wanted-list, and in addition there may lie some other extremely few worthy, two-legged creatures out there, although I can never fully respect people who eat meat. Call it some kind of alliance, you kill some of mine; I’m in my full right to kill you. Its only fair. My time has been, and as long as I don’t meet anyone when out in nature. I don’t care about much else.
>Meat needs a lot of time to digest, and some of it actually stays undigested until you die
Guy is a total vegan nutcase kek, some of the shit he spews is ridiculous. I've never understood these animal loving kooks myself. Guy spends so much time talking about wanting to evil but spreads this talk about loving animals, his talks about being betrayed and the rest are clear signs of someone who probably is actually someone who cares alot about others.

Did he ever state literally a single evil action he did besides fuck whores and "congoloids"?
nah hes just le heckin misanthrope
He larps as some kind of shaman who channels the power of the animals
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What kind of metal does picrel listen to?
What goes in quadrant III?
>band decides to have clean vocals because one of the guitarists thinks they can sing
Every time
We don't discuss that here.
I like some of his takes though
>The black metal scene of Norway has become accepted and even considered part of mainstream culture. Shouldn’t this scene be intimidating and awake some fear? It has evolved into pop music, featured on the charts and for everybody to “enjoy”. Extreme metal has considerable amount of playing time on Norwegian national TV. Sorry, but chart music can hardly be considered black metal. At least, it is a negation in itself. And don’t think that the huge masses being subjected to this phenomenon will follow evil in any way; it just destroys the music, not its listeners.

The one thing I'll say about Ildjarn's music is that its basically whatever Fenriz pretended his garbage was, this is the "primitive" black metal in its purest form while Trannyvanian Hunger was literally just protoshoegaze.

Anyways, Ildjarn's personality is that of a naive guy with a good heart who actually believed the black metal garbage and also probably just had some bad personal relationships with others. Clearly a total kook in regards to the vegan/animals thing, I'm not sure how pushy he is in real life about this, I wonder if hes an annoying dishonest moralfag about it like some of the worst Vegancucks are. Most of his thoughts are poorly made and obvious delusions anyways, like parading around his hatred for everyone and never wanting to deal with them, yet publishing this manifesto and also selling his cd's to others (while also admitting it would be less contradictory if he had never published them).

He's probably cool in my book, I like people who wear their hearts on their sleeves, honest in a way you won't find with many. Certainly the type who I imagine has a hard time fitting in with the modern cuckoldry of current life, and those are all /myguys/, we love weird people who don't fit in. Might actually trick myself into liking his music.

Also crazy how you can quote a musician and get banned for it >>122949142, quality fucking mods.
why do you always have to use derogatory words
>why did you you leave?
>I feel like I've failed
I haven't felt that since the Christian metalcore movement in the late 2000's
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Heej is good guitarist, okay?
what is disneyslop ?
Good metal for getting high in the dark?
I tell me black metal friends i listen to kpop to piss them off
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what they mean by this
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Listening to this right now, pretty good
Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version
I think they're telling you to ride a black machine of some sort
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Yes we do
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>Earth 2: Special Low Frequency Version
Fucking based. I meet your rec and raise you picrel:
In case you had any doubts they were american
Doesn't exist.
judas priest

post evidence
yeah cuz you say so....
>Metal and Kpop are sister genres
the opposite actually.
>Might actually trick myself into liking his music.
And here it is. Your contrarianism.
The other day I said you are going to listen to and enjoy the worst garbage because it's not popular, and you demanded examples, remember?
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>band decides to have opera vocals
>And here it is. Your contrarianism.
Totally incoherent, nothing in my post was about being contrarian. Apply yourself.

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