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>band has a fat guy
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap
get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
>bringing more Mexicans to this world
I hope y'all kys
Shit on my dick mommy
Kill yourself
not white no thanks
You don't get any
i just goon
I want to see her take a fat guy's cock
wall incoming
you want to fuck the fat guy in bands?
>woman who has coasted on her looks her whole life is a superficial vile judgemental bitch
Seething whales
no i hate fat people too, just don't want to breed a mexican
aren't all the deftones fat though?
>coasted on her looks her whole life
Judging by how many gym webms there are of her I'd say she's been fighting her genes her whole life
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talk about fighting his jeans
This. Xochitl canonically loves fat guys.
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Wasn't aware 4chan incels secretly liked Hispanic women.
/pol/cels aren't everyone, they're just really loud
You realize this is a 4chan post and she didn't actually say this right?
i want to impregnate her
sexxxo with skirt
big (for me) if true
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> Band IS a fat guy
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pure sexo
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>fat guy has a band
/mu/ is the most normie board on the site. Excluding the metal spergs and their sausage fest fanbase.
I never listened to 'er songs but I'm sure I'll love them.
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>not white no thanks
/mu/ is far less normie of what it used to be, that's why it sucks
>He thinks bot shills spamming the board is normies
>the band has three fat guys
You don't look this, you don't say this
it's only okay if he's a fat drummer
OP is made there's fat zoomer guys more talented than him and slaying nasty goth pussy after basement shows.
Ozzy was a fat fuck in the 80s too.
>4chan incels

that was just cokebloat
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would you?
fucking chicano brat

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