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Kvltvr edition


First for Kaevum - Kultur
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Cave in cooter
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I only listen to Black Metal
Black Sabbath = Paranoid > Master of Reality > Sabbath Bloody Sabbath >>>>> Volume 4 (even though Changes is a great song)
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Non-schizo samefag thread
This is a great look into the mind of an anon who can not finish his demo.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
/metal/ isn't in the subject or anywhere where someone could ctrl+f it from the catalog.
trannypopper thread
Mgla are the most overrated metal band the 2010s
Paranoid > Volume 4 > Master of Reality > the rest of em
Wheels of Confusion is their best song
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The Unholy Trinity of /meal/:
>Try listening to Mgla
>can never make it past the first track
>try listening before work after waking up refreshed
>fall asleep and am late for work
>boss gives me a poor attendance review

Mgla, not even once
Damn, kpop tranny is samefagging the fuck out of his random thread. Sad!
for me its satanic warmaster
this meme is getting old
rad metal
Carelian Satanist Madness
satanic warmaster's only decent album
Since the day ze was born, nordmann knew in zir heart that ze would create the single worst thing known to man.
A thing so bad, that it would corrupt the minds of all the brown melanated fools who laid eyes or ears upon it.
In these turbulent times, we know of this creation as "kultur".
This but the opposite
The sepia photo is throwing you off. It was last year's AOTY.
What the fuck genre is Ajattara
>last year's AOTY
Nope. Last year's AOTY was Agonal Hymns.
Kek. No.
Actually it is and you're gay

Reddit made a yikes wrongthink list, did your favorite band make it?
>kultur shill reported the other actually active thread to getting tranny janny'd
lmao truly jewish behaviour
It's just Hector being Hector.
>Reddit made a yikes wrongthink list
Everyone mad at this has a 5 paragraph long essay on why Liturgy shouldn't be on metal archives in their back pocket ready to go at all times. Who cares?
Why did the last thread get wigger-slammed?
Correct. We hate chuddery here.

Do they or are you just making that up?
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This album/thread are gay. Post wigger shit.
>Fumo coat
I'm baffled that there are fags who wear this and think they're cool
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Based wigger
why do you keep posting this
Why do leftists always talk like faggots? You can just feel the faggotry oozing out of every description.
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All my homies hate Gayvum
He's based. You probably look like an npc nerd.
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>Why do leftists always talk like faggots? You can just feel the faggotry oozing out of every description.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
That is their whole political ideology anon
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>this is the guy that added dissonance to metal
Dissodiaper kills you.
Americans have the language patterns of stunted kindergartners from being put on SSRIs at about that age.
Varg owes me 50.000 euro
What did you think all of his songs were about?

"The face in the mirror looks with judgment / And says you’re infected, impure."

That lyric is about catching AIDS
SSRIs could have saved Hector.
Why, their efficacy in clinical trials was never significantly higher than placebo
Wednesday 13
>"When night falls, he enters the room / No one sees, no one knows."
Can't convince me this isn't about Varg getting ass-fucked.
I could have saved him. Euronymous I mean
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Pictured: Varg taking his revenge on those who wronged him.
don’t be an elitist. metal is for everyone
That's me when I'm not getting any (You)'s
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Let's start our own list /meal/
Except chuds. We heem those here.
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wish this lil nigga player in a better band
peter steele killed himself because his music sucks
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The guy in blue is an Israeli nationalist who's pissed off about Orthodox Jews not having to serve in the IDF.
he will never return them, you're fucking done for bro
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I’m too stupid to play Baldur’s Gate. metal for this feel?
Summoning (not metal)
Any diapershit album
If you can figure out how to post on 4chan and attach an image to your post then you can also figure out how to play Baldur's Gate.
Normalfag BG3 or the rtwp games?
This but the bassist from Mudvayne

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RPGs are hated here
Ninja Gaiden is beloved here
Hot wigga
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Insanely based post from a confirmed heterosexual sex enjoyer

i like to post random occurrences from my daily life here and finish those posts with "metal for this feel?" so i have the perfect excuse to blogpost on 4chan
metal for this feel?
I asked my nephew if he wanted me to cook lunch but he had to go to football practice so he asked me if I could cook it when he got back for dinner and I said OK but now I'm kind of hungry and don't want to cook twice.

Wiggerslam for this feel?
Not listening! No matter how hard you faggots try i will never play any wigger slam faggot shit.
You don't like metal then. Leave the hall.
i love skiing to devourment
>noooooo it's too heavy for my sensitive ears I need some easy listening black metal or death metal!!
>I'm gay
We know.
Blasting dissokino
Those are the only posts I read desu
I don't care for your shit recs
Lmao look at all the seethe from poser cucks. Suck my cock faggots. Posting anti wigger kino now
>i mention i love skiing to devourment
>you randomly attack me
you're a real meanie, you know that
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Contrarian garbage for losers who got filtered by 20th century classical. Slam embraces the true nature of metal but requires a sincerity of engagement incomprehensible to the neurotic dissofag.
pots and pans metal
Worthless ironic metal for redditors
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Finna do a Slam Sulek drop set
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I'm going to a death metal show for the main act. Should I listen to the other bands? The way I see it it will be nice to see something new live for the first time.
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>the dude who made bone tomahawk is a slamaholic
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Off to the gym. Gonna listen to slam kino while I lift
This is my favorite Gridlink song. It is almost as tense as Psyopus at their best.
Don't stress out too much over it, but I would recommend listening to the other bands first, yes.
based. I wish I was there. Instead I was eating rice pops.
These songs have the same vibe:
Eric Jonestown
Wiggers of Slam
Dying Gays
Sultans of Slam
the bigfoot fox and the shefoot fox play metal
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We love Alexisonfire here
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I like Moonspell
Steve macdonald is alive i didn't get brain cancer
Because they ARE faggots.
Some days I wish I were an autistic hapa like EVH. Then I look down at my big white cock and I remember who I am (a virgin). I like it this way.
This thread is brought to you by SLAM WORLDWIDE.
Make sure you check out the hottest slamming brutal death metal and also beatdown hardcore, which is basically just metal anyway, on SLAM WORLDWIDE today!
not enough N words for ya, chuddy?
Kaevum says "We are not National Socialists but we are anti-Semitic"
yes Slipknot ■ are national socialists
Meat Loaf - Bat Out of Hell
Why does every black metal musician dress like they run a Columbine themed Tumblr blog? Are they gay?
i dont think i ever wish to be someone else
i liek who i am
but if theres one guy i wish i could have some suds with, it's eddie
and iommi
That TrJd Stop Me from saying
AFI is a metal band.
That TrJd Stop bigfoot from saying
yea gorguts ■ did also form in Canada yeah and also yeah i kinda remember gorguts from redding
Just that guy from gorgoroth.
>the scat/diaper fetishist is a leftist
Was as plain as the nose on your face.
yes meat is native american red ss word and there is even a metal band named meat ■
yes black metal nsbm have meat in lyrics
i still remember Meat Loaf ■ and that at the first Meat Loaf ■ practice what got played was hichauwewoyoniuh metal
shut up austin
Is that you, AI? Is this me?
yes Mr. Bungle remembers how to play
wyhujiweowuhunjwei jungle metal
black metal aesthetics - cringe
black metal lyrics - also cringe
black metal instrumentation - somehow irrevocably based
yes mr. kirby this is also queen kirby and all queen kirby minnesota reservation is still playing groove
Meat Loaf was the best singer on any Ted Nugent album. I wish they'd recorded more together.
joey jordison is alive.
i wish more black metal bands with trench coats existed,Ideally they would also sound like a mixture of zyklon v/ niden div187 and mutiilation
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forgot pic
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I know someone who thinks The Offspring are a metal band. At first I was confused but now I get it. It’s because modern “metal” is so limp that it has more in common with The Offspring than with actual metal, so newfags can’t tell the difference anymore
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tfw the AI generated unriffs hit
>The Offspring
Green Day completely mog The Offspring in terms of metal
Sum 41 is the most metal of those bands
imagine the smell
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Funny birb
Offspring are unironically closer to metal than every current coreshit band
Where is my beloved Hectour?
Five Finger Death Punch is white American culture, and that's why black metal fans, who are motivated by contrarianism, not a love for white culture, hate them.
Not good
all black metal fans are troons
>black metal fans, who are motivated by contrarianism
Astute take.
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what’s a metal album that sounds like it came from the darkest of nightmares
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early burzum is the soundtrack of my nightmare
Paracletus. It came from my nightmares in which the European ethos of dissonant black metal is made subordinate to African influences such as riffs and so on.
I've got just the thing bro
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta
he choked to death on a pineapple. RIP
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K.F.R. - Anti
Experimenting with AI song generation.
I copied Avantasia lyrics for the second one. Very funny that is delivered the last line in a cockney accent. I wanted to use the lyrics to The Seven Angels but Udio flagged the lyrics as copyrighted.
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STALAGGH. It's just a bunch of samples of mental patients screaming and crying layered over each other and it's dark af.
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unironically Obscura by Gorguts
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Listening to this masterpiece.
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I use 100% of my brain trying to follow Tool's incredibly complex music, and as a consequence, I may simply shit myself.
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Hey can't blame someone for wearing a diaper when they're stuck in the middle of a huge crowd for several hours
*rubs hands to heat them up*
I just paid $10 to udio.
meatfags and carboncels obliterated beyond belief
Pedos exclusively post that cartoon robot.
based but honestly their 2020 record is more hellish
your mental illness isnt justification for anything other than you to keep on your meds
it's over
I noticed that too. It's happened before.
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Wiggerslam reigns supreme.
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have any good wigger metal recs?
Beloved classics.
Checking dubs of unknown music
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mall metal reigns supreme
yes, wigg3rslam is a subgenre of mall metal
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JG (jute gyte)
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I remember some time ago (means probably over a year ago) some terrible medieval (black?) metal bands were posted here. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
I recently stumbled upon Véhemence and Hanternoz and from the cover art I thought it would be it, but it's actually pretty great stuff (though the latter does feel more like rock).
>It's happened before
oh ok thank you, that's reassuring
True. I can barely muster anything beyond streamer jive.

Best AI could do.
I've been using the site for a long time. My stats are crazy.
That made me think: Recommendations for bands that features clean(ish) female vocals that aren't "popular-sounding"? I guess something with more bite and obscurity than the average symphonic power metal shit that is gonna be the first subgenre to go on the chopping block once AI generated music starts being used by the industry.
thy virginal malodour


love you guys
Curtain Wall
luv u 2 bb <3
You posted my earlier vocaroo.
I'm only posting 30 seconds AI clips.

Never happening because more than artificial intelligence AI is natural stupidity. But IF it were to happen...Then make original music????? Lmao who'd have thought the actually very complicated philosophical issue known as the stupidity problem could (in this hypothetical scenario where AI is not sheer fuckery) be the very thing holding not humans but AI back. Git gud plebs
very gay edition
Only 1/3 of my toilet paper usage is for wiping my ass. The other 2/3 is for cleaning up the cum because I jerk off so much. Last time I was listening to Six feet under while jerking off to granny porn.
Correct. Popcletus haunts the tasteful metalhead.
just cum out the window
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I always eat my cum, no reason to waste those nutrients
cheers, lads
Last I ate my cum I vomited. I hadn't vomited for about 14 years. I think my genitals are fecal-contaminated. I haven't showered in 3 months.

The AI named this track "Frozen Desolation":
Metal for this feel?
I don't know, I wouldn't be surprised if the most generic of genres that the AI is currently used the most for replicating will have human bands gets replaced with AI shit. Just look at garbage like All for Metal. Record companies would love to go the extra mile and get rid of human labour costs entirely with this.
>Curta'n Wall
Nah it was actually pretty bad if I recall correctly.
man this is easily the worst thread in a while. just a constant loop of samefagging the same gay shit over and over and over again.
Bloodbath are mid. How the fuck did they get so big?
I have gotten bored of his AI generator already.
>can't use "samefagging"
>can't use "gay"
It can't do anything good except this symphonic shit.

The AI called this one "Eternal Battle Cry":
I think they were only "big" for a short period of time. I really don't think anyone gives a shit about them nowadays.
Mid death metal bands have the most mainstream appeal
See also: Death, Obituary, Cannibal Corpse
I did that
Slowly We Rot is beloved here.
Anon's Demo (remastered)
12k to spend on bootleg aliexpress black metal shirts....
Correct, as a fantastic sleeping aid.
They almost always get top billing.

>3 of the best DM bands are mid
Ok brah brah
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Listening to this now. Don't you niggas just love trying out your fellow metalbrothers' suggestions?
>picrel is the father you never had glaring at you disapprovingly
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
>They almost always get top billing.
Maybe they're just that good as sucking cock? Did that ever occur to you?
I still need to read the 3rd and 4th Varg bios I bought. And I guess he released a 5th one? Hopefully he compiles them all in one book a some point. I don't own the first two.
I know I'm an outlier here with this but I don't actually think about gay sex 24/7.
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Why did I sleep on this for so long? It's p gud.
Anon, it isn't gay if you're not the one sucking. My step-dad taught he that.
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Not listening!!!
Metal Tracker is working again.
Did you get triggered by the Farrakhan sample lil bro?
that's me aight
Time II has leaked
my dad said this was worse than rap :/
Nobody cares about your shitty bargain bin nonmusic shitmetal mallcore garbage you samefagging faggot kys
yep, i like listening to rap as minstrel music, especially chief keef.
Literally nothing wrong with mallcore as long as it sounds good.
Here you go you degenerates: https://krakenfiles.com/view/1jEImip5Pz/file.html
Kys faggot you homos ruined /metal/. Go start your own general and stop spamming your wigger cuck shit.
disgusiting brown faggots dancing and heiling hitler while dancing to nursery rhyme metal

Someone post some lyrics to gen AI to.
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lol keep seething faggot
udio doesn't allow bad words

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Total Wigger Supremacy
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average wigger chad vs typical nsbm milksop
new age, symphonic, pop rock, romantic classical composer, music history, innovator, misunderstood geniuses, 19th century opera, male vocalist, castrato


Inpainting is fucked up and makes it speak garbage. After hearing it for the first time, I then wanted it to say "a pale blue hue, hue hue hue, time two"
eaten was the 2000s equivalent of viral
canoe post
oh and cause the dude from opeth was in them for a while, normies fucking love opeth
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>biological female vocalist
>absolute unit of a drummer
most kino combo
You do upload bullshit to YouTube don't you metalfags? https://youtu.be/LajrJX-l9OU?si=VV6w0DdnLtIvNSOc
sounds better than the album
If I could create a youtube account without submitting a phone number I would.
>Glen Benton
based glenny b
Deleted everything because jewtoob threatened me with locking my account cuz one of the song titles contained the word faggot.
Why would YouTube have a problem with a bundle of sticks?
king of /meal/
>woman vocalist
not listening, I'd take a basist or a drummer, anything else is simpbait
The only metal band I listen to is Blind Guardian and it's mostly their mid-2000's albums.
>shits cum
Woman (good) in metal:
>That one Whiteskull album
>Amy Lee
>The first Pathfinder album
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I'm giving it a "NOT GOOD"
woman playing bass is maximum simpbait, you can learn to play root notes in a couple of weeks. vocals require some (small amount of) talent
correct, as expected of saunafag
Fair enough, Blind Guardian is a good band
Woman (good) in metal:
>the ones I would fuck
(basically all of them at this point ;_;)
the bassist isn't shoved at your face the whole time
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absolutely beloved here
BASED mods
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do NOT fellate the janny
I never believed Jim Carrey was actually a death metal fan
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jari vs varg
>brown fanbase
>white fanbase

>jari 6
>varg 5
jari win
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Kevin Bacon on the other hand
they both win (in a who's the gayest contest)
what the fuck i never knew kevin bacon was based
>both gay swedes
BASED bacon
His son is in Black Anvil.
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Even her?
He looks awkward...
Varg is a fjord Swede and Jari is an autism Swede
I thought it was clear he just finds them funny because of how absurd they are. he's thinks they're comedy acts like he is.
My hairline is almost at this point. It's been falling out like mad for the past month. I am certain it has been falling out because of NAC. But I haven't swallowed a NAC pill in many weeks now. Hair still keeps falling out. Was barely falling out before.
That's because there is no cohesive scene that embraces the underground anymore and no one is doing anything interesting. We live in some Hegelian end of history curse written by the big man himself while he drooled over Napoleon. Basically it is a war on creativity. Turns out playing your own unique shit is 'weird' and really just a clever way to do something dumb which is not getting with trends like everyone else because no one is actually listening, they just want to 'identify' with shit they can already name fuck! Whatever, AI, generic worship bands, "the kids", I don't give a fuck anymore the only remotely interesting metal band from the last 15 years with any kind of a dignified following I can think of is Tristwood and their brand of metallic industrial noise could both prove it is possible to innovate with what seemed like exhausted possibilities and at the same time avoid being assimilated by AI.

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