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Old >>123377538

Morbid Angel fucking sucks
Zoomers are scared of the SpongeBob credits kek
Muh dickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
what are some riffs that go PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP
extremely high test post
Suggestions for grandma metal
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these guys are unironically based thoughbeit tbqhwy. we love avantgrind here.
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Based wiggers
You know what's better than wiggerslam? Evanescence.
Based brutal death metal enjoyer
Based and correct.
>metal fag trying to start shit between wiggers and fat gothic women
Evanescence walked so Wiggerslam can run.
Easy gents we all enjoy different flavors of death metal here
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she's a bio-female though
Not metal.
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now this is one priest i'd be an altar boy for
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>varg is a homie
wiggers stay winning
Anyone listen to Time II yet?
Can't be fucked to find leaks
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Who the FUCK keeps funding that cunt anyway
we hate disneycore here
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Ever since I got a job I listen to like 5% as much music as I used to...this shit ain't worth it
Oh that's nice, I didn't notice the new thread.

fuck Israel
fuck Bussy
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Why did no one tell me about Dark Tranquility new album?
This is end-times music
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>dark tranquility after character
I literally posted it above you silly cunt
It was in the last thread my bad: https://krakenfiles.com/view/1jEImip5Pz/file.html
I do like them
Sure they're not the best but I find them nice to listen to sometimes
They're solid imo
No one really likes them after they went arthoe core.
Except you, I guess.
Turkmenistan music:
Evidence in the furnace
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Listen here: https://krakenfiles.com/view/1jEImip5Pz/file.html
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Grab em by the Pyongyang
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el ogre de las americas
wyatt x him is too brown
whitest arghoslent enjoyer
ok bros here me out
wiggerslam, but with badass buttrock solos
Ok but in all seriousness, wiggerslam needs more gutbusting guitar solos.
Infectious Jelqing x Nuno Bettencourt would outsell Swift
dried wiggerslam with bathory solos
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Is there anyone else who does Hellhammer worship?
Can rapmetal ever be a thing?
Can rapemetal ever be a thing?
Can ragemetal ever be a thing?
Crap metal is already a thing. Just check out any big label's catalog.
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It's not metal, but it is metallic.

Lickin' clity, clity
I had sex with a prostitute to lose my virginity and I legit couldn't find the clit? Like wtf I looked down there at the top and couldn't see anything
mens buttholes dont have clits anon
Excellent point
Tell that to my piles
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Gay Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "HIV positive", they were anti-condom, they were pro-anal creampie, we cultivated this
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Omg so true
Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Wiggerslam Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "wiggers", they were anti-Morbid Angel, they were pro-slam, we cultivated this
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>Is that wigger slam?! Turn it up my dude!
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>Is that wigger slam?! Turn it up my dude!
OK, this one is good:
That genre is pretty much the opposite of reddit. Just the term wigger, alone, is enough to make most redditors kvetch.
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Man filtering the w-bomb really has made this thread quieter.
Not listening!
Time two go to the sauna... Just me and you :3 Us two
Hot wigha
warm up that bussy for me anon!
L0L @ this track title:
Great rec thanks
Wiggin out rn
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>Schizophrenia + gun
Not a great combo

My ex developed schizophrenia and ended up being 302'd because she was walking around her backyard with her dad's shotgun blasting shots into the woods. She thought demons were coming to get her.
kek why the fuck cant tobi do the same to make some edguy (NEW)
imagine if it was 35 minutes long. id fucking go to saunaland myself and heem that sweat goblin so hard he'd wish he had died of aids
It is 35 minutes long.
Devourment seems to have become a bit better with time.
Imagine 35 minutes of sauna ambiance.
Imagine giving a flying fuck about gayshit like Wintersun.
Imagine 35 minutes of sauna ambiance with a pissdrunk Jari reading and mispronouncing all the usernames of people who contributed over $1,000
Steampunk dungeon synth
Jari is what happens when you know music theory but lack IQ and/or artistic integrity, choosing to make consoomer slop instead of something fresh, less obnoxious and more classical.
Jari is very high IQ, but he's a forest Jew
when i said imagine, i wasnt expecting to cast fucking mind control on you. weak willed faggot, go fuck yourself.
wigger nation
I've seen a vagina irl, so I can't
Everyone can pay a hundred bucks for a whore anon
Then why are they paying 100+ to a finnish scam artist who doesn't even make good metal instead?
awesome vocals
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That's correct. Not sure what that has to do with me tho.
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>pretend on the internet I'm listening to wiggerslam
>actually blasting free jazz like a sir
Prolly the most baste post itt ngl
i fucking HATE jazz
Mald bitch
Varg: is gay, has AIDS.
You fucked a whore that's what.
That's because either a) you're a big dumb asshole, or b) you've only heard basic bitch bebop and fusion.

for me it's anything with don cherry, ideally accompanied by ed blackwell>>123387187
I don't like sex enough to spend money for it.
Love me some Brown Rice
Since you're talking about vaginas in a metal thread, I doubt that.
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Despondency and Defeated sanity are insane
Hell yea
Your airtight logic has exposed me. I concede.
>Senjougahara poster in the background
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Jazz is looked down upon here. We prefer classical.
if you'll give me the benefit of the doubt, im not a) and i dont know enough about jazz to even judge whether b) is true.
your example just makes me laugh. it makes me think of shit like gmod idiot box. in what kind of scenario do you even play this? while driving to the store? while exercising? trying to read anything with that noise blaring in the room is impossible.
do you just sit down and pour yourself a jameson while staring into a fireplace like you're fucking braindead? if you stop strawmanning for a second and think about it you might accept that its just lame.
I like some classical as well. Love Beethoven and Bach.

And don't you dare point out the fact that Bach is baroque. I will find you.

>In what kind of scenario do you even play this?
This is pretty much strictly home listening for me. You gotta give your entire attention to it in order to A S C E N D.

Settle down, nerd
This is a punkchad general jizz and classilard incels are not welcome here
Even redditslam might be preferable to jazz desu
fair enough, but i got better things to do, like lick jari's snowy balls HELLYEA
The first track on the album that was posted earlier is actually pretty good. Shame it took a nosedive immediately after it ended.
we cultivated this
i must have missed it, but i aint going to blast it until i find .. time .. goddamnit
>Bach is baroque
It is from Baroque era, but Baroque is part of the larger category or "Classical music", only low IQ cattle fail at that simple classification.
Melanated post.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew



This album sucks. Rob Zombie hasn't put out a good track for ten years, or a good album for 2 decades
my sides. thanks meal friends.
>jazz this jazz that
Feels like Hector in here
Post african repetitions
Technically, "classical" is a term for the period that came after the baroque. Then came the romantic period, then modernist, then full-blown schizophrenia.

But yeah, "classical is a perfectly acceptable umbrella term for everything up until the romantic period.
*up until, and including, the romantic period
jazz is a black genre
how did you guys get buckbroken by that'll nigga for years and still don't get xer kek
youre talking about the classical 'period', classical music encompasses multiple time periods
its not 'perfectly acceptable', it just is classical. fucking accept that you're dumb. i cant believe i fell for the 'jazz guy must be a somewhat intelligent person' fallacy
You mean Post -African repetitions
>Its not 'perfectly acceptable', it just is classical
I wasn't aware of this discovery. How did the scientists prove this?
Mean Post-African Repetitions
pre-african non-iterations

Classical era has completely meaning to Classical music and simply because both terms have the word 'classical' in them seem to confuse normalgroids too much. Worth a kek.
Good metal thread you got here guys
Obtained Enslavement
Cherished here.
Just making sure your faggot ass was here
She never leaves
Why don't autists understand the fact that classifications are not objective? The term "classical" was invented, just like every other term. Most people use it to describe all the music in the baroque, classical, romantic and even modernist periods. Some people quibble over whether to include Bach or, say, Schoenberg in the category - and when I said "don't you dare point out the fact that Bach is baroque", I was actually poking fun at the people who do this.

You dweebs need to settle down, man
Why did you delete your ESL post brother
>I was actually poking fun at the people who do this.
I know, calm your tits
>missclicking means you're an ESL
Thank you imbecilic anglo sister
>she's still pretending she's not esl
your ESL shows every day brother. Time to embrace it.
Enough of all that. Synarchy.
Why did Fagtano remove only the Furnaces review, I don't get it
Thank you imbecilic anglo sister.
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Proud ESL. Fuck the (((Anglosphere)))
Thank you based /pol/ shitter
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I'm looking for experimental music that was influenced by metal. Any recs?

You know absolutely why you just want to start more shitposting about it
Jizzy B
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Their new album is undeniably impressive. HAQQ is ok, too.
I deny it being impressive as it's shit like every Liturgy album.
Cradle of Filth is one of the most unique bands out there, quality music and top tier musicianship. More unique than any dissoshit for sure, but much more than that. Nothing sounds like V Empire, or any of their albums in fact. They are unquestionable kings of Black Metal, among others of course.
True they are unique as everyone else realised that sound is utter dogshit, yet CoF kept pumping out 2/10 albums at a startling level of consistency.
They're still certainly "unique"
>I deny it being impressive
I don't believe you.

You may not like the music, but you can't deny the FACT that the composition is impressive. Don't argue with me.
No it's shit, plain and simple.
we love and respect hhh here
His trannification was only a matter of time. I mean, look at this dood.
I have his exact physiognomy except the huge forehead.
So you're a twink
He's also a narcissistic retard pseud, which helps a lot.
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Would fit right in here then
Yeah probably. Kekky will transition soon enough because being male/female is "ad populum"
I don't think anyone would be the least bit surprised to learn he posts here.
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Varg is real wigga
Tfw bald af
Metal for this feel?
Anything by Devin Townsend.
Agnostic Front lol
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deathspell omega
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Take aim
locked in
triggered, headshot
>band's from england
>has a track of "In The Shite"
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Any dissoshit really.
Lol so these are the kind of humans who listen to slam. I always wondered.
>Cupping the mic
Not metal
Based classic wiggerslam enjoyer
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>Welsh Nationalist metal
Gamer grindcore
You cannot even find the ruins
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The best Opeth album just turned 19
That's not Morningrise
me too
Am I the only one who thinks Ghost of Perdition is really overrated
I prefer Harlequin Forest and Grand Conjuration from the album
Principle of Evil, Vempire, Dusk and Her Embrace, and Cruelty and the Beast are their only good albums. The rest are shit.
Why did Jari need 12 years to make a 35 minute album and a pc with 10 Gorillion ram to make something that sounds exactly the same as time I again?
>that sounds exactly the same as time I again?
I wish, it sounds like it's playing from under water.
I know what you really meant.
Years ago I saw a femboy wearing corpse paint in a /cbg/ thread on /trash/. I still remember that pic sometimes.
The new Concrete Winds is out.
The year is saved.
Thank you, so we can forget about all the hector-core
reigns supreme
Based Anti-poser Finland
Staind’s first album is metal
If I listen to Liturgy will I be hypnotized into becoming a Christian transvestite by the white metal spells?
And their second and their third and their seventh and their eighth
That was me
>take a nap
>woke up at 7pm
>see time 2 download link in my mail
Let's go niggas
Calling psychologists asking for an autism diagnosis. Metal for this feel?
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Any Between The Buried and Me album
Not your blog
Any DsO album
Jute Gyte
we like blogging here
OK, what should i eat for lunch today
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Gm niggas
growing up is realizing Eyehategod is terrible
Damn if topsters hadnt been killed by autism I'd by adding that shit to the lodgecore chart so fast.
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who is the metal equivalent of The Offspring? meaning a band that was never the top of their genre and is way past their prime but is still somehow popular
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>within literally 1 second
holy shit
yeah people can have multiple devices, how crazy is that?
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I like melodic metal.
Megadeth is immortal
Aesthetically, this is black metal: vocals are reminiscent of Dead and Quorthon's screeches, the guitars are distorted and drenched in reverb Burzum style, the drummer utilizes a blast beat and plays in busy rhythms, and the band's logo and lyrics reek of black metal.

The music itself however, is typical speed/death metal riff hybrids that at best remind of a riff that wasn't good enough to be on Carnage's Dark Recollections and at worst, Entombed rhythms in harmonic minor chord voicings.

This is stocky, rigid, rhythmic 'bounce black metal' like Satyricon, Ulver, early Dimmu Borgir, Therion and later day Immortal.

The Somberliar is not black metal.
Speed metal dressed up to appear like death metal, itself dressed up to appear like black metal. The songs don't develop in any meaningful way, being nothing more than groove riff after groove riff interrupted by blasting or thrashing on rare occasions to remind you they're speed death black metal. Without any sense of song craft or theme being elaborated upon in the music, The Somberliar quickly devolves into a garbage plate of generic mosh fare that might be fun to see live if you're drunk, deaf and incontinent.
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wintersun link
p1 : https://mega.nz/folder/gNwlzACZ#e34OuEPcivIzHVn0sphU-A
p2 : https://mega.nz/folder/6qJ3RK7L#69TeOyrEVeZDTmFE4R0XeQ
Saunaman just delivered the greatest guitar solo ever heard in music.
Was Theatre of Tragedy metal?
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Where my doom Chads at?
Wintersun - Time II: DISAPPOINTMENT OF THE DECADE!!!!!!!!!
The gender clinic
More like Vargfag bait of the hour, lmao.
I have never seen any kind of troon with doom/stoner stuff on or listening to. It's always faggy shit and meta stuff like Metallica, mega death, ect.. infact I'm almost 100% sure I have never seen a troon IRL. Idk how you guys keep trannys on the mind so much.
>Hail Darkness
Very based taste, anon.
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NEW NAILS: https://krakenfiles.com/view/sK8FBmwKba/file.html
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Weirdly, I have absolutely no hype for it.
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Who is the Joe Rogan of metal? Meaning they were never at the top, and released critically panned material that was also hated by its audience but somehow found success in another industry and became filthy rich, allowing them to never have to develop self awareness and keep making shit music?
Inherently, Megadeth
He didn't include any tag in his song, sucks I have to manually edit them all to add a cover etc...
Fuck you jari
Cucky Bridge Burning
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New Concrete Winds fucking rips
I thought it was their weakest release so far, but still a damn good time.
I like it more when they're going fucking ballistic and felt like that album had toned it back a touch from Nerve.
can someone make a torrent of this shit?
It's on Metal Tracker
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Good shit, sister
only two, no demos
the production is maybe cleaner than on the previous albums, but the band still sounds like its gonna fucking explode any moment. Still need to give it more spins, but they definitely did not disappoint with this one.
kek sure thing homofag. found your reddit post btw
Christ have mercy
Varg is a wigger. He's as wiggy as it gets.
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In awe of the ass on the girl to the left
>10 kids
>lives off welfare
>wears camo
>rants in his truck about retarded shit
Yup he's a wigger
It'll just be full of plastic, lad
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I'm wiggin out
see >>123386557
Not metal! Not listening!
Didn't ask
The new Nails is okay I guess
Kys poser cuck. Take your faggot music elsewhere
Sorry retard, it's on MA now as it's just too metal for even those autists to reject it
Currently listening
why would you do that to yourself
How is this butt metal considered prog
I like it
cry more fag
Liking Gojira post L'Enfant Sauvage, or arguably Sirius, is a clinically acknowledged mental illness
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Whatever you say pal
why the fuck not?
with mega you have to reset ip after every 5gb of download, so torrent would be infinitely better
Best blasting of the thread
Well then give me a site where I can upload 30gb freely and I'll do it
Gdrive is not an option since they ask for phone number when creating an account
I don't think there are any, hence torrents are still the best choice
>it's on MA
Appeals to authority. They also list metalcore garbage, doesn't make it so poser faggot. We will keep reminding you core faggots to kys
Probably not but I've only heard the first EP, Renihilation and Aesthethica. Planning on listening to The Ark Work soon, I don't really care about the whole trans thing though. I just don't think about that when listening.
If you like the early stuff, try Krallice if you haven't
Ops has it.

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