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it's missing Bops
please don't ruin our new meme by associating it with this faggot
Forced meme*
>zoomer thinks memes are handed down by god or issued by the government
every meme is forced, you fucking retard zoomer
I bet you think Milhouse is a meme, faggot.
If he reviewed this album today he would say this
How lazy are his reviews now? I stopped watching him about five years ago.
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Not quite.
Forced memes are things pushed by a single person or a small group. Entirely unfunny and illicit anger from the outset which is where they then get their memetic spread from, as people ironically jump on board to piss people off which derives entertainment and becomes legitimately funny.

Natural memes are the exact opposite. Things the average person finds naturally funny or entertaining and spreads from person to person, well naturally. Problem is, word of mouth has a finite speed and nothing kills a joke quicker than repetition, hearing the same joke from thousands of different sources, then angers people which then lends to ironic adoption.

Same track, different starting points.
I automatically assume that everyone who overuses abbreviations on the internet is a low IQ person.

I have no idea what DsO and NSBM are
you sound more retarded than fantano. also lurk moar
This dude had the nerve to score Taylor Swift’s music higher than Mac Demarco’s Salad Days album. Fuck this faggot
Yeah I’m actually gonna agree with melon on this one, Mac Demarco is the definition of mid.
I'm not crazy right? The top of the elephant's head looks like a penis with some semen coming out. There's even the white spots that look like keratinization of the glans.
And Taylor Swift isn't the definition of mid you fucking normfag?
What about The Moon
>he wasn't here when god personally came to /mu/ and declared the ITAOTS cover was a potato
Not a bop.

Mac Demarco is 100% bopless. At least taylor has some
Taylor Swift is a corporate plant like any other shitty mainstream pop artist. Just because Jews work to make her mind control music sound "catchy" doesn't mean it deserves to be considered a bop, more like earworm music.
Mac is totally independent and creates his own stuff through hard work. That deserves way more acknowledgement than Swift
I want wind to blow is definitely a bop
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Are the kids finding out about Elephant 6?
Name one Mac Demarco song that bops. He got none, just shit to put on background while strung out
Is it me or are people using the term bop to be annoying?
Obviously you have a very different definition from what a "bop" is. Normfag
where'd this bop shit come from?
>doesn't want to promote the band
>makes a post bringing even more attention to the band
be bo bo bop?
>doesn't want to promote bops
>makes a post bringing even more attention to bops
this, people are too zoomer tiktok brained to type out a full word they gotta abreviate everything to save time
stfu unc
>acronyms bad!!!
Are you mentally ill? What the fuck are you raving on about?
If your parents made you join the military your mental breakdown would leave you a shell of a person.
It's funny how Fantano chose to go the route of politically correctness, because he thought it was the only way to keep his career, and now the pendulum is slowly swinging back the other way. Now, he has to double down in an era where people are slowly getting sick of all the crybaby Libtard shit, or risk exposing himself as a complete phony if he flips his position AGAIN.
It very literally is low IQ behaviour. A person that types like this struggles to conceptualize that some readers might not be familiar with every single piece of some niche vernacular that he himselfs memorized.

It's like that though experiment of detecting unintelligent people by asking them "How would you have felt if you didn't eat breakfast yesterday?".
Fantano is unironically some far left anarcho commie freak. He's not pretending, he actually is this retarded
I'm not sure how you exist here on /mu/ without know what DsO and NSBM are. That's like me not knowing who Billie eilish is even though I've never listened to it and don't care.
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what the fuck is a dso
He isn't, he was on the same mindset as Sam Hyde before the Fader hit article scared him and he cleaned up his act to not lose viewers. Fantano isn't dumb, he's just incredibly fake.
That's not a meme.
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how about now
you dont know who BE is? ever listened to HMHaS lil broseph? The best track is easily LDMV tbqhimo no cap
Not comparable
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>Not comparable
I bet you’ve never seen a vagina in person
I have been too busy supporting my pussy friends and gay family is it my fault women see the likeness of their Christian God in my face and would rather pray to me and beseech my counsel rather than offer their sex to me for breeding? Am I the asshole for not treating a vagina like a man's pussy? Am I wrong or is pussy for faggots I thought this was America I thought we stood up for our beliefs I guess this is Soviet Russia go to the gulag if you dont sign up for male pussy from fat chicks
He needs to be shamed into deleting his other DsO reviews. He can ride the slippery slope all the way down.
>Conservatives don't make good art
>But I review it anyways
>I still review kanye though cause lol he's popular
What the fuck is this guy doing?
How the fuck are DsO nazis in any sense of the word. Take your meds fandingus.
>one of the band members has possible ties to NSBM source my asshole
Literal guilt by association, some "progressive" fandingus
He's talking about the album Furnaces of Palingenesia. and by "Furnaces" Fantano thinks they mean (((Furnaces)))
all these years and i still don't know what this means in this context
It doesn’t mean anything. It’s Bill Cosby funny made up speak.

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