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Thicc thighs save lives edition
Old: >>123416815
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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>/metal/ completely dead during first world hours
Ikr. Saturdays used to be peak posting hours.
too busy hitting the gay clubs
Can I get some metal recs for my jelqing sesh?
ESL subhuman
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Infectious Jelqing - Multidimensional Wigger Brutality
Post blasting bitch!
Idk. 200 Stab Wounds maybe.
Something I haven't heard of.
Life Metal
Based Sunn O))) enjoyer.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
>coomer reddit thread
The only woman you've ever talked to is your mother
you're based
you're cringe and indian
redditspire are hated here.
They're crunchy.
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for me, its SLAMZILLA: THE RETURNENING by krocophile
Here's my black metal band:
i mght remix this one but i still like how horrible it sounds. I'm quite proud of the vocals here
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Kultur is an album that reached such heights of
greatness that it ripped through the spacetime continuum and transcended linear time.
Therefore, AOTY 2024 goes to Kultur
Lorna Shore are loved and respected here.
Kultur is an album that reached such lows of
awfulness that it ripped through the spacetime continuum and transcended linear time.
Therefore, gayest AOTY 2024 goes to Kultur
>wiggerslam, -coreshit, and NSBM
Stupid assholes
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She's a disgusting mudshark....look up her half nig kid
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>August 31
>no one has posted months
Here's my month what do you faggots think?
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I don't care how many widdly wee guitar riffs it has, I've never heard a better technical death metal album.
>went to Taco Bell last week
>poojeetas running the store
>can't even comprehend my order
>taco shell is broken
>burrito barely has any cheese
>went to Taco Bell an hour ago
>store run by 3 white guys with goatees
>they have my order ready in 3 minutes
>one says my Celtic Frost shirt is badass
>my 5-layer burrito and stacker are XBOX heug
white men need to starting look after each other
melodic black meme gaze core

We gotta stick together man. (Don't forget our Aryan Qveen Taydolph Swiftler.)
I thought Akeldama was way better. PD is kinda ear rapey.
whats some soulless but good metal
see >>123425957
most tech death is basically an AI image that looks incredibly badass at first but it's shallow and its novelty wears off quick
Top 10 anime crossovers
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Furries, cosplayers and gamers.
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Hahahaha so funy amirite? xD kys
Furries, cosplayers, and gamers.
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gay thread edition and image fuck you OP
now post the greatest metal splits of all time
Endtime Signals is great

That is all
Candlemass - Black Sabbath Medley
Ah yes, Candlemass and Type O Negative, the two greatest doom bands to ever exist.
>Nile (first four albums)
I've decided I need nothing else, I'm done with other bands and am listening solely to these artists the rest of my days
Wizard gang
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>wiggerslam and coreshit
Yep, I'm thinking based
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Is it hardcore?
>Nu Metalcore
overproduced (in a good way) slam with rap cadences and hip hop samples and everything is distorted to shit

has riffs
>overproduced (in a good way) slam with rap cadences and hip hop samples and everything is distorted to shit
I actually want more of this.
>do you have the pötion bröther

I can always count on /metal/ for the kino cat material
Autopsy - Severed Survival
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
What do old bands think about newer bands? Do they support them?
They probably listen to more new music than /metal/
Kerry King talks constantly about how much he hates modern metal.
Fenriz highly supports bands that are keeping it old school but doesn't like majority of modern metal.
we cultivated this
why do you keep forcing this shit meme
Immolation - Close to a World Below
Meh, it's okay
Graphic Nature mogs this into the dirt
direct quotation
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What's Varg's opinion on corsetcore?
I don't know but I want to have sex really bad.
He prefers Fenriz's female vocals
You're not a true wiggerslammer until you're HIV positive.
Banging fat trailer park trash isn't really an accomplishment
Trashy white Dixie women are amongst the sexist in the world.
I like it. I listen to it all the time.
- Varg
Why does Varg hate fun so much?
If Varg hates fun, then why is his favorite metal album Somewhere in Time?
Excuse me, Varg's favourite album is picrel.

do you like blackened dissonant deathgrind,/metal/?
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Holy fucking shit.
You can tell a damn dirty Swede produced this album because it's trying to look like a movie or a graphic novel
I can't believe some of the artistic choices that shit band took over the years

Somehow I knew it was gonna be that song.
I can't believe I actually used to listen to delain......
Within Temptation are better than Snorewish at least.
Within Temptation has 2 songs that I really love. Can't remember which ones they are though.
Century Child and Once are 10/10 albums desu
Okay I'll listen to Century Child next, then.
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Epica reigns supreme
Early album power cheese was largely gone but they still had actual keyboards (unlike on next album where they went full orchestral). So its a unique album in that regard
Based and Correct.
>>my 5-layer burrito and stacker are XBOX heug
Kek based boomer
add six feet under and its based
we have established that grindfags playing portal worship is in fact pretty based
They need to cover Black Betty
literally every cover they do is solid GOLD
>he doesn't do his EEEEEEEEEEEEE thing when he sings "the evil that men do"
big miss
Imagine licking her
based. haven't listened to nile, though.
Beloved here.
Candlemass - Ancient Dreams
Despised here.
Holy shit taste
New York Death Metal
Loved and respected here. The peak of death metal.
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based furry
>tfw ywn be a weregoat with a snake benis raping bitches and sacrificing them to Satan
why even live
Fuck satan, sacrifice the bitches to ME.
Bitch, U ain't SHEIT
Fuck outta here with yo' wanksta ass booshit
This Grand Magus band actually kind of sucks.
What do they suck
I would rather listen to late Firewind.
get your T-levels checked
is there any band that sounds like this

Deja Vu is the best Iron Maiden song. don't @ me
@ (You)
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What's your current favorite Deathspell Omega song? Mine is Malconfort, the riff ~11 seconds in is groovy as fuck.
Yes, there are a million shitty generic core bands that sound like that. Enjoy your risecore, bro.
The crackled book of life because i'm an indie princess
post feminine penis
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Yes it's 2024, and it happens to fall under the popular music category. Problem?
It's been 14 years and anons still don't comprehend Paracletus. It must feel bad not being able to enjoy one of the best metal albums of all time because you're filtered by a few dissonant chords here and there.
Where the fack do I start with Epica?
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Your lack of dissotaste, anon.
Once you listen to Synarchy you can't go back.
trick question, you have to start with After Forever first
Synarchy ruined black metal. don't @ me
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Amy Lee mogs every other corsetcore chick out there.
My god! My tourniquette!
You know that's a cover right? https://youtu.be/saySN4YGLKY?si=tDgPv0AVl0LxBjNW
Synarchy is a 10/10 but Paracletus is without a doubt better compositionally.
Is your mind blown?
I'm busy watching Rockford Files, didn't listen.
>Paracletus is without a doubt better compositionally.
based bait specifically for hector poster
Synarchy is an EP I don't know why they call it a full-length. It doesn't sound complete
Can it be bait if it's an honest opinion?
Black Metal is inherently anti-christian, anti-jew, anti-islamic
satanism is jewish, retard
Really nice groovy crossover with 90's-styled production
Reall;y angers me. I HATE this!
Why do you incels always want to rewrite history
My god! My tourniquette!
Tangerine Dream
I hate the name. Would be nice to shove a tangerine up their ass.
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The Hebrews translate Satan as "opponent" or "adversary". And Black Metal is exactly that to them.
Yeah, I'm sure the Jews feel super threatened by your edgy BM bands, bro
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album of the week
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album of the month
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album of the year
Basic Bitch Blastings
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album of the millennium
you ought to know
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Furnaces > Synarchy
Fellow Hectorians how do we respond to this claim
we cultivated this
I picked up my guitar today, because I changed my shorts which I had been wearing for over a month unwashed. I plucked one note at the twelfth fret and instantly lost all drive to pluck any other strings. What a terrible instrument. I will never write a single piece of music.
Not sure what's more disgusting: your lack of ambition, or shit, piss, and cum stained shorts
Clearly you're more suited for picrel
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Forgot pic
Thanks for the update big guy
I am tall. I'm a tall nordic-nosed varg-like GOD.
Obtained Enslavement
>loop a generic 4 chord progression
>play some old recycled U2 riff for 8 minutes
>set drum beat to "Rock 1"
>wheeze into the mic as though you're trying to make the listener smell your halitosis
>never add anything new or interesting to each song
>Most importantly, call this assterpiece "Burzum NEW"
Obtainment Enslavement
Is NEW actually part of the title? What was he thinking
I love this trumpet:

Any other metal like it?
Didn't you say you were considering buying a drumkit despite not liking them in Metal?
>rent free
Eh?? When have I ever said I don't like drums? I love drums. And yes I want a Tama drum kit.
>90 IQ
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>overly verbose title
Not listening!
I am planning one long title for my demo.
>t. will be Hung Upside Down on a Stake in the Underworld and Made to Eat Feces by the Four Apes
So in other words very autistic kek
I thought you were Hector. He talked about losing interest in playing guitar.
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I guess we will never hear his diatonic 7ths....
Thank you for the update, saar.
I'm feeling especially low test. Metal for this feel?
He did share a recording and it was alarmingly bad. After all his studies with nothing empirical, he had painted himself into a corner. His playing was castrated.
Black metal
Post vocaroo please
>diatonic 7ths
>85 iq
Hector wishes he could play trumpet like that.
It was a catbox
porn stars with cavities on their molars greatly upset me
metal for this feel?
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Wow, I'm impressed. This is actually one of the most original Metal records I've heard in a long time. The combination of Metal with Modern Classical (such as in the polyrhythms and microtonal notes) and complex Electronic music (with a technicality similar to that of an Autechre record) is one that makes some insane mindfucks to someone. I love this combination; being Autistic, stuff like this really stimulates my mind and brings happiness to my mind because I like music that makes me think. It's completely amazing how Adam Kalmbach can manage to stay so consistent with his work, considering the amount of detail put into his compositions.

Adam Kalmbach is one of the best composers of the 21st Century.
Anything by Tool
Thank you. I feel my testosterone increase immediately.
>Adam Kalmbach is one of the best composers of the 21st Century.
>t. Adam Kalmbach
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Wow, I'm impressed. This is actually one of the most original Metal records I've heard in a long time. The combination of Metal with Modern Classical (such as in the polyrhythms and microtonal notes) and complex Electronic music (with a technicality similar to that of an Autechre record) is one that makes some insane mindfucks to someone. I love this combination; being Autistic, stuff like this really stimulates my mind and brings happiness to my mind because I like music that makes me think. It's completely amazing how Varg Vikernes can manage to stay so consistent with his work, considering the amount of detail put into his compositions.

Varg Vikernes is one of the best composers of the 21st Century.
that has no microtonal notes or electronic music but it remains true
FUCKING SHIT. I have unpacked my guitar yet again, for the second time today, because I want to try to play the trumpet notes. Everything in my room is so unbelievably dusty, it's unusable.

And my vacuum is bum. I sucked up a wadded up paper towel inadvertently about 2 months ago and it has bad suction now. I need to remove the 3 meters of gaffer tape from the gaps and straighten out whatever the fuck is wrong with it. Is the obstruction in the bag? Before? This has legitimately fucked up my life for the past 2 months. I can't vacuum and I can't rid dust. And I can't clean myself with water, and I can't sit out in the sun because I don't like the thought that someone might SEE ME. I've been eating goyslop and I've been eating a TON of sugar.

My guitar cable is unbelievably dusty. It is completely unusable without vacuuming. It is a braided cable, as well -- not rubber. A braided cable, dusty. I need to tune my guitar. This is why I want to plug it in. I could play it without plugging it in, but I would need to use a cell phone to tune it. My snark and korg tuners are in the plastic case elsewhere ,-- I suppose I could use them. I don't want to, god damn it.

This is what a Jute Gyte fan is capable of........
Imagine not being able to comprehend the microtonal notes and electronic music on The Land of Thule by Burzum (NEW)
The fucking filter is clogged you brown motherfucker
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You're gay
>Varg Vikernes is one of the best composers of the 21st Century.
And the 20th.
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Wow, I'm impressed. This is actually one of the most original Metal records I've heard in a long time. The combination of Metal with Modern Classical (such as in the polyrhythms and microtonal notes) and complex Electronic music (with a technicality similar to that of an Autechre record) is one that makes some insane mindfucks to someone. I love this combination; being Autistic, stuff like this really stimulates my mind and brings happiness to my mind because I like music that makes me think. It's completely amazing how Varg Vikernes can manage to stay so consistent with his work, considering the amount of detail put into his compositions.

Jari Mäenpää is one of the best composers of the 21st Century.
The filter is after the bag. The filter in my vacuum is the tiniest most pathetic thing ever. The bag is more of a filter than the filter is. I use high-quality bags that advertise carbon impregnation.

hose -> bag -> filter/gaps in bag housing (which I painstakingly tape up every time I change the bag) -> my lungs
Post pics of the pig sty you are occupying
I don't want to. I'd have to get my dslr out and plug my memory card in and plug my memory card reader (dusty in). Or I'd have to use my phone and I don't want to.
You are an eccentric, but you really need to amend your habits. This is no good at all. How did you get to this point? Is your guitar playing any good?
My guitar playing is no good and I've always been at this point.
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Wow, I'm impressed. This is actually one of the most original Metal records I've heard in a long time. The combination of Metal with Modern Classical (such as in the polyrhythms and microtonal notes) and complex Electronic music (with a technicality similar to that of an Autechre record) is one that makes some insane mindfucks to someone. I love this combination; being Autistic, stuff like this really stimulates my mind and brings happiness to my mind because I like music that makes me think. It's completely amazing how Emin Guliyev can manage to stay so consistent with his work, considering the amount of detail put into his compositions.

Emin Guliyev is one of the best composers of the 21st Century.
You can't always have ignored your hygiene. What if this stands between you and a chance to play guitar well?
this sounds like a retarded woman wtf
bros... I still love power metal ballads...
You don't need to be a Satanist to oppose abrahamic religions, you retard
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post some
Me too.
This is unsettling and nerve-wracking music, which should be the goal for a lot of extreme metal. But it's really not scary or foreboding – I just get a general and minor irritation from this music, similar to if I heard my roommate banging pots and pans together in the middle of the night.

In that case, I would wake up and demand that he just cut it the fuck out.

Likewise, in the case of this album, I just wait for it to finally be over.
for me? its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKLw450Fa0c
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based fukken Jorn is on that album
Which of Varg's books is his Mein Kampf?
Damn, he looks so cool.
I just wanted to thank you guys for exposing me to all this great music.
Ballads are one of the only bad things about power metal. It's POWER metal, it has to be fast and powerful.
Retarded animefaggot
Antaeus - Control and Abuse
I just thanked my sister for showing me Wagner
based and wholesome
Check out Iron Maiden. They're an English band with no bad records.
Internal Bleeding
We love your sister here. Don't we, folks? She's the best.
Your sister thanked me for showering her my wanger if you know what I mean
>showering her my wanger
honestly, i don't know what you mean
Fuggin this just flew over my house
What's it about Fins and creating the solid transcendent spiritual metal
put your trip back on
right whoops
Where are the mosh parts????
They've been getting worse with every release. Unsilent Death is still the best.
Unfortunately seconding >>123431280. At least You Will Never Be One Of Us had some fun bursts of energy, this is just groove riffs and borederline schizo vocals.
learn how to tune by ear you absolute retard. If you aren't recording anything, just tune the strings until they sound good together. You can check by using the old 5th fret trick. It will take forever initially, but bit-by-bit you'll develop a better ear for the instrument.
Getting ready for church. Need some morning wiggerslam
Cool cover art though
Mfw I realize Pig Destroyer means cops, not actual pigs
Good, will listen to them now.
I didn't realize the Vulgar Display of Power album cover was a guy getting punched in the face until I saw a VDOP meme with a cat punching another cat
what the fuck else did you think it was
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I listened to pic related for like 5 years before I realized there is a face on the cover, I used to think it was just some abstract swirl.
Anyone remember what Heckler said about creating the future metal? I can't find the post. It was something something DsO riffless and Jute Gyte microtones something something
Wait until you realize the cover of Fistful of Metal has a hand coming out of the guy's fucking mouth
It's like he got punched in the back of the head and the goddamn fist through went right through the back of the skull and out the front of the face
Fist of the North Star shit lmao
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>it's actually a bird
>DsO riffless and Jute Gyte microtones
that's fucking gay
The dismember logo is a spider
these editions are ridiculous
greatest of all time, what are you even talking about bro?
looked like a flame
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I still keep thinking Obscura is a pig when it's a monk and I already know it.
The sequel to Heartwork we never got
Dying Fetus
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God damn that pig looks sad.
Start with Requiem for the Indifferent, realize that all the shit talking around it is baseless because the writing is very good and they don't lean too heavily on the symphonic stuff to carry the intensity.
Then Holographic Principle because it's fucking amazing.
After that yeah just go wherever. Quantum Enigma basically did the reverse of Requiem and the symphonic stuff is layered on thick. It's still good though.
I always pictured a horned devil with an open mouth crossing his arms.
yeah he was forced to listen to the album
FWTH is superior because it doesn't have senile woman vocals
Pacey never gets the big picture, not like Dawson
You could have just said "I'm filtered >:(" and saved a lot of typing.
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Yeah quite literally filtered, those vocals are great schizo vocals.
Must hurt your delicate poser earsy wearsies.
Ad Nauseam
Jute Gyte
are you saying you can't handle this?
imagine being this onions desu
holy lol
would be way cooler with a pig head desu
Look where your money went, dumb broccolihead zoomer.
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>we never got
Golden shower

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